
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · perkotaan
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63 Chs

Lilith's and Lucifer's goal

*7 years into the future*

"Hm? What's this?" Lilith felt a disturbance in the universe. "That mama's boy Lucy was right!"

She stands at the biggest mountain in the world, watches the sky. Her eyes shine gold as she begins to investigate where the disturbance is coming from.

"Hihi. So that's how it is." She giggles. "Time to make Drake and Elijah into a pair of really happy boys."

Shadow fells over Lilith. She looks up and sees Lucifer.

"You felt that as too? Lucifer smirks. "Shall we go?"

"Well duh, would we ever get an opportunity like this ever again? Hehe. " Lilith smiles, spreads her wings, and instantly disappears.

"6 years of planning, just for this moment!" Lucifer disappears. "Soon we'll meet again, MASTER!"

*Ruins of elemental kingdom*

Drake was erasing the monsters he created for the destruction of the Starground continent.

"Olivia, Margarita… Monica. Soon you all be with me." Elijah grief stares at the ruins of the castle.

"Hello, boys!" they hear Lilith's voice from the sky. "I have some good news and bad news!"

She lands. Impact spreads the dust and debris all over the place.

"Huh? Start with bad ones." Elijah walks towards her. "Hurry it up."

"I have to tell you… That… *sobs* I and Lucifer are leaving you." she pretends to wipe tears. "Stay strong boys."

"I said to start with bad news, not good," Elijah says with a serious expression. "So, we've finished the deal?"

Drake comes closer as well.

"You know, if you go back on your word, we will have all the time in the world to kill you.

Drake grins.

"Thousand years, two or more. We will find a way to kill you!"

"Wow, talk about serious. Do I look like such a naughty girl, who would go back on her word? hehe" she smirks.

"Honestly?" Drake scratches his head.

"Yes," Elijah answer her."You do look like that."

"We spent three months together, I thought we were soulmates, and you say you don't trust me?!?" she sincerely becomes irritated. "Fine!"

"Stop messing around, and revive the girls already." Lucifer's voice came from above. "Or you want me to do it?"

"Fine… such bad boys." she frowns.

Lilith takes out four dolls containing the spirits of Monica, Olivia, Jasmine, and Margarita. She holds dolls in one hand and with another, she makes a hand seal. Her eyes shine and a pillar of a golden light appears and blinds Elijah and Drake. After they regain vision, they see four naked girls lying on the ground.

"Jasmine!" Drake rushes to her and uses magic to create clothes. Then he hugs her.

"W-What?" girls are confused. Margarita spots Elijah and asks "Thomas? Where are we?"

"Don't talk, rest" Elijah uses spatial magic and takes out three blankets.

"Our heroic job is done! Hero away!" Lilith disappears from their sights.

"D-Drake?" Jasmine hugs him back." What happened?"

"Elijah and you Drake. For helping us I will give you one last reward" Lucifer's face had a gentle expression. "I will send you all to another planet. It's inhabited by humans and is pretty peaceful. It's a planet with low magical powers, so even the girls there will be pretty much goddesses."

"W-Wait, expl" Drake wanted to ask for the reason for the world destruction, but Lucifer just snapped his fingers, and all six of them were gone in the instant.

*Starground continent. Holy kingdom's ruins*

Lucifer teleported himself to Lilith.

"This is the place where Drake finished of last of humans of this continent. We met here after we finished jobs" she says with a serious expression.

"Hero away? Seriously?" Lucifer stares at her with disappointment in his eyes.

"S-Shut up! I thought it will sound cool! Okay?" Lilith hides her face in embarrassment.

"In what universe, that would sound cool? haha," Lucifer laughs. "Sorry, I am wrong. Maybe somewhere in a mental hospital, someone would do think it's cool"

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" she crouches. "let's just do our thing, okay?"

"Alright. Let's do it." he turns away from her, raises his hands, and starts tearing apart space with golden magic. "Hero. Haha"

"Humpf" Lilith pots and does the same thing as Lucifer. "Lucas, I am coming baby!"

Soon the two of them vanished.


*Lightborn continent - Andromeda's republic*

"We really traveled time. Your future vision's blessing came in really handy Lucifer." She says while clapping her hands. "What are your plans now, going for another genocide?"

"Why would I do that?" Lucifer sits down on the ground. "Anyways, hide your wings. It would be trouble if someone sees us."

