
The Villainess doesn't care about the main plot

Eliz wakes up to an unexpected twist: she's now embodying the villainous character, Elizabeth Von Roseblood, in a subpar and clichéd light novel she had previously dismissed. Tasked by the enigmatic System to survive the narrative and uncover its hidden secrets, she quickly realizes that this magical world and the story aren't exactly the same as the one she read.. Unbeknownst to her, a far more intricate and consequential mystery lurks beneath the surface. Unwilling to adhere to the predetermined storyline, Eliz defiantly resolves to forge her own path. With a dismissive attitude towards the male leads, she exclaims, "Who needs them? They're all losers!" Embracing the freedom of her new role as a villainess, she's determined to live life on her terms, unaffected by the opinions of others. Join Eliz as she defies conventions, unearths hidden truths, and embraces the exhilarating freedom of being a villainess. In a world where she holds the reins of her destiny, she challenges the status quo and fearlessly follows her own desires.

SalivaSpittingWorm · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
81 Chs

Black Market

The carriage stopped in front of the courthouse. It was situated quite close to the Cathedral and, much like the latter, had an impressive and dignified appearance. The building, painted white with clean lines and adorned with gilding and gold roofs, made Eliz wonder whether the gold was genuine. If it was, it seemed to be the most ostentatious display of wealth she had ever witnessed.

Eliz looked around the wide street. A large park was nearby, and benches with trees were scattered everywhere, providing shade. The people walking on the street were decently dressed, and the courthouse doors never stayed closed for long. People went in and out, some appearing happy and others less so. At one point, she even observed three knights leading someone in chains inside.

Holm leaned towards her. "Are you sure this is the place?" he asked, sounding doubtful. Eliz nodded, wondering how the infamous mercenaries didn't know where the Black Market was. Shouldn't people like them be aware? Of course, a righteous Male Lead wouldn't go to such a place, but Elizabeth did when she went to buy poison. Where else would she go for such poison but the Black Market? The only thing she found truly original was that one of the possible entrances was right under the Court's nose. Eliz knew there were more entrances, but she was sure about this one.

Eliz walked toward the courthouse and walked along the sidewalk as if heading for a park. Even the Author wasn't crazy enough to place the entrance to the Black Market inside the Courthouse. As Eliz rounded the corner of the building, she lightly touched the wall, and then every three steps, she repeatedly touched it. After doing it for the fourth time, she knocked her knuckles against the wall three times, and the air around them stuttered.

The Boulder team was immediately on alert, but then they watched in surprise as what looked like a realistic illusion of Eliz, and themselves continued toward the park. Eliz looked on curiously as well before grinning. "The Underworld is pretty confident in this one. They have strong protection from detection here. However, placing an entrance like that under the nose of the law is pretty bold. It reminds me of the behavior of a mass murderer who thinks they're smarter than everyone else and deliberately leaves clues or riddles behind." Eliz shook her head and turned to the wall.

Alarr and Holm looked at each other in confusion while Raiana nodded in understanding. "Just like the Bone Killer," she said.

Eliz looked back at her. "Yes, exactly," she replied, even though she didn't really know who the Bone Killer was.

Instead, she focused on the wall before her and slowly touched it with her hands in different places. "Ah, here," she muttered as the spot under her touch lit up blue. She withdrew her hand and extended it towards Alarr. "Cut my palm a little," she asked him.

Alarr blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Cut the palm of my hand, just a little," Eliz repeated.

Alarr hesitated momentarily before pulling a dagger from his belt and gripping her hand. Eliz looked at him and then at their hands. His skin was rough and calloused, which was understandable since he used a two-handed sword. What surprised her was that he held her hand rather gently.

He carefully and lightly sliced the skin on her palm, and a drop of blood came out.

"Thank you." Eliz withdrew her hand again and picked up the gold coin in her palm, placing it on the spot she had discovered earlier.

