
The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess

“…Fueh? W-What is it?” When the shut-in girl Terakomari, or Komari for short, woke up from her slumber, she had been appointed as a commander! And if that wasn’t enough, the corps she holds responsibility over is known for overthrowing and murdering their superiors! Even though she had been born into a prestigious vampire family, because she can’t drink any blood, she possesses close to no athletic or physical abilities, she’s rather small for her age, and she can’t even use any magic. Met with endless despair, her trusted (?) maid Vill comes to the rescue. “Please leave it to me, Komari-sama. I will definitely make sure you won’t be found out!” Thus begins the comical fantasy portraying Komari’s struggles. She’s a shut-in, but she can actually do it if she puts her mind to it!?

Chiqui_Angeles · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

Chapter 5: Mayhem at the Eastern Capital

The Eastern Capital Times, October 20th Morning Edition

Hell's Windmill Assassinated by Her Own Granddaughter, Karla Amatsu

On the night of the 19th, Kaya Amatsu (68) aka Hell's Windmill was found unconscious in critical condition at the Amatsu residence, located in the higher ward of the Eastern Capital. The Heavenly Paradise police have put Imperial Saber Karla Amatsu (15), the victim's granddaughter, on the wanted list under suspicion of attempted murder. According to a relative of the Amatsus, Commander Amatsu had been in disagreement with her grandmother over her confectioner work for many years. It is believed her statement of intention to resign as Goddess during the recent debate created an irreparable rift between the two. According to on-site inspection, Amatsu appears to have pierced her grandmother's heart using an illegal Divine Instrument.

…Traces of Crimson Lord Terakomari Gandesblood at the scene of the crime were also found. It is suspected they might have collaborated on the attempt…

"Fuyao! What is the meaning of this?!" Imperial Saber Karin Reigetsu pressed Fuyao Meteorite in a raised voice.

"Easy, Lady Karin," the foxgirl said with a playful smile. "You should take this as good fortune. Karla Amatsu's reputation is going to plummet, and once you beat her in the final battle…you'll be everyone's savior! The commander who triumphed over a grandma killer! Your popularity will soar to outer space!"

"But…it's obvious this was your…"

"Indeed, it was my doing. The Eastern Capital Times controls the flow of information in the Heavenly Paradise, so I had a little talk with them. They wouldn't report on something to our disadvantage. Au contraire, you'll see that they'll help you become the Goddess."

Fuyao vividly shook her tail, a heartless grin on her face.

They were in a room in the Reigetsu residence, in the higher ward of the Eastern Capital.

Karin had woken up to the bizarre news that Karla Amatsu had ostensibly killed her grandmother. She found it preposterous. A coward who lied about her true power could never do such a thing.

That left one other obvious culprit.

Sure, throwing Karla in the gutter would be a boon for Team Reigetsu, but…

"Fuyao. You acted on your own. Again."

"I do it all for you, Lady Karin."

"Still, Hell's Windmill worked hard for the good of the Heavenly Paradise during her time as Goddess. You can't just kill her, even if she is an Amatsu…"

"What's the problem?" Fuyao stared at her with big, round eyes.

Karin faltered for a moment. She felt something wicked coming from Fuyao Meteorite. She thought she'd been keeping Fuyao on a tight leash, but now she couldn't help but wonder if she was in the palm of the foxgirl's hand.

"This was a necessary evil. Throughout the course of history, every ruler has had to get rid of their opponents to seize the throne, no matter how good and pure they are. Sometimes you have to dirty your hands a little."


"Don't you want to be the Goddess? Don't you want to protect this country from those nasty terrorists? I believe that it should be you ruling the Heavenly Paradise. Let me ask you again. Do you want to defeat Karla Amatsu?"

Karin came to her senses. Indeed. She had to defeat Karla Amatsu. That girl would run the Heavenly Paradise to the ground as Goddess. She had to stop her, costs be damned. Karin needed to be the one on that throne. No matter what she had to do to get herself there.

"…Right. I have to fight for the good of the Heavenly Paradise. So we can go on like this?"

Fuyao put on a broad smile.

"Yes! I have plenty of other plans in mind!"

Her expression was as innocent as a child talking about her plans for summer vacation. Karin shuddered upon noticing…but.it was too late to go back. 

She would crush Karla Amatsu and become Goddess. That was her only objective.


