
The Villainess Strikes Back: A Serious Revenge... Perhaps?

This is NOT a story of serious revenge. It's the story of a forsaken villainess princess, brimming with anger, chaos, and...humor? "Revenge? Of course, that's the plan. But before that..." Laticia, the infamous villainess princess, was sentenced to imprisonment in the Great Abyss. Everyone knew that was merely a pretext for an execution, as no one could ever survive the Great Abyss. But had anyone ever mentioned that the Great Abyss could spit you back out, reborn anew? [Abstract] "So, I have to deal with all these...again?" Laticia screamed, hurling her crown onto the floor. "Do you wish for me to retrieve the crown, Your Highness?" The head maid, Maria, asked hesitantly. "No, just leave me alone for a while." Laticia responded, calmly picking up the crown. "Understood," Maria replied, walking towards the door. "Is there something wrong with the crown, Your Highness?" With a gentle smile, Leticia replied, "This gold crown is quite heavy, isn't it?" "Indeed, it is, Your Highness." The maid answered. "So, how much do you think I could fetch for it from the merchants?" With a bright smile, Princess Laticia turned towards her maid. Maria was left totally speechless.

LilywhiteVe · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Duke Liam: The Princess is a Mastermind, Definitely!

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the Duke's mansion as Princess Laticia arrived. 

Stepping out of her carriage, the Princess surveyed the sprawling estate with a critical eye, her lips curling into a small smile.

"Quite the show-off, aren't we?" 

She murmured under her breath, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

Duke Liam was renowned in the kingdom for his cunning and ambition. 

His mansion was a testament to his influence, an imposing edifice of power and wealth. 

But this time, Laticia was far from intimidated. 

As Duke Liam greeted her with the pompous air of a man secure in his power, Laticia accepted his offered arm.

The princess's expression was one of polite interest, disguising her inner mirth.

"Princess Laticia, your presence elevates my humble abode," 

The Duke said, his voice filled with superior satisfaction.

"Humble? Duke Liam, your modesty is truly overwhelming," 

Laticia replied, her tone light but laced with sarcasm. 

To her delight, the Duke chuckled, completely missing the undertone.

As they sat down to dinner, the Duke inquired, his scrutinizing gaze fixed on Laticia.

"Princess Laticia, your eyes are alight with ambition."

Unexpectedly, Duke Liam's tone was not the patronizing one as her previous life, but rather filled with respect.

"I believe it's high time we formalize our alliance."

In response, Laticia, her eyes twinkling with mischief, proposed,

"I presume our rise to power shall be cemented by this alliance contract?"

The Duke gave an affirmative nod, signaling his servant to fetch his writing instruments.

"May I review the contract before I sign?"

Laticia requested politely as the contract was passed to her by Duke Liam, her eyes glowing with anticipation.

"Absolutely, Princess. I am a firm believer in transparency," 

Replied the Duke, presenting her with the parchment. 

His confidence was unwavering, and why wouldn't it be? 

He was renowned for his strategic prowess that had outmaneuvered many adversaries.

Laticia, however, was a formidable opponent herself. 

She pretended to scrutinize the contract while skillfully substituting it with a similar-looking document she had prepared earlier.

"Everything seems in order," 

Laticia said, signing the contract and passing it back. 

"Your turn, Duke Liam"

Seeing her calm demeanor, the Duke was satisfied. 

Despite his cunning nature, he was certain that Laticia would sign the original contract.

After all, he had never tasted defeat in his schemes before, let alone from a princess who had been detached from power corridors for years.

Ignoring his usual practice of reading before signing, he added his signature.

"Oh, my — you fell for it so easily! Hahahaha!"

Laticia's sudden burst of laughter jolted Duke Liam, drawing his attention to her.

"I'm delighted to accept your pledge as stated in the contract, Duke Liam"

The Princess retorted, an edge of savage lacing her voice.

Upon reading the contract again, the Duke's face turned various shades of red.

"This...this is a subordinate contract!" 

He spluttered, his voice a mix of shock and disbelief.

"Indeed, Duke Liam. A warm welcome to my loyal knighthood," 

Laticia replied, her voice filled with feigned sweetness. 

The Duke was lost for words.

"Princess Laticia, this is not what we agreed upon. I demand an explanation!" 

The Duke exclaimed, struggling to keep his composure.

A subordinate contract, once signed by both parties, was bound by the spirit of the kingdom

"Well, Duke Liam, I thought it was quite clear. I have no desire to be your queen. But fear not, you won't be left empty-handed. Instead, you've been granted the esteemed title of my knight. Isn't that exciting?"

For a moment, the Duke was completely speechless. 

His lips parted to speak, but no words came out.

The Duke silently sat there, staring blankly at the signed contract, his mind whirled with confusion and disbelief.

"How could this be?" 

He thought to himself, 

"Princess Laticia, of all people. The one who the kingdom all overlooked, the princess isolated from all power. How could she be the one to plan this?"

His mind began to replay their past encounters, each memory casting the princess in a new light. 

The seemingly innocent queries, the subtle hints of intelligence hidden behind her eyes, and the quiet determination that he had mistaken for naiveté. 

It was all starting to make sense.

"She was never just an isolated princess," 

The duke finally realized, 

"She was a mastermind, hidden in plain sight. The King, the Crown Prince, the nobility... we all underestimated her. We were so focused on our own power struggles that we failed to see the real threat."

A cold shiver ran down the Duke's spine as he imagined the implications. 

"She doesn't just want to survive, she wants the throne. And she has been quietly and patiently waiting for her moment to seize it."

With these unsettling realizations swirling in his mind, the Duke took a deep, steadying breath. 

He forced the shock away, replacing it with the cool, calculating demeanor that had always served him well in the world of politics.

"Princess Laticia," 

He finally managed to articulate, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. 

"I must admit, I did not see this coming."

The look in his eyes had shifted; gone was the smug confidence, replaced by a cautious wariness.

  "I see I have gravely underestimated you, Princess Laticia. You are not the isolated princess I presumed you to be... you are indeed a master strategist," 

Laticia simply smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. 

"Thank you, Duke Liam. I'll take that as a compliment."

As the Duke processed his new predicament, he found himself imagining a different future. 

One where he served as the second-in-command to a powerful queen, the admiration and power he would gain, and even the possibility of becoming the queen's husband. 

The absurdity of his daydreams made him chuckle aloud, drawing a curious glance from Laticia.

"It appears I've signed myself into a rather interesting predicament," 

The Duke finally conceded, a newfound respect for Laticia in his voice.

"Yes, it seems you have," 

Laticia replied, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. 

"But don't worry, Duke Liam. I think you'll make an excellent knight."

The Duke was left in stunned silence, his grand plans of a political alliance upended. 

As Laticia departed, she left the Duke with one final piece of advice. 

"Duke Liam, it's always wise to read the fine print. You never know what you might be signing up  for," 

She said, her voice filled with laughter.

As the mansion disappeared from view, Laticia couldn't help but chuckle.

"And that's the lesson you taught me in my previous life... I didn't even realize when I had signed the order to assassinate the Crown Prince! I suppose it's only fair that I return the lesson to you, Duke Liam."