
The Villainess Strikes Back: A Serious Revenge... Perhaps?

This is NOT a story of serious revenge. It's the story of a forsaken villainess princess, brimming with anger, chaos, and...humor? "Revenge? Of course, that's the plan. But before that..." Laticia, the infamous villainess princess, was sentenced to imprisonment in the Great Abyss. Everyone knew that was merely a pretext for an execution, as no one could ever survive the Great Abyss. But had anyone ever mentioned that the Great Abyss could spit you back out, reborn anew? [Abstract] "So, I have to deal with all these...again?" Laticia screamed, hurling her crown onto the floor. "Do you wish for me to retrieve the crown, Your Highness?" The head maid, Maria, asked hesitantly. "No, just leave me alone for a while." Laticia responded, calmly picking up the crown. "Understood," Maria replied, walking towards the door. "Is there something wrong with the crown, Your Highness?" With a gentle smile, Leticia replied, "This gold crown is quite heavy, isn't it?" "Indeed, it is, Your Highness." The maid answered. "So, how much do you think I could fetch for it from the merchants?" With a bright smile, Princess Laticia turned towards her maid. Maria was left totally speechless.

LilywhiteVe · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Reborn - Did I just get spat out?

Decades after her trial, Princess Laticia was, shockingly, still hanging on life in the depths of the Great Abyss. 

"Such a boring place," 

Laticia muttered to herself, a wry smile painted on her face. 

"God knows that all I wanted was to be respected... to be cared for..." 

In the seemingly endless, dim days of the Great Abyss, a spark of humor had ignited within her, keeping her sane in the midst of this lonely imprisonment.

"Well, at least I'm learning new skills," Laticia continued to mutter. 

"I am a princess, yet I can cook my gruel and wash my own socks. What could possibly be worse?"

As if the Great Abyss itself had heard her complaints, it shuddered, and the foundation of tower started trembling. 

Laticia was suddenly thrust skywards, the Abyss seemingly having had enough of her and spitting her back into the world.

"Seriously?? Even the Abyss can't stand me? That's just unfair!" 

Laticia screamed, her voice lost to the wind as she was flung to the sky.


Waking up amidst the familiar furnishings of her old room, Laticia realized with a jolt that she was in her younger body. 

"Oh, great, I've been reborn,"

Laticia commented dryly. "Time for a rerun!"

"At least I don't have to wash my socks again. Nice." Laticia picked up a biscuit from a plate. 

"And I have royal chefs to cook my meals. Mmm...that's delicious! I never could've made such tasty biscuits even if I spent another decade in the Abyss."

"Wait, is that why the Abyss couldn't stomach me? Because I kept tossing my awful biscuits off the cliff every day?" 

Laticia pondered. "Come on, at least they looked decent! You could almost mistake the burnt bits for chocolate flavor!"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sharp voice of her maid, Maria, a grim reminder of the difficult life she had led before her trial.

"Your Highness! What are you doing here? Are you planning to curse more innocent people like Her Majesty the Queen?" 

Maria barked.

"Last time, she was begging me for mercy, shivering like a mouse chased by a cat," 

Laticia muttered to herself, her eyes narrowing at the impertinent maid. "And now, here she is, treating me like I'm the dirty mouse..."

"Did you hear me, Your Highness? I said, go back to your room! Or I'll report this to His Majesty!" 

Maria, the head maid, threatened her, reaching out to drag Laticia away.

Laticia sighed. 

"Here we go again." The Princess' voice dripped with sarcasm. 

Most of the time, Laticia had tried to be obedient before she decided to stake a claim on the throne. 

She had hoped her compliance would earn her some affection, until she realized that was a pipe dream and decided to seize power instead.

"Maybe humor is the way to go this time? 'The Rebellion of the Poor Princess' - sounds like a perfect comedy show. I should share that with Duke Liam, he'd probably hire an entire opera for it!"

Laticia thought, ignoring the bark of her angry maid.

"Still dreaming of Duke Liam? His Grace is a noble, kind gentleman who should not sully himself by associating with you, a cursed Princess!"

Maria continued, her face twisted in disdain.

"A kind gentleman… Duke Liam would have a good laugh if he heard that," Laticia thought. 

"A duke who is ambitious enough to get engaged to a 'cursed princess' just to grab power...and they call me evil! At least I have a legitimate claim to the throne!"

Maria snapped, "Your Highness! Go back to your room, now!"

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Laticia asked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Maria's face froze, shocked by the first-ever rebellion of the princess.

"Have you heard of something called 'Catch me if you can'?" 

A mischievous smile graced the princess's beautiful face.

"Well, you have now."

Before Maria could react, Laticia propelled herself off the chair and darted towards the door.

"Hey, stop!" Maria yelled, but it was too late. 

Laticia was already giggling her way down the corridor, her laughter echoing in the grand halls. The game was afoot.

"Your Highness, this is not appropriate," Maria panted, chasing after the princess. 

But Laticia had always been nimble, and her younger body gave her an even greater advantage. She darted around corners and slipped through doors, leading Maria on a merry chase throughout the castle.

"Are you tired yet, Maria?" 

Laticia called over her shoulder, her voice filled with laughter. 

"You should exercise more, you know. It's good for your health."

"No, Your Highness, I am not tired," Maria grumbled, though she was clearly out of breath. 

"But I am going to catch you, and when I do..."

But Laticia was already gone, disappearing around another corner with a peal of laughter.