Before dawn, in an infirmary (also known as a morgue) on the outskirts of the Eastern Capital…

Karla, Vill, Koharu, Sakuna, and I were visiting Karla's grandmother. Hell's Windmill lay on the bed, as still as a corpse. She wasn't fully gone, though. Her incredible physical and mental strength had kept her just barely alive. She wasn't a former Imperial Saber and Goddess for nothing.

Someone had attacked her that night.

Karla and I had sprinted to her as soon as we heard the noise, but the room was already a sea of blood by the time we got there. I couldn't do anything. Karla immediately called Kidoshu, and they healed her in the nick of time, but she could have died had they arrived even a moment later…died forever. No coming back.

The assailant had wielded a Divine Instrument against her. An unbelievable weapon that could nullify the effects of the Dark Core. Karla's grandmother was still unconscious because she wasn't receiving healing mana from the Dark Core.

"It's no use. Healing magic won't work."

Sakuna, forging mana right by the woman's bedside, shook her head regrettably. "I'm so sorry…"

"Thank you for your help, Lady Memoir. So we should assume that…no mana from the Dark Core is reaching her wounds?"

"Yes. Healing magic is, in essence, about accelerating the supply of mana from the Dark Core. It doesn't work on wounds inflicted by Divine Instruments. We have to wait for her to heal naturally…"

Then I heard the sound of metal being crushed.

I turned around in shock to find that Koharu had squashed the bed rail with her bare hand.

"…They won't get away with it. I'm going to kill whoever did this."

"The culprit's likely someone from Team Reigetsu, or maybe even Karin Reigetsu herself. That much is obvious just from looking at this morning's issue of the Eastern Capital Times."

Vill walked up to the wall and crossed her arms. Her expression was as calm and collected as ever, but I could tell she was unusually angry. She handed me that Eastern Capital Times paper. I spread it open, and Sakuna stood beside me to peer at the news.

"Um…it says Ms. Karla is wanted by the police," Sakuna remarked.

"That's bullshit. Karin made it up," I said.

"It's no lie that she's on the wanted list. I got a report from Captain Mellaconcey a moment ago. The Heavenly Paradise police are on the move. We can hide here for a while since the Amatsus run this infirmary, but it's only a matter of time before they track us down," Vill said.

"Ms. Komari, they're treating you as an accomplice, too. Unbelievable. I'll have to kill Ms. Karin Reigetsu to look into her…"

"Don't be rash. Things will take a turn for the worse if they kill you first." Vill stopped Sakuna before she could stand up.

I kept on reading the newspaper with a lump in my throat.

This article was a whole different level of nasty from the dreck Six Nations News published. It reported on Karla attacking her grandma and me helping her out as if everything was fact. This was way over the line if Karin was really behind it.

Why did she want to hurt Karla so badly?

"Still, I can't wrap my head around it. Team Karin Reigetsu has too much power. First they legalized bribery, and now they're controlling the news. Do the Reigetsus really hold that much sway?"

"The Reigetsus and the Amatsus should be equals. I don't get it. Lady Karla…"

Everyone turned to look at her.

She was staring at her grandmother's face in silence. I could see tears welling up in her eyes. And of course they were. Who wouldn't want to cry after seeing family in this state…and then getting framed for doing the deed?


"Everything is my fault. I wasn't good enough. I put my grandmother through this."

"That's not true. The only person at fault here is whoever attacked her."

"I know that!" She wiped her tears and stood up. "I was foolish for letting down my guard, but whoever attacked her is the biggest fool of all! I'll go see Karin now."

Vill barred her way.

"It might be a trap. Let's try my Pandora's Poison once more."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but we don't have the time for that! We'll leave my grandmother in the infirmary staff's care. I can't put her in any further danger. I have to go talk to Karin as soon as…"

"Lady Karla! Bad news!"

The door burst open all of a sudden. A girl in ninja clothes like Koharu's jumped into the room. Likely one of Karla's subordinates. She ran toward her, looking as though the world had ended.

"The Fuuzen is on fire…"


We ran through the streets of the Eastern Capital as fast as we could.

The sun was starting to rise above the horizon. It was early morning…but the noise level was a far cry from the typical quiet of this hour. A crowd of onlookers had gathered around the Fuuzen, watching the commotion.

We couldn't believe our eyes.

A fire raged.

The establishment where I'd once eaten snacks with Karla and Vill was now engulfed in bright-red flames. Firefighters were already on the scene, trying to quell the blaze with water magic. But from the looks of the building inside the sea of flames, it was clearly done for, even if they did manage to extinguish it.


