
The Villainess doesn't care about the main plot

Eliz wakes up to an unexpected twist: she's now embodying the villainous character, Elizabeth Von Roseblood, in a subpar and clichéd light novel she had previously dismissed. Tasked by the enigmatic System to survive the narrative and uncover its hidden secrets, she quickly realizes that this magical world and the story aren't exactly the same as the one she read.. Unbeknownst to her, a far more intricate and consequential mystery lurks beneath the surface. Unwilling to adhere to the predetermined storyline, Eliz defiantly resolves to forge her own path. With a dismissive attitude towards the male leads, she exclaims, "Who needs them? They're all losers!" Embracing the freedom of her new role as a villainess, she's determined to live life on her terms, unaffected by the opinions of others. Join Eliz as she defies conventions, unearths hidden truths, and embraces the exhilarating freedom of being a villainess. In a world where she holds the reins of her destiny, she challenges the status quo and fearlessly follows her own desires.

SalivaSpittingWorm · Fantasi
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81 Chs

World Tree is a schoolgirl

Fraril said nothing more and watched Eliz, waiting for her information.

Eliz didn't further delay things and pulled a piece of paper from her spatial ring. It was a single sheet of paper, not fully described, but sometimes even that was enough. It contained information about the war, everything she remembered, and especially what she believed shouldn't change in any way.

"The River Kingdom planned to attack the Silk Kingdom in two years," she explained, placing the sheet of paper on Fraril's desk, which slid it towards himself.

"That's a pretty bold move for such a small kingdom," Fraril said skeptically, lifting the paper to his closed eyes.

Eliz nodded and sighed inwardly. It was always the same. No one believed they could achieve anything just because it was a small kingdom. How arrogant was this kingdom?

"If nothing changes, their first attack will come from the southeast, simultaneously from the sea and across the border," Eliz continued.

"Hmm. That's Viscount Thorn's territory," Fraril said.

"Indeed. He's their collaborator," Eliz replied. "It's not confirmed yet, but he's supposed to be gathering his own army in the River Kingdom territory."

"So he has decided to commit treason? He's after power?" Fraril spoke calmly, showing no surprise.

"Naturally. He wants a higher title and more territory to govern. What he doesn't know is that the River Kingdom isn't going to give it to him; those are just empty promises," Eliz shrugged. In the original story, Viscount Thorn was stabbed in the back by the River Kingdom not long after the attack was launched. Even the enemy didn't trust someone who would easily betray his own country. In the end, Viscount Thorn ended up on the scaffold as a traitor.

Fraril was quiet momentarily before he set the paper down and opened his blind eyes, fixing them on Eliz.

"Mana cannons?" he asked seriously.

Eliz didn't flinch under the intense gaze of his blind eyes. "Yes, they should be in the middle of their development. The range might not be as far as regular cannons, but that will make their power all the more devastating."

After a moment, Fraril closed his eyes again. "The World Tree won't allow that," he said.

Now Eliz fell silent for a moment. Ah, hell. Of course, the World Tree. She should have anticipated something like that. It was a magical world, after all; naturally, there had to be a World Tree. Eliz hadn't considered it because the story she had read hadn't mentioned it. Maybe she should have delved more into the history of the Age of Wars. What now? Eliz knew nothing about the World Tree. As far as she knew, the World Tree differed slightly in every story.

"But it allows it," Eliz finally replied, pretending to know these things.

Fraril shook his head. "No, it's a destructive weapon powered by Mana. The World Tree would not permit it. The River Kingdom is simply committing suicide. The World Tree will transform them into monsters."

Eliz fell silent once again.

'Bloody HELL!' She screamed in her head, surprised by the revelation. So the World Tree would transform those who defied its will into monsters? What kind of punishment was that? It now made sense why everyone adhered to the rule of not developing weapons of mass destruction. She had questioned the logic before, but she supposed it was just one of those arbitrary rules the Author had created without providing a logical justification.

So, the World Tree was the force behind it all, turning individuals into monsters if they went against its will. Damn, was the World Tree a bit of a bully? Not that she had anything against that rule. It was a good rule. Nuclear weapons were already bad enough in her world. Eliz wondered whether the World Tree would transform only individuals or entire nations into monsters.

Indeed, it would likely be the latter. Otherwise, everyone wouldn't exert much effort to adhere to this rule.

"I'm saying the World Tree wouldn't interfere," she insisted to Eliz, knowing that the war had indeed taken place and no World Tree was sticking its nose in... or rather, branch.

"Lady Elizabeth, how do you know? Mana cannons haven't even been constructed yet," Fraril asked seriously, causing everyone in the room to look at her.