"Good point. If daddy finds me, I will get one hell of a spanking. Even the thought of it makes my butt hurt." she said while rubbing her butt. "I asked about genocide because you completely obliterated a planet in our timeline."

"You know I did that as revenge for my master. Now that I am back, I will return to Dragnar's planet and then fuse with my past self, and I will be able to protect her." he looks up. "Last time, I only awakened my powers after her death, but I will prevent it this time."

"Hihi. Demigod protecting a demon. The irony. If church finds out, they'll freak." Lilith laughs.

"What about you? You're doing this for your boyfriend, right? I never asked, but how come you couldn't revive a human?" Lucifer places his chin on his palm.

"His family was royalty from Sundom kingdom. He was the fourth prince? I think. Eight years ago… I mean last year, he was exiled from his family, when they found out he has talents for curse magic, dark magic, and necromancy. Which are taboo in their kingdom" She sits down and looks down. "He's only 9 years old now, which means, he is a genius. But, Not only that, but they also sealed away his magic.

He's as good as a regular non-awakener now. In our timeline, I tried helping him, asked dad for help and he actually agreed with this. He destroyed the seal and gave him a lot of divine energy, to make him stronger. And last year, he got caught using magic by his brother's retainers. They tortured him and he used forbidden magic.

The more soul power one person uses, the more destructive it gets. And out of hatred for his family, he completely destroyed his own soul. The whole kingdom perished immediately. Poof. Well, you saw that endless black dessert in Starground continent. Hehe. Probably neither Elijah nor Drake wouldn't be able to do that with one spell. Hehe." Lilith finishes the story and giggles.

"Not even Elijah knows, you only told this to Drake. Why?" Lucifer is curious.

"Why? Because Drake is the most human of all of you." Lilith lay back. "Elijah regained all his memories. He's a demon with a thousand years old history. You were only twelve, but you made genocide of an entire planet. Also, you should shave, you look much older than you are.

"You do know, Drake is older than Elijah? In fact, he is the one who turned Elijah into a demon in the first place." Lucifer asks while scratching his chin.

"Yes, but my daddy messed up his memories. He saw that the person, that should become a most ruthless and most cunning demon lord, without his memories, was a person with no real hatred for the world. Whatever happened in the past that turned him into a demon… Must have been unthinkable.

"So you say, he's got a pretty tragic past?" Lucifer shows a sad expression.

"I don't really know, that's what my daddy said. And I don't actually care about him. In this world, I only care about two people." She smiles.

"Lucas and…?" Lucifer becomes curious.

"Daddy of course!" She claps her hands.

"No wonder you didn't care about destroying the world in our previous timeline. Haha," Lucifer laughs. "You know, you're one psychopathic girl!"

"Says the guy who literally pulled a genocide on an entire planet right after he hit puberty! Haha!" she barely controls her laughter. "I am so happy. I can finally be with Lucas again."

"So, now what about you? What are your plans, Lilith?" Lucifer asks.

"First, I will go to Sundom kingdom, and find my dear Lucas. He must be lonely and scared without me *sob* I just know it! "Lilith tears up. "I know what I have to do!"

"W-What? You do realize he doesn't even know you yet, right?" Lucifer stares at her with curiosity. "Can you explain what you mean?"

"So what if he doesn't? He will! And I get to see him as a child! This must be fate, I will go and rescue him!"

"W-Wait, hold your horses! Rescue him?" Lucifer stares at her. 'Don't tell me… Do you plan to ******* kidnap a child?!?"

"Your prays have been answered my love, I'm coming for you. Then we will live together, I will make you dinner… Bathe together KYYYYAAAAA!~ " she hides her face behind her arms and screams. She flaps her wings 10 times per second.

"You're a freak, you know that?" Lucifer places his palm on his face. "Anyways. Good luck with that. I'll be going."

"Lucas, my love. I can't wait to see you again!" her expression turns naughty and she flies straight to Sundom's kingdom.

Hey guys. As I keep saying in "author's thoughts" if you want more characters every day and extra-long chapters keep me happy by giving me your powerstones, comments, and reviews. And also, if you like this novel, but haven't added this to your collections, what are you waiting for? Do it! JUST DO IT!!!

By the way, 5 power stones today, and I will give you Isaac's/Jim's chapter as an extra.

7Powerstones, you will get 4 chapters.

And if by some miracle we will get 9Powerstones, you will get 6 chapters(I won't sleep, but I will keep my promise).

Red_Venerablecreators' thoughts