"The origin is obvious. This must have been deliberate."

"You mean it was arson?! Who would do such a thing?!"

"That's also obvious—Karin Reigetsu."

Then we heard a scream. The last pillar holding up the building finally collapsed. A mountain of rubble formed in the wake of the thunderous breakdown. People fled from flying sparks.

Karla watched with despair as the Fuuzen crumbled.

I didn't know what to say.

Her shop was the crystallization of all her efforts. Her hope for keeping on her path to becoming a pâtissier. Who could have predicted it would all come crashing down this way?

Then I heard talking. The onlookers were murmuring, looking at Karla.

"It's divine retribution." "She's a liar." "Who kills her own grandmother?" "Did you hear that vampire helped her out?" "I should've never bought any of her sweets."

"No! Lady Karla did nothing!"

Koharu jumped at the passersby, but Vill just barely pinned her down in time. They each took off shrieking in different directions. Koharu flailed her arms and legs, still holding a kunai in hand.

"Let me go! They won't get away with saying those things about Karla!"

"Attacking civilians can only be used against us. Don't give them more ammo to work with."

"Then what should we do?! Should we really talk with Ka…"

"Commander!! You're okay!!" I heard a familiar voice.

The stripped-tree man was standing behind me before I knew it. He'd probably gotten there with Void Magic. And it wasn't just Caostel—Bellius and Mellaconcey were there, too. And they were all helping their comrade stand up.

"Yohann?! Where were you?!"

"Check it! We found him surrounded by concrete! Caostel asks that you let him lick your feet!"

"We found him imprisoned on the outskirts of the Eastern Capital. He had no obvious wounds on him, but he's all worn out."

"I had no wounds?! That vixen knocked me out with a hit from the back of her sword!" Yohann roared. Sure enough, he had a huge lump on his head. "Terakomari! Karin Reigetsu attacked me, no question about it. She…she wanted to frame the Seventh Unit."

"Calm down, Lieutenant Helders. Explain what happened," Vill said.

"Karin Reigetsu jumped me. I tried to beat her instead, but she used some cheating magic on me. And you know her foxgirl underling? She turned into me!"


I was in shock. So it really had been Karin's doing.

Just how far was she willing to go…? That aside, I didn't get what Yohann meant by "she turned into him." I tried to ask for further explanation, but then…

"There you are, Karla Amatsu and Terakomari Gandesblood! Don't move!"

…a yell from behind stopped me in my tracks.

Uniformed Peace Spirits were scowling at us. The Heavenly Paradise police.

So we really were on the wanted list.

Koharu took a step forward, covering Karla behind her.

"Arson. Go catch the culprit."

"There is no culprit. We got a report it was spontaneous."


Everyone was at a loss for words. It was obvious the police weren't doing their jobs. One could only imagine they were being pressured from somewhere—someone else. A cop glared at me and haughtily said:

"We have an arrest warrant from the Osui Palace. Karla Amatsu, Terakomari Gandesblood, you're under arrest on suspicion of attempted murder and plotting a coup."

"We haven't done anything! That's bullshit!"

"Yeah, right! This is a decree from our Goddess!"

Shock. A decree from the Goddess. The kind person who supported Karla in following her dreams was now trying to get us arrested without proper investigation.

No. That can't be right. Something's up.

The Fuuzen fire was extinguished in the meantime. The only thing left were the charred remains of the building. The first step on Karla's path to her dreams had literally been turned to ashes.

I turned to look at her.

She was crying. She was frozen in place as tears ran down her face. This is ridiculous. None of this is right.

Ire boiled up within me as I turned back to the cops and…noticed my subordinates were already standing before me, scowling at them.

"Commander, we can't hold back our fury, not this time," Caostel said, a smile on his face. The look on his eyes was far removed from smiling, though.

"Hey, what're you all gonna do?"

"What Team Karin Reigetsu has done is egregious. Framing you and Karla Amatsu for murdering her grandmother? Preposterous. We would never resort to foul play like that."

"Caostel is right. And the treatment Lady Amatsu is receiving is outrageous. Let's show these people our power firsthand."

"Yeah! The commander's enemy is my enemy. We'll let them know…with intensity!"

"You're finished… This is what you get for making a fool of me, PIGS!!"