The Boulder team watched her curiously. "Blood money. It's like an entry fee," Eliz explained. "It's also their way of tracking someone down later in case of unpaid debts or unfulfilled promises. The Black Market takes business pretty seriously." Eliz saw the Black Market as a somewhat corrupt corporate entity.

Feeling the coin disappear from her palm, Eliz withdrew her hand and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe away the remaining blood as she watched the light on the wall expand until a portal formed. The Boulder team made surprised noises and looked around hesitantly.

"Just take it easy. We're under an illusion. No one can see us. Come on," Eliz said, closing her eyes as she walked into the portal. She felt her stomach knot up like riding a roller coaster. She opened her eyes again when she heard the sound of many voices and the bustling noise of a crowded marketplace. She also heard Raiana gagging a little behind her. She probably hadn't closed her eyes.

Eliz and the others found themselves in one of the many alcoves that served as an entrance to the Black Market. The Black Market truly lived up to its name. The entire place was enveloped in darkness, illuminated primarily by the lights emanating from the stalls where merchants sold their wares. And these were not ordinary goods. In addition to the commonplace items, some things could be considered perverse and repulsive.

The merchants shielded their identities with illusions or masks, and the shoppers followed suit. However, plenty of individuals didn't bother hiding their appearances, indicating arrogance, self-assuredness, or simply a lack of concern. Eliz glanced at the nearest stall and shuddered at the sight of a container filled with yellow liquid brimming with eyes—certainly not animal eyes.

Eliz retrieved their cloaks from their storage space, immediately wrapping themselves in them. Then, Eliz looked up at the object hanging from the ceiling above. It resembled some sort of puppet, and perhaps that's exactly what it was, given its slow head movement, swaying up and down or side to side. Its presence was oppressive as if some dark deity hovered over them. "What on earth is that?" asked Alarr in his hoarse voice, glancing upward.

"That, my dear, is the headquarters of the owners of this fine establishment," Eliz said with sarcastic amusement.

She gestured with her hand, and everyone looked up. "If you look hard enough, you can see the silhouettes of people moving about. If I remember correctly, it's made of an ancient golem. They can use it as a weapon if needed. Should the hand of justice ever dare to intrude here, their lives will be quickly flattened into a pancake."

After a moment, Alarr looked at Elizabeth, who had her back turned to him. She was becoming a growing mystery to him. Her reasoning and demeanor were utterly different. At first, he thought she was arrogant, but that wasn't entirely true. Then he believed she was cold-hearted, which also turned out to be false. She seemed to wear many masks, and he couldn't discern which one was her true face. Now she was revealing yet another side, someone connected to the criminal underworld. Alarr thought he had experienced a lot in his life, but he was not much older than Lady Elizabeth, and it seemed she had already lived through far more.

He approached her slowly and stood by her side. "Don't tell me you're one of the crime bosses?" he asked.

Elizabeth let out a brief laugh. "Ah, it would be quite something if I were. But no, I happen to know someone among them." Alarr felt a sense of relief wash over him as he started to believe he had aligned himself with the devil.

Alarr quickly positioned himself before Eliz as a cloaked figure appeared near her. "Please follow me," said the masked figure, walking away.

Eliz gently touched Alarr's arm to calm him down. "It's alright. This is our escort. Remember what I mentioned about the Black Market using blood to keep track of people? That's how the person I'm going after already knew I was here," she explained and started following the person.

"But we didn't provide any blood, so it's not entirely foolproof," Raiana remarked. Eliz didn't need to say anything because Holm spoke up. "It doesn't matter. At least one person has to do it. That's enough for them. No one would bring random people here as their escorts. They can then locate whoever they need through that person."

"And if they don't, the person who provided the blood takes responsibility. That's why no one really brings random people here. No one wants to pay the Black Market for someone else's mistakes," Eliz added.

Alarr tilted his head and looked at Eliz. "So if any of us make a mistake, you'll take responsibility?"

Eliz laughed once again. "Exactly. So please, let's not create any trouble." Alarr fell silent for a moment. "You shouldn't trust people so much. Money can't solve everything," he cautioned. Holm and Raiana exchanged knowing glances.

