
Part 6

Part 6- Assessment

After I took off the bandage, I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself thoroughly.

Why does a prey need to be presentable in front of its predator?

After rubbing my skin gently, I dried myself quickly. The water isn't even heated, so I can't take a bath for a long time.

Then, I bound my chest again with a new bandage I thrashed into my bag.

My bag wasn't noticed by anyone because I wore it before my coat.

Right on cue, I heard the door unlock. The maid who I saw a while ago gave me an authoritative look.

"Get moving."

"Yes, yes." I hurried to leave, heeding her order.

The others are done as well. We looked much more presentable than before. Oh, and more pleasant smelling..

"The head butler will assess you thoroughly. Get in now."

After she informed us of the assessment, she immediately left.

I didn't experience any assessment before, but I have a little idea what is done during the assessment.

I heard that taking off clothes is a requirement.. but I'm a woman. The maid mentioned that the head butler is going to facilitate the assessment. Man or woman, I can't be found out!

I balled my hands into fists, coming up with plans.

'How can I interrupt the assessment..'

As a mere blood servant, I have no power to bargain with them. No plan seems to be useful right now!

"Line up."

The head butler's voice pulled me back to reality again. I blinked, gulping in the process.

'Should I confess?'

"Take off your clothes."

'Decide right now!'

My fellow blood servants started to take off their clothes, while I looked at them with puzzled eyes.

Sooner or later, the head butler will notice my reluctance. I have to at least unbutton my shirt..

'I'm panicking..'

I bit my lip, slowly pushing myself to just confess my secret.

It was then.

"Mr. York, the master has asked for the blood servants immediately!"

A different maid barged in with a lowered head.

"I see," the head butler nodded firmly, then latched his heavy gaze on us.

"Follow the maid immediately."

As per his order, we quickly went out of the room. It seems that we're all smart enough to know that disobedience isn't going to do anything but further punishment.

That aside, is this the right time to appreciate that? The master has just asked for his blood servants! Everyone knows what it means- you'll either leave the room dead or alive!

I regret that I wished that something would happen during the assessment. No, we'll get summoned either way..

We finally arrived at the room at the end of the hall. I didn't even notice that we're nearing the end of the hall because I was too busy with feeding my fears.

"Get in quickly."

The maid opened the door for us, then we entered just as she said.

A heavy feeling dawned on me upon entering the room.

'What is this..'

I subconsciously clutched my chest. The air here is suffocating. It feels as if I'm trapped inside a coffin buried on the ground.

Soon then, I saw Caleon who quickly noticed us approaching.

His red eyes glowed in the dim-lit room, which gives more fright to my heart.

"Master, the blood servants are here."