A pillar of fire exploded from Yohann's body. The bystanders screamed and ran for their lives. The police unsheathed their katanas in a panic. No, wait! You can't fight here! You'll get hurt! I wanted to shout, but Mellaconcey used his magic before I could.

The next moment, an explosion too huge for me to express in writing because it would sound even sillier than usual went off. Caostel, Bellius, and Yohann took this as a signal to rush at the blast. I started hearing the combat noises from beyond the smoke right away.

"Wh-what are they DOING?!"

"How reckless of them to do this in a place beyond the influence of our Dark Core. Still, we're saved. We have time now that they're distracting the police," Vill said.

That made me realize something. Why did Karin Reigetsu have so much power? Why was the Goddess doing nothing after openly supporting Karla? The answer lay at the end of the main street. That plain-looking place with the powerful aura: the Osui Palace.

I walked up to the kimono girl, who was standing there in stupefaction.

"Let's go, Karla."

"…Where? My dream is over. The shop is gone… My grandmother is gone… What else do you want me to do?"

"You don't have to do anything!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around; she looked at me with eyes wide open. "You just have to follow me! I…I won't let them get away with this. This sick joke. They can't keep taking away everything you love. I…I will…"

"U-um, Komari…?"

There were tears in my eyes, too, for some reason. I wiped them away with my sleeves, but they just wouldn't stop. Infinite anger and courage boiled within me just from looking at Karla's pitiful expression.

"What I mean is! We have to talk to the Goddess first. Let's ask her to stop Karin."

"But…she ordered that arrest warrant…"

"That's gotta be wrong! So let's go to the palace and…"

"Ms. Komari, look out!" Sakuna repelled a blade that came flying at me with her staff.

I heard shouts from the opposite direction. Police reinforcements? No…that wasn't the police.

"The Heavenly Paradise Army's Fourth Unit. We're definitely getting caught if we go against them. We should hurry to the Osui Palace."

"You heard her, Karla. Let's go!"

"Huh? Eep!"

I grabbed her by the hand and booked it.

I could hear them yelling behind me. "Stop, Gandesblood!" That was probably an Imperial Saber. The next moment, I heard gusts of wind as magic arrows came flying right beside me. I felt chills, but I had to suck it up.

"Why…? Why do you do all this?" Karla asked.

Vill struck down arrows of light coming in at high speeds with her kunai. Koharu countered by throwing a huge amount of needles at them with her mysterious ninjutsu.

"Why do you go to these lengths? Aren't you a pacifist? Why would you put yourself in such danger because of Heavenly Paradise politics?" Karla asked again.

"Because you're my friend!" I yelled.

She gasped.

Sakuna used her magic. Cold crept through the ground, freezing the road, but the enemy army easily jumped over the ice thanks to their physical enhancement magic or something. I nearly tripped then, but Vill pulled me up. I mustered all my strength to shout:

"I admire you because you're in the same position as I am… You're the same, yet you worked hard to make your dream a reality. I…I can't bear to see it all demolished like this."


"No buts! The only relevant butt here is Karin's, because we're gonna kick the crap out of it! What she's doing is wrong! She needs a good slapping to make her realize that!"

"But Komari… You believe you're weak, don't you?"

"'Course I do! I'm the greatest weakest commander ever! Maybe Karin will kill me in retaliation…but that's nothing compared to what you went through!"

Obviously, it was something.

I was scared to face Karin. But I felt like something even worse would happen if I let her be. Her grandma was right—Karin Reigetsu had to be kept away from the throne.

I looked back and saw Karla wiping her eyes.

"Komari, you are…such a dummy."

"I know… Now let's go see the Goddess."


It was then that I felt an enormous volume of mana.

Karla tripped and took me down with her. By the time I came to, it was already too late. Vill and Sakuna were desperately chanting a spell. Koharu was throwing kunais at incredible speed.

The enemy commander yelled:

"Advanced-level blade spell: Godspeed Arrow."

I whipped around to try and stand up, but then I saw a giant arrow of light speeding toward me. Impossible to dodge. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the incoming pain, but then…I heard a gunshot so loud it could tear my eardrums.

I opened my eyes wide in shock and found the light arrow vanishing. Did Vill or Sakuna help me? No…

"Wah-ha-ha! That's not enough to beat my bullets, you lowly Peace Spirits!"

I heard a cackle.

Surprised, I looked up to find a silver girl standing on the rooftop of a public bathhouse. She was armed with a long gun, magic smoke coming out of its muzzle. She must have repelled the spell with that. But why?