Eliz never took her eyes off their guide's back. "True. But I have to rely on something. Otherwise, I would be a paranoid wreck. Money is a powerful motivator. If that alone isn't sufficient, along with my delightful company... then there's nothing more I can do."

Alarr furrowed his brow and shook his head. "It might even cost you your life."

Eliz turned her head towards him, though the hood and the surrounding darkness obscured her face. Nevertheless, Alarr could still perceive her grim smile. "Then I shall hope you will protect me from death," she said.

Eliz knew she wouldn't truly die, not yet, not while she had the Revival ability at her disposal. However, she had no intention of succumbing to death haphazardly over every minor mistake.

She hoped, nevertheless, that her kindness and wealth would foster loyalty among those around her.


Fraril stood at his office window in the heart of the Primordial Guardian. The office exuded luxury, but it was just one among many. Like Fraril, he was one of several rulers in the Underworld and not even the most significant one within the Syndicate organization. However, even being in this position granted him immense power, coveted by the masses.

Though Fraril's eyes were closed, his head was tilted downward as if he were observing something and a smirk played upon his lips. "Ho, did she enter through the Courthouse entrance? Hehe, she certainly has guts. Not many people choose that route," he commented to his assistant, who had arrived to inform him of Lady Elizabeth's arrival. He was impressed, especially considering it wasn't a commonly known entrance. It appeared that she wanted to demonstrate her access to valuable information once again.

"We're fairly certain she doesn't know anyone who has ever been to the Black Market apart from you. However, we can't dismiss the possibility of someone informing her about it. We have also investigated her recent activities," his assistant reported.

"Well? What have you discovered?" Fraril inquired.

"Nothing out of the ordinary before the ball season began. However, her behavior took a significant shift afterward. She initially visited the merchant Karanel Frosthound, where she ordered Curse Protection Rings and a Storage Ring. Soon after that, the incident with House Derevell occurred. Not long after that, she was seen at the Golden Goose Casino. The following day, she was visited by the dwarf Kuron Frosthound, and they ventured into town together. She also had lunch with a young man named Miel Hadfield, with whom she seems to be in a romantic relationship. Then, she went to the Mercenary Guild and recruited a team of Boulders known for their violent and intolerant nature. Finally, she went to the Slums with them, where she made contact with one of the smaller gangs," the assistant reported, his wolf ears twitching as he did so while also raising a dubious eyebrow.

Fraril turned away from the window and approached his assistant. "She went to the slums? Do we know her intentions with that gang?" he asked.

The assistant glanced up from the file with a doubtful expression. "Um... she beat them up, blackmailed them, and abducted their children," he replied.

Fraril fell silent for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Haha, that's remarkable. What an elegant lady she is. Perhaps we should consider bringing her into our ranks with such audacity," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Do we know the reason behind her actions?" Fraril finally inquired.

"Not much. She wanted them to recognize her as their leader and instructed them to procure supplies while refraining from attending the Festival of Lights," the assistant closed the file. "Then she took the children to a hotel, and they are being escorted to the Bloodrose Estate this morning," he concluded his report.

Fraril contemplated the report he had just received. Lady Elizabeth's actions were peculiar, and there was undoubtedly a purpose behind them. He couldn't discern it yet, but it seemed connected to the River Kingdom. He had received some preliminary information about that kingdom, but it had only scratched the surface. Fraril was determined to delve deeper into the matter.

For now, his attention turned to the upcoming Festival of Lights. According to the information provided by Lady Elizabeth, hidden mana bombs had indeed been discovered. The Salvation group had done an impressive job by planting eight of them. Most were situated away from the event center, but two were placed in locations where many people would gather.

Considering that many of his people would be present at the event, Fraril knew he would lose some of them if the bombs were detonated. He wondered how Lady Elizabeth had acquired such information. Did she have a connection to the terrorist group? Was there a spy among their ranks? Fraril began to contemplate the idea of placing one of his own spies on Lady Elizabeth to uncover the source of her information.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts, and his assistant went to open it. "Miss Roseblood is here, boss," he announced.