'Damn it.' Eliz hadn't realized that insisting would raise suspicion. He was right; until the Mana Cannons were created and used, the World Tree probably wouldn't notice them. Eliz didn't move her gaze, but she could feel a nervous sweat forming on her back.

Eliz realized too late that she shouldn't have insisted and had tried too hard to make him believe it.

"Lady Elizabeth, how do you know the World Tree won't intervene? This is, after all, exactly what it forbade. Technology linked to Mana can cause the death of many lives," Fraril demanded an answer.

Eliz met his gaze but internally scrambled to find a way to explain. Her salvation, however, came from an unexpected source. There was a surprised sound behind her, and everyone turned to look at Holm, who appeared concerned.

"Something happened to the World Tree?" he asked, looking at Eliz.

Eliz blinked, keeping her face composed. She could only wonder how these people thought, but at least this was as good an excuse as any.

"I don't have any concrete information on that. But there's a possibility," Eliz replied seriously, even as her mind caught up with the idea and began to consider it.

Fraril was genuinely convinced that the World Tree would not tolerate the use of Mana Cannons. However, in the story, they were used without any intervention from the World Tree. Perhaps another plot would reveal itself later, after the war? Could someone have done something to the World Tree? Restrict it? Trap it? Corrupt it? There were numerous possibilities. If the World Tree was supposed to intervene in this war and didn't, did that mean something had occurred? Was it connected to the River Kingdom? Was that why they dared to create such a weapon?

Eliz rubbed her temple. This was not good. If the World Tree was no longer in the picture, who would prevent those power-hungry individuals from plunging the world into chaos once again?

Eliz didn't want to dwell on it, but for her safety, she had to. Even if she constructed a formidable fortress, what chance would she have against weapons of mass destruction? Now she had to consider how to protect herself from such a threat.

"If the World Tree is threatened to the extent that it chooses not to intervene in this case, it's a significant problem," Fraril said, his tone severe and resolute. "Once it becomes evident that they are no longer under threat, expansionist nations will seize the opportunity. We are no longer discussing our small-scale war; it could escalate into a continent-wide conflict."

Eliz remained silent, internally shuddering at the notion of a world war in this magical realm. Was it possible that the River Kingdom also intended to attack other kingdoms? Could they be striving to establish an empire?

"I have no means of verifying this information," Eliz said, ensuring no one would demand answers from her.

Fraril nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Getting to the World Tree isn't easy. The Light Elves guard it diligently, and only they know its location. It is not within the power of just anyone to verify its safety." He folded his hands and contemplated the problem.

Eliz also pondered the situation. She had been eagerly anticipating acquiring the Mana Cannons, but the existence of the World Tree Law was interfering with her plans. She wouldn't have been concerned about its well-being if it weren't for the potential consequences of the World Tree's absence leading to a continent-wide war. And Eliz didn't want to become a monster.

Now the involvement of the Light Elves complicated matters. At least, based on the characterization of the Light Elves in this world, they were known for their gentle nature, and while they were private, they weren't hostile toward most races. Couldn't the author have come up with a more intriguing concept? Why always, Elves? Why not a Demon World Tree guarded by demons?

"Why don't we simply ask them?" Eliz sighed.

Fraril turned to her, surprised by the suggestion. "Ask?"

"Yes? Why bother trying to figure out how to obtain information? We can send them a message asking if everything is okay with the World Tree, and that's it. Even if they don't respond, considering their close relationship with the World Tree, they will likely investigate just to be sure. And if there's any issue, they will certainly take care of it. There's no need for us to dwell on it too much," Eliz suggested, shrugging, only to find everyone staring at her.

"What?" She frowned.

"Well... Lady Elizabeth, things aren't that simple," Fraril hesitated, unsure what to say.

Eliz raised an eyebrow. "Why not? What did you have in mind? Sending envoys there? Going searching for them and heading straight to the World Tree to see for yourself? Why bother with all that trouble? Just find any Light Elf and ask them or request them to relay a message. If things are as they appear, all the Light Elves are likely somehow connected to the World Tree."

Once again, everyone was staring at her, and Eliz grew annoyed. "What's the matter now?"

Fraril's eyes widened, his milky white eyes resembling those of a dead fish. "How did you... I mean... how do you know that?"

Eliz couldn't understand why everyone seemed so surprised.

"Hm? What do you mean? Isn't it perfectly logical? If the World Tree is cared for and guarded by Light Elves, who are the only ones aware of its location, then isn't it natural for them to have some connection to it? Or do you think they worship it out of boredom? And even if that's not the case, it's still true that pureblood Light Elves possess knowledge of where the World Tree is or how to reach it. Just pass on the message." She waved her hand casually as if it were a trivial matter.

