
The Villain Is No Longer The Villain

Kai befalls a tragic death and wakes up to find that he has reincarnated into the body of the most villainous noble from a novel he last read. The power is now in Kai's hands to either accept his inevitable fate as the villain or to alter the threads of fate to carve out of his own destiny.

Low_IQauthor · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Father's Agreement

Kai drew on details from the novel as he addressed Lord Thor, his voice laced with urgency and determination.

"Father, as the tensions between our divided kingdoms continue to rise, and the demands for military power grow louder from the provinces, we cannot afford to remain idle. The Shadow of the Sun's operatives have provided valuable intelligence on the growing unrest and the urgent need for unity within our land."

Lord Thor's expression hardened as Kai continued, his words weaving a compelling narrative.

"In just a month's time, the Emperor will convene a prestigious cultivation school in the capital city, bringing together noble sons from all seven kingdoms. This gathering is not merely a display of opulence and power but a strategic move by the Emperor to forge stronger alliances and solidify his rule over the realm."

As Kai paused, he could see the wheels turning in Lord Thor's mind, considering the implications of his proposal.

"As merchants, our involvement in this political affair is not just beneficial but crucial, Father," Kai pressed on, his gaze unwavering.

"By partaking in the cultivation school, I can extend our business reach to other kingdoms, establishing vital connections and proving our worth beyond mere trade. Allow me the chance to showcase my abilities and contribute to the prosperity of our family."

Lord Thor's eyes narrowed as he turned to Kai, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"And why should I send you, Xing Li, instead of your older brother, Rong Yue? He has always been the reliable one, the pillar of our business."

Kai's response was swift, his words measured yet impassioned.

"Decades of bloodshed and treachery taint the history of our land. Rong Yue's familiarity with our affairs here makes him irreplaceable. Let me take on this challenge while he upholds our interests at home. The festering hatred between the kingdoms runs deep, and the danger that may harm Rong Yue in the capital is unknown. Even if the worst were to happen to me, our family's legacy will remain unscathed."

Lord Thor's silence hung heavy in the room, his gaze icy as he studied Kai. After a long moment, he finally spoke, his voice devoid of emotion as he uttered,

"Do as you please, a worthless creature like you holds no value to anyone."

After Kai exited the chamber, a faint trickle of blood staining his cheek caught Jie Yan's eye. Despite her shock and concern, she swiftly approached him, silently tending to his injury as they made their way back to Kai's chamber.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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