Fraril nodded in response. "Let her in," he said.

As Lady Elizabeth entered with her entourage, she removed her hood and greeted Fraril with a smile that conveyed her genuine pleasure at seeing him. "Mr. Wildborn, it's good to see you again," she said.

Fraril turned his attention to her escort, who appeared cautious and kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. "It is likewise good to see you, Lady Elizabeth," he responded, approaching her as they shook hands. "Let us have a seat," he gestured toward the chairs and took his place behind his desk.

"You have discovered the bombs," Lady Elizabeth remarked, not as a question but as a statement. Her confidence in her information was evident.

"Yes," Fraril replied, flashing a smile that revealed his elongated canines.


"Have you already removed them?" Eliz asked as she settled into a comfortable chair while the Boulder team remained standing. Fraril's assistant had discreetly exited the room to avoid interrupting their conversation.

"Not yet. We will remove them shortly before the Festival commences. We do not want to risk Salvation discovering their absence and planting new ones," Fraril replied, clasping his hands together before him.

Eliz nodded in understanding. It was wise not to remove the bombs too early, as it could alert the terrorist group to their discovery. "So, attending the Festival of Lights will be relatively safe?"

Fraril shrugged. "Most likely. The Salvation Group may still appear, but their entrance will be less dramatic than they anticipate. However, I cannot guarantee complete safety. Besides... shouldn't you already be aware of this, Lady Elizabeth?"

Eliz gave a short laugh. "I knew quite a bit but didn't know everything." Eliz didn't really know much else about this event. Most of the events revolved around the main characters, and the moment the bombs were disarmed, nothing major was supposed to happen that day.

Eliz redirected the topic of conversation. "Did you find out anything about the River Kingdom?" She wondered.

Fraril slid a thin folder before him but didn't open it. "We haven't found anything of much substance so far. We're just gathering information on their military strength and political situation. For now, however, everything looks normal. We're going to need a little more time on this."

Eliz nodded. It was understandable that they hadn't managed to find out much in the few days they had, especially since her contacts there were minimal.

"You should also focus on their research division." She said.

Fraril raised an eyebrow with interest. "What information do you have, Lady Elizabeth?" He wondered.

Eliz smiled. "I have some, but what will you give me for it?"

Frafil tugged at his beard and said, "Hm... it depends on the value of the information. What do you want, Lady Elizabeth?"

Eliz put on her best smile and replied, "I want you."

Frafil paused, then chuckled. "My dear, I am a little old for you."

She laughed too and said, "While I can tell you have your aged wine charm, that's not what I had in mind." Eliz shook her head in amusement.

"To clarify, it's the same as my previous request. I wanted access to your information network. I was planning on traveling east for the long term soon and needed access to the information. In addition to building a fortress there, I wanted to establish a small information headquarters, a spy division, so to speak," she explained.

Fraril raised an eyebrow, recalling the limited information about the East. There wasn't much, almost nothing. "That doesn't sound like a very prosperous business," he uttered, not bothering to hide his disinterest.

Eliz shrugged. "For now. It will change—no need to make a decision right away. Construction hasn't even started yet. Let's say in three months; you could send someone out there to make your own assessment of whether it's really worth it or not."

Fraril considered this and saw no problem with it. Sending someone to take a look was easy. "So if I promise, you'll give me the information?" he asked.

Eliz nodded. "Indeed."

Fraril pondered, watching Eliz with his inner gaze. "What's the catch?" he doubted Eliz would give up information for a mere promise.

Eliz chuckled. "There isn't one. In fact, I think you might be more inclined to consider my request for the Spy Division after I say that."

"Ho?" Fraril breathed, intrigued.

If you would share your thoughts on the story I would appreciate it.

Otherwise, you can find pictures of the Courthouse and the Black Market in the Thread.

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