To Eliz, it indeed was inconsequential. She was merely drawing upon her knowledge from other stories she had read. Considering that this world was based on a story filled with clichés, the likelihood of her being right was relatively high.

However, Eliz didn't realize that she was mostly correct, and this information was not widely known. If a Light Elf were to hear her, they would likely be shocked and disturbed by how she had discovered their secret.

While the others were contemplating Eliz's words, a new window suddenly appeared before their eyes.

Congratulations! You've uncovered a secret!

The Secret of Light Elf Longevity

Description: You have stumbled upon a closely guarded secret of the Light Elves. This secret has the potential to sow discord and chaos among nations. It is revealed that the World Tree itself holds the power to extend the lifespan of the Light Elves. The oldest guardians of the World Tree have lived for hundreds of years, their longevity directly linked to their connection with the tree. Every Light Elf must regularly visit the World Tree to preserve its extended lifespan. This secret is of immense significance and should be safeguarded with utmost care and caution.

Reward: Bonus - Language of the Light Elves

One-time connection to the World Tree

Eliz's eyes widened as she read that.

'What the hell?' she thought indignantly. How did she reveal a secret? It was just mere speculation! How did it turn into revealing a secret? And who the heck wants to know this secret? Eliz certainly doesn't! No! Why did the System have to tell her?

Eliz leaned forward and put her face in her hands. Her sudden movement made everyone look at her, but she ignored them. The Boulder team slowly moved closer to her, looking from one to the other in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" asked Fraril, but Eliz ignored them, her thoughts shouting furiously. It was already a great feat for her not to start cursing loudly.

'Damn it!' The System definitely wants her to go to the World Tree; that's why it did it! It knows that Eliz doesn't care about the World Tree, so will the System force her to do it? What a piece of shit!

The system always stuck its horns out at the stupidest times! Eliz was absolutely sure that the System wasn't just some mindless machine but had been listening all along, looking for opportunities to somehow nudge her back onto the path of the Main Plot.

Connecting with the World Tree begins...

Eliz immediately looked up when she saw the message and turned pale. No. Did the System want her to connect with the World Tree right now?!


Eliz had to cover her eyes though it didn't help her not see it. It didn't. 'No. No, no, no, no, no. Don't do it!'


'Come on! Stop it!'

A connection was established. You were now speaking with the World Tree.

"Hello?" a woman's voice rang out.

And at that exact moment, Eliz mentally screamed in rage. 'You bastard, I'll kill you!'

"Gah! Ah... what... what? Please... don't kill me?"

Due to her anger, Eliz was completely oblivious to the voice in her head speaking to her. 'That bastard System! How could he do this to me? If I ever get the chance, I will tear him into little pieces and let him get eaten by rats! I don't know how I will do it, but I will do it somehow! How dare he force this shit on me!'

"Ah. Ah. Can you hear me?"

'WHAT?!' Eliz blurted out in her mind and almost did it out loud. She looked up, and there was such a fury around her that Team Balvan backed away from her again, and Fraril blinked in surprise. However, she still ignored them and focused on calming herself down.

"I am the World Tree. Please call me Shannon. Nice to meet you," a female voice spoke again.

Eliz closed her eyes and quickly calmed down. The system had indeed connected her with the World Tree. But what kind of World Tree sounds so upbeat and is named Shannon? There's something fishy here!

Eliz let out a long sigh and opened her eyes again. She finally took in the others around her and noticed they were all looking at her strangely. She tried to keep a straight face but felt her cheeks start to burn.

"Uhm, I'm sorry. I just had a few thoughts... ah... well... it's nothing important. Everything's fine," she quickly reassured them, though her mind couldn't help but dwell on the uninvited visitor. Her only consolation was that this interaction was a one-off, so it would only last for a while.

'Yes, yes. I'm Eliz. Likewise,' she replied neutrally in her mind.

"It's really great to be able to talk to someone again!" Shannon's voice suddenly became cheery, and Eliz resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

'Yes, I'm sure being a tree is not great,' Eliz replied, hoping this connection would be short enough so she wouldn't have to endure any unpleasantness.

"You have no idea, sister! But now we can talk! So, Eliz... Are you coming to save me?"

Eliz froze in her mind, trying her best not to smack her forehead. 'Hell, no way. Find someone else,' she replied firmly.

"EEEEHH?!" Shannon made a dumbfounded sound.

Eliz couldn't help but grin. Is this really the World Tree? Why did she sound like a schoolgirl?