"Prohellya?! What are you doing?!"

"I do only what I please. Did you read the paper? That's all Karin Reigetsu's fabrication. And I don't like her methods. A ruler must be just and noble. I wouldn't like it if you all were arrested before the truth came to light."

Arctic Master Prohellya Butchersky aimed her gun at the enemy commander.

I let out a sigh of admiration as Vill helped me to my feet. That girl was on Karin Reigetsu's team…and she'd gone against the Haku-Goku Commonwealth's wishes just to help me.

"Well then, unidentified commander. If you want to stop them, then you'll have to face me first."

"Prohellya's right!"

I heard another voice. That instant, a girl came spinning down from the sky. She landed with grace and then took on a bizarre fighting pose. Leona Flatt. She forged mana as she shot a sideways glance at us and said:

"Leave it to us! I don't like cat owners, but I do want to support you all. Something's fishy about this country. Go meet the Goddess and clear up everything!"

"Wah-ha-ha-ha! Let the engagement begin! Die!!"

Prohellya shot a magic bullet once again. The gunshot echoed as an explosion went off in the middle of the Heavenly Paradise army.

Taking that as a signal, Leona rushed against the enemy. Their clash was much more impactful than that of the Seventh Unit against the police. Explosions and corpses burst forth at the roar of each gunshot. Leona pierced her enemies' hearts with her fist, sending blood flying every which way. The surrounding buildings collapsed one by one, and the cries and shrieks of the civilians rang out everywhere.

That's too… You know what? No. Serves them right.

We had no time to lose, and it was our opponent who had been excessive in the first place.

"Let's go, Lady Komari!"

We ran at Vill's cue once again.

"What's going on?!" "A riot?!" "That's Commander Amatsu!" "The vampire princess is with her!" We were showered with cheers as we ran toward the Osui Palace.

We finally saw the gates of the Goddess's residence. The huge cherry tree in the Celestial Shrine tipped me off.

"What do you want?! Stop right—BUGH!"

A guard stood at the ready with his lance before he was blown away like a piece of paper. Koharu had kicked him at an imperceptible speed. We burst through the gates into the Osui Palace.

It wasn't as extravagant as the Mulnite Palace. Its modest hallways seemed to go on forever, but there was a sense of solemnity about this peaceful fortress. I'd been expecting guards on patrol to attack us, but that didn't happen. The place was surprisingly quiet.

"Over there!" Koharu pointed at a big, wooden sliding door.

Sakuna and Vill helped her open it. On the other side was a massive hall.

Its aura alone told me that this was the equivalent of the Audience Room in the Mulnite Palace.

A bamboo blind partitioned the room. The Goddess had to be on the other side. Just then, a figured showed itself from beyond.

A hairpin with a sun ornament. Majestic kimono. And that huge paper charm covering her face.

It was the Goddess of the Heavenly Paradise.

"Oh my. What are you all doing here?"

"My Goddess!" Karla ran up to her in disarray. "What is happening?! Why are the police and army pursuing us?! Why are they saying I killed my grandmother?!"

"Do you have any proof that you didn't do it?"

"Proo…" Karla was at a loss for words for a second. "I have no proof! But why would I do that?! You know I wouldn't!"

"I do not. I don't think I do, no."


"Well, simple as…I'm not the Goddess!"

Everyone was taken aback.

Smoke came billowing out of her body out of nowhere. Vill pulled me in by the arm and held me tight. I had no idea what was going on. I felt no mana reaction. But before I knew it, the Goddess was gone. In her place was…a golden, fluffy tail. Twitching fox ears. And a derisive smirk on her face.

"You fell for it! I was the Goddess! Fuyao Meteorite! Lady Karin Reigetsu's retainer!"

My jaw was on the floor.

Koharu took a hesitant step toward Fuyao.

"What is the meaning of this?! Why are you here?!"

"All according to plan! Lady Karin always calls me the Insurrectionist Vixen, so this time around I did something worthy of the title!" She cackled.

Why had Fuyao taken the form of the Goddess? How had she even done that? Where was the real Goddess? Did Karin know about this? Since when had Fuyao been pretending to be the Goddess? How the heck did the Heavenly Paradise government work in the first place?

I had so many questions, I felt like my head was going to explode. And it appeared Karla felt the same. She just barely managed to get a few words out between gasps.

"Where…is my Goddess…?"

"I got rid of her."

