
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · Fantasi
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9 Chs

My life update!

Rain. God I hate rain, and today was an especially crappy day. All I wanted was to have a quite birthday celebration with just me and my parents, who don't know that their son could be considered both of their fathers. I am turning 16 and when a boy turns 16, he is a man, and can do this and that...along with the "man-woman-relationship" or "creepy" thing. Not that I ever had the chance of having someone to call mine, but as the Prince...I can do anything now. Everybody in this city is going to be attending my 16th birthday, including the snobby nobles and courtiers, that I personally didn't invite. All I ever wanted was some peace and quite to have a day without anyone bothering me. All these people my parents were inviting range from the purest creatures "elves or my mom" to "demons or children of the Creep from Above 'who by the way looks intimidating but is scared of a teensy-weensy hero." My life had drastically changed in just a span of one day. Being the true introvert and depressed guy I am, I wore the most depressing shade of black on my birthday. It was priceless.

Melodies were floating through the air and my mom also sang for me...it was in an elvish tongue and it was beautiful. My parents had both been married so that humans and other creatures could live together in harmony. My dad signifying humans "called by magical creatures as vermin or pests on the face of this planet" and my mom represented the hybrid beings "called by humans as stupid insects". I am glad they got married, since I was probably the cutest dude in town. Although my parents say I dress depressingly, I think black is a great color. My awesome long silvery hair, mixed in with my beautiful dark black jeweled eyes, along with my slim built body, which was tall, and my beautiful neck, my long thing fingers, and my "favorite part" on my body...I could keep on going on how absolutely stunning I looked. Hell, I was in love with myself. I have to say that Suicidal God really knows what type of body looks great, although he needs to dress better. Along with my absurd beauty, the God/Creature had given me many gifts...overpowered gifts...so overpowered that even my parents don't know what do with me.

Since 15 years have I passed, let me catch you up. In those 15 years I have been trained in so many forms of martial and weaponry arts that I have become a true conqueror. As if that wasn't enough, I was given unusual strength along with lightning fast reaction and reflexives to help match that strength. Even my father's greatest knight, some dude named Sir Oriel Clawford James, couldn't beat me at a duel at the age of 7. Lucky number 7, nah 3 is better, but who cares. In this place, magic is tested with this piece of crystal. The crystal lights up in 5 different colors based on your attribute.

Primary Category:

Yellow: Air or "I believe I can fly...DIE" magic...I mean come on there is probably several people in this world, acting like they are Aang from Avatar, show from my past life, I think y'all understand what I mean.

Green: Earth or "mud" magic. I mean come on, how is throwing stones considered cool. I could pick up pebble and call it Earth bending.

Blue: Water or "piss" magic. Don't even lie to me, all of you have peed in the ocean or the pool in your friends backyard. On top of that living in the medieval era, water could probably even be considered shit. Since all these "peasants" have to go poop but there are no bathrooms. Making a note to create toilets in this world, and a sauna.

Red: Fire or "candle" magic, is probably weirder in this world...than any manga or show I have seen. Here "fire benders" are apparently stronger based on their flaming hot attitude. The more annoying and loud you are, the more fire seems to be coming out of your arse. It smells disgusting.

Secondary Category:

Black: Dark or "coolest element" magic...This is my magical trait because I believe I was summoned to this world by a "Depressed looking Demon" unless I am tripping. This is one of the rare elements, like light, and is considered a scary element. Since people, think light is good and dark is bad. So I am bad.

White: Light or "worship" magic. This is very powerful form of magic, the only other magic as powerful as this would be....Dark Magic. Pat yourself on the back if you guessed it, if you didn't, than either you are a sports stud or just plain stupid. I call it worship magic because my mother has light magic, but she only uses it to create fireworks and make little kids happy. Although, she is a powerful light bender, coming from the line of noble elves. Who cares...light sucks compared to my shady magic. I mean I am literally a shadow.

