
The Villain Is No Longer The Villain

Kai befalls a tragic death and wakes up to find that he has reincarnated into the body of the most villainous noble from a novel he last read. The power is now in Kai's hands to either accept his inevitable fate as the villain or to alter the threads of fate to carve out of his own destiny.

Low_IQauthor · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Kai's opulent room was a sight to behold, each nook and corner adorned with intricate designs that exuded an air of divine beauty and luxury. As he gradually calmed the raging turmoil within him, Kai's curiosity was sparked, compelling him to thoroughly explore the lavish space that surrounded him. With measured steps, he rose from the comfort of his bed, his eyes roving over the exquisite furnishings and delicate craftsmanship that adorned the room.

Among the luxuries that graced the room, Kai's attention was drawn to an oval, golden-framed mirror that hung elegantly on a wall adorned with intricate engravings of mythical creatures and celestial motifs. Approaching the mirror with a sense of trepidation, Kai was met with a surprising sight - the reflection of the infamous villain, Lord Xing Li. Standing tall and imposing, Lord Xing Li's remarkable features, from his piercing hazel eyes to his flawlessly chiseled visage, held Kai captive in a trance of mesmerization.

"By the heavens... the beauty of this man is truly transcendent!" Kai gasped in awe, his gaze unable to break free from the captivating reflection before him.

Unaware of Jie Yan's presence just outside the door, Kai was startled when she cautiously entered the room, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"My lord, is everything well with you?"

Quick to regain his composure after the distraction, Kai reassured Jie Yan, who let out a relieved sigh upon seeing his well-being. Following her was the doctor, who advised Kai to rest and refrain from exerting himself due to his still-healing condition.

As Kai settled back into the comfort of his bed, Jie Yan stood by his side, her gaze filled with worry and care. The doctor proceeded to conduct a thorough health examination on Kai, who found himself overtaken by a sudden wave of curiosity.

"Jie Yan, could you kindly inform me of my age?" Kai inquired in a soft tone.

"You have just turned 17 years old yesterday, my lord," Jie Yan responded with gentle reassurance.

Intrigued by thoughts of his family, Kai probed further about a potential visit from Lord and Lady Thor, only to be met with a hesitant and evasive response from Jie Yan, hinting at concealed truths lurking beneath the surface.

Drawing from his extensive knowledge of Lord Xing Li's tale, acquired through reading the novel, Kai discerned the true nature of Lord and Lady Thor. Understanding that they had neglected Lord Xing Li and would not be visiting him, Kai decided not to press further, choosing to change the topic instead.

"How did I sustain these injuries?" Kai queried, shifting the focus of the conversation.

Jie Yan hesitated momentarily, seemingly taken aback by the unexpected question. Nevertheless, driven by her unwavering loyalty to Kai, whom she had served since a young age, she answered honestly.

"It was Lord Ying. During a flower viewing session in the garden, Lord Ying and his servants pushed you into the water, causing you to hit your head."

As memories of the malicious encounter flooded Kai's mind, the image of Lord Ying's cruel smirk and disdainful demeanor became etched in his memory. Lord Ying, his second older brother, harbored deep-seated resentment and insecurities, leading to his callous actions that had resulted in Kai's injuries. Kai understood the underlying dynamics within his family, with Lord Ying's lies contributing to their parents' neglect of him.

As Jie Yan and the doctor left the room, Kai's mind was consumed with thoughts of the future. The knowledge he had gained from the novel about Lord Xing Li's tragic fate weighed heavily on him. How could he avoid the same destiny? How could he navigate the treacherous waters of familial deception that threatened to consume him?

With renewed determination, Kai resolved to rewrite Xing Li's story. He understood that his path would be fraught with challenges and obstacles, but he refused to succumb to the same tragic fate as Lord Xing Li. Armed with knowledge, intelligence, and a loyal companion in Jie Yan, Kai felt a glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded him.

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