Everyone turned to the source of that voice. Someone appeared from the shadow of a pillar. A samurai girl with a rainbow hairpin. Karin Reigetsu. She wore a cynical smile on her face as she approached us.

"She's partial to you. I only did what was best for the Heavenly Paradise, even if I had to take some extreme measures."

"What do you mean you got rid of her?! Where is she?!"

"Lady Karin, Lady Karin! We promised not to say that! The tables will turn if they find out I was the Goddess!"

"No problem. They have no proof."

"We do! You're right here! That's proof! I'm calling someone! Koharu, keep an eye on them!"

"It's no use. We already vacated the Osui Palace. Besides, just getting someone to come here won't work as proof."

"What do you mean it won't?! That fox used transformation magic, didn't she?! We just need an expert to check, and they'll be able to tell right away!"

"It's no magic. Fuyao, show them once more."

"Roger! Core Implosion: Inari-Avatar Reflection!"

Smoke filled the room again. I couldn't believe my eyes. The foxgirl had disappeared, and in her place…was a girl who looked just like Karla. And I wasn't being figurative. It was a mirror image of her.

"Grandmother. Grandmother." Fuyao smiled in Karla's skin; even her voice was identical. "Grandmother… That was all I had to say to do it. Oh, the years haven't been kind to Hell's Windmill. Or perhaps I should say she was too kind to her granddaughter."

"Y-you…you did that to her!"

"What does it matter? Anyways, this isn't magic. It's a different kind of power, one that reflects your strength of spirit—Core Implosion. Trying to look into my mana would be of no use. As Lady Karin said, you have no proof to wield against us."

"Why did you do that to my grandmother?! She's…she's… All because of you!"

"To win the elections! You are unworthy of the throne. Karin Reigetsu must be the next Goddess. What are a few sacrifices compared to sending our country down the right path? Though in the end, I didn't even get to kill her." Fuyao grinned.

Everything clicked. The reason why the Eastern Capital Times had framed Karla, the reason why the Goddess had ordered our arrest, why Karin was allowed to bribe the voters. It all came back to this foxgirl using the Goddess's authority to her advantage.

Karla shed bitter tears.

Koharu was so shocked she couldn't even move.

It was unfathomable. I couldn't believe someone so evil could exist in this world. What could I even do? Should I call the Seventh Unit here? But just as these unusually violent thoughts started running through my head…

"Why did you want to meet us?" Vill asked, holding back the anger in her voice. "The fact that you waited here means that you want an audience with us. Did you know we would come here?"

"Right," Karin said, as though she was only now remembering something. "I don't plan on having you actually arrested and judged. That was only a demonstration for the people, to ingrain the idea of Karla Amatsu being evil in their minds."

"Now that's twisted. I don't think someone who would do that should be a ruler," Vill replied.

"Karla…I can't stand you." Karin ignored Vill and approached her rival. Her eyes were full of pure, unadulterated hatred. "You say you'll be appointed and immediately quit to be a pâtissier? Ludicrous. I'm not letting you do that. If it's truly victory you want, then you ought to show a desire to be Goddess."

"What she's trying to say!" Fuyao shouted, back in foxgirl form. "Is that she wants you to get serious about aiming to become the ruler! There's no point in competing if you don't care about it. It wouldn't feel good to defeat you like that!"

"Wh-what?! What do you care?! I…"

"Shut up!!" Karin's roar echoed throughout the whole room. Karla's shoulders jounced. "Do you have any idea how I've felt my whole life? I won't be stopped until I rid the world of every last ignoramus with my own two hands, starting with you. That's what's best for the Heavenly Paradise. The country would be over if an absolute buffoon like you got to the top."

It was then that I felt like I understood something. Karin was envious of Karla. She wanted to go head-to-head against her to settle things once and for all. There must have been some sort of connection between them that I just couldn't understand.

But even still. No matter the reason, there was no excuse for what she did.

I took a step forward and got between the two.

"…I don't know your circumstances, but Karla won't lose."

"Bark as you please, Gandesblood. I will stand at the top of this country. And I will stop at nothing to get there."

"No! Do stop!" I shouted without thinking. I felt like I had to. "There's no way someone who does this could be the Goddess! Between you and Karla, she's way more worthy of ruling the country! She'll win!"

Click. A switch flipped. I had no hope of reacting to that. Fuyao's sword glinted as she closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye. The sharp blade was right in front of my face by the time I realized.

"Ms. Komari!"