And of course there is a third category in which mages are able to bend multiple different forms of magic...sadly I am not one of them...that stupid God. I am still learning the uses of Dark magic, which apparently makes me a very scary guy to battle, unless it is a Light wielder. To get back on what is different in this world, one thing that is actually cool...are the monster leveling system. In this world, everything is almost like a game. I hunt monsters and become stronger, as I become stronger, monster become weaker. In that case, I have to find stronger monsters and that makes me...even STRONGER! Except...my leveling up had already been done by that God. Now probably the only Boss that could defeat me is either the Hero or I become mentally depressed and decide to become fish food. Which wasn't going to happen, I want to live a better life...even if it means helping the evil guy. Monsters are categorized based off levels, for example slime are the weakest, at best a child can fight them to become stronger. The strongest are mythical creatures, that are from fantasy books, well not so much anymore. Here is a small list of all the monsters I could defeat and eat. Cooking here is truly otherworldly. These are just a few to name...

Dragons: Don't need to be always killed, but if you want to raise your stats fast then go for it champ. But you should know that taming them, makes ladies dig you.

Unicorns: Yes unicorns exist here and they truly are monsters. Pooping everywhere and they are ugly...They are not what you would cool fairy tale like.

Goblins and Orcs: These creatures are intelligent, but are still living like neanderthals. The only thing I can say is this, I am disappointed.

I think you get the point. This is literally a rpg game. And I was going to be the King of this world, once my father leaves this world. Well in those years that have passed I have been trained in many different magical attributes and have learned the culture of this world. It is very similar to ours or my world. Fitting in wasn't a problem, it was just that throughout the land I became known as the Villain. Why you ask, well my dad gave me a sword in my chubby hands, and asked me to go fight the other nations. And well I accidentally became an one man army, and know all the other kingdoms respect us.

Author's Note: More like all the other kingdoms despise them but are too scared to do anything about it. When you suddenly have a baby, given powers from a Demon god, I don't know what you expect. All I can say is that Finn's parents are proud of his accomplishment. While also surprised and proud at his somewhat unique strengths and capabilities.

Basically I was a monster, and I like it. News of the Villain was traveling all over the world. Of course only enemies of my nation, Regnum, called me that. But the humans and other creatures from Regnum, let's just call them people from now onward or someone might start talking about how pig humanoids deserve the same rights as a lion humanoid, consider me the "Greatest Depressed Hero" ever. Life couldn't have been any better. Especially since, many people had also started to trust Dark magic users because of me. My sense of clothing and lifestyle had led to a cult following. And many of my fans, La Prince fans, couldn't get enough of my dark passion...Or something like that. This was one of the reasons I wanted a quiet birthday. All these strangers, both haters and lovers and possibly even cult members, might show up in the castle.

My parents gifted me with a sword made up of osmium, they and somehow managed to mix in black pigments which made my sword dark as knight. The hilt was decorated with a bright blue diamond, like the Hope Diamond from Earth, hope it doesn't curse me. But it is light and fit me like an extension of myself. I was very happy, although this reunion was disappointing, since many nobles were butting in talking about how they payed for this fabulous cloth for me or some kind of foreign wine. My sword was going to stay with me for life and my beautiful mother had also poured magic into it, so it gleamed. Giving off a purplish tinge around the paper thin edges of the blade. Late at night, my birthday celebration came to an end. It ended with a toast and a dance, where I showed off my cool dance moves with my mother. And after that the many "maidens" that the nobles had brought. One could say, I am devilishly hot, all the girls were bright red after dancing with their prince. It ended up being better than I expected and I thanked my parents before heading off to my chamber.

Except there was an another surprise waiting for me in my chamber, how could I describe her...While I was devilishly handsome, she was angelically beautiful.

"Hello there Finn, I am the Hero and I have come for your life."

Author's Note: This dude is dead...or is he. Maybe Finn has the hots for the hero. Who knows?