An explosion of white mana went off as soon as I heard Sakuna's voice. An ice wall rose between Fuyao and me. A clang echoed. I saw Fuyao's eyes shine with hostility beyond the transparent ice. I had no time to sigh in relief.

She thrust her blade into the wall, tearing it down.

"Are you ready, Terakomari Gandesblood?"

"R-ready for what?"

"Lady Komari! Stand back!"

A kunai flew from the side to ward off Fuyao's katana. Vill jumped in to protect me and…the foxgirl kicked her hard in the stomach.

The back of Vill's head hit my nose. I could see stars. My maid fell on me, and we both rolled on the floor. What's going on? Why's Fuyao attacking out of nowhere? An endless barrage of questions ran through my head, and I found no answer to them as we slid on the floor. By the time I came to, Vill was on her knee, holding me up.

"Vill! Are you okay?"

"My tummy hurts, that's all. It's nothing…" She seemed to be in pain, though.

I looked at Fuyao in stupefaction. The golden foxgirl was standing right in front of us, looking down on us with a different kind of smile from before.

"I can't wait until the final battle. Say, Terakomari, how about we kill each other right now?"


Her blade flashed again.

I felt something was wrong with my shoulder. The next moment, burning pain ran through my whole body.

Blood gushed out of my shoulder. Only then did it dawn on me that I'd been slashed.

"Guh… That hurts…"

"Lady Komari?! Fuyao Meteorite! You won't get away with—"

The next kick struck Vill straight in the face. The maid flew back. Sakuna and Koharu attacked from either side, and just when their kunai and staff were about to hit Fuyao, she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Huh…? Wh-where is she?!"


A dull strike echoed. She'd nailed Sakuna and Koharu on the back of their heads with the butt of her sword. That must've been illusory magic. The two girls fell unconscious right away.

I pressed my shoulder while my jaw dropped.

Vill, Sakuna, and Koharu had all been defeated in the blink of an eye. Karla was too scared to even move. What was up with that girl? Was she really trying to settle things here and now? I looked up in terror.


"Weak! Utterly pathetic. This hardly even counts as recreation."

Fuyao placed her slender fingers on her chin. Her scornful smile was right in my face.

"Does it hurt? Feeling frustrated? Mad about your friends ending up like that? Well, that's what you get for going up against Lady Karin Reigetsu! I'll have you coat my katana now!"

"Wh-why do you do this?! I don't get it! Apologize to them!"

"What's the point in saying sorry? You're going to die now anyways!"

Fuyao licked my blood that had gotten on her finger. She slowly brought her sword aloft. I was paralyzed. How did it come to this? I curled up in dismay, when…

"Stop it, Fuyao!!"

…Karin's yell echoed throughout the hall. Her retainer stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"Stop? Why?"

"I've had enough of you acting without permission! The Heavenly Ball will be ruined if you kill them now! Besides, Terakomari Gandesblood is dangerous. We'll be in big trouble if you keep being reckless."

"Hmm." Fuyao pondered her order for a moment. "Just kidding! I just thought they might get serious for the final battle if I did this. Forgive me, Lady Terakomari! I went too far."

Fuyao turned around.

I was at a loss for words. What in the world were they thinking?

"K-Karin! You think you can get away with this?!"

"Hold it, Lady Karla! Are you angry? Then, good. Focus that fury against Lady Karin! That's what she wants!"

"You heard her, Karla." Karin glanced at her rival with a daring grin. Then she took something out of her pocket. A Magic Stone. "The final battle of the Heavenly Ball is tomorrow morning… I'm glad you're serious about it now. Really makes all we've done so far worth it. I look forward to beating you to a pulp."

Then I felt mana. Karin activated the Magic Stone. I braced myself for an attack, but no spell came flying.

Suddenly, they were gone. It was a teleportation stone.

I was frozen to the spot. Only a sense of helplessness remained.

But…we had to win. No matter what.

My gut told me that the Heavenly Paradise would be plunged into chaos if we let Karin do as she pleased.

I glanced at Karla. She was battered and despondent. I need to give my all for her. So I thought as I clenched my fist.

Fortunately, none of us three were seriously injured. Perhaps Fuyao had gone easy on us.


The Fourth Unit of the Heavenly Paradise Army was retreating.

The cops, too, were starting to leave the premises.

"Hah. Did they get orders to retreat or something? They sure are good at running away, if nothing else," Prohellya Butchersky grumbled, gun in hand.

She had killed sixteen and was unharmed herself. The strongest Arctic Master wasn't about to get wounded against low-level goons. Leona Flatt down on the ground, though, was all banged up. And outside her Dark Core area, too, the poor girl.

"Sheesh! They escaped! I wanted to kill them all!"

"Calm down," Prohellya said as she jumped off the public bath rooftop. "Our objective was to let Terakomari and Karla Amatsu escape. Let's ask them how that went later on."

"But…we're on Karin's side, aren't we? Shouldn't we ask her?"

"Stupid cat."

"What did you say?!"

"Karin Reigetsu is the root of all this evil. There's something real wicked going on in this city… Karin's at the center. Can you hear all that? I wish I couldn't."

Prohellya listened to the voices of the people chatting far away.

"Lady Karla really killed her?" "Lady Karin was right about her." "I don't want a girl like her becoming Goddess." "They say she poisoned the snacks she was selling." "Now that I think about it, Team Amatsu has done nothing but use dirty tricks since the Heavenly Ball started…"

Leona could also hear them on account of her beastlike ears. The Eastern Capital was full of malice. Resentment that had been intentionally stoked.

"But…" Leona tilted her head. "I don't only hear people criticizing Karla. The citizens aren't puppets. There are plenty of people who've drawn their own conclusions."

"Right. Which is why I find it despicable. Karin Reigetsu thinks the people can be so easily manipulated. I don't like making light of the citizenry like that."

"Yeah, I agree. What I dislike the most is how she framed Karla and then set her shop on fire."

"It's infuriating!! I've never met someone so awful! She won't get away with this!" Prohellya yelled as she stamped her feet.

She had joined Karin Reigetsu's team under the secretary general's instructions, but Karin Reigetsu was unfit to be a ruler. She didn't deserve the great Commander Prohellya Butchersky's help, secretary general's orders be damned.

She would surely get reprimanded for going against him, but she didn't care. Better act on her own accord here and now.

Then she felt a mana reaction on her Correspondence Crystal. Speak of the devil. Prohellya clicked her tongue and poured mana into the crystal, connecting to her northern homeland.

"Prohellya speaking. I would appreciate being notified in anticipation of when you want to talk."

"I am notifying you right now that I want to talk. Now. Prohellya, I've been watching."

Leona looked at her with curiosity. Prohellya shooed her away; couldn't have her hearing top-secret information.

"Seems like we have to change our plans."

"Wasn't our plan to make Karin Reigetsu the Goddess?"

"Yes. Karin Reigetsu is unworthy of the title. Which is why the Heavenly Paradise would dramatically lose power if she took the throne. Then we could swoop in and make it a puppet state of the Haku-Goku Commonwealth."

Shameless bastard, Prohellya thought.

"And if Karin Reigetsu wins, we avoid Karla Amatsu becoming the Goddess. That would be of great benefit to our nation since we could make use of Karla Amatsu's powers. Our chances of coming into contact with her would drastically decrease if she became Goddess."

"That part I don't get. What kind of power does Karla Amatsu have?"

"You will understand in the upcoming battle… Regardless, we can't go on with our original plan of making Karin Reigetsu the Goddess. The outcome of that can only be bad. Forget about making it a puppet state—the Heavenly Paradise would collapse if she rose to power."

The secretary general let out an overly dramatic sigh. She didn't understand how serious he was about that.

"Plus, you dislike her methods, don't you, Prohellya?"

"If I may speak frankly for a second—no, I do not."

"Then do as you please. I give you permission."

Prohellya widened her eyes. She didn't get what had changed his mind, but whatever happened, it was better than having to do a job she didn't want to do.

"But…," the secretary general added. "Beware of the fox."

"Fox? You mean Fuyao Meteorite?"

"Yes. She's plotting something and using Karin Reigetsu to carry it out. Don't let her get away with it. You can't let Karin Reigetsu win."

"What do you mean?"

The secretary general chuckled.

"She's a monster in human clothing. I can tell."


Karla Amatsu had been ready to become the leader of the next generation. And though she didn't want to, she had no choice but to do as she was told. That's how she'd ended up becoming an Imperial Saber, getting involved in a war she hated, and ultimately participating in the Heavenly Ball as a Goddess candidate.

But everything changed when she met Terakomari Gandesblood.

She'd given Karla the courage to live true to herself and follow her dreams. She was moved when she saw her argue sharply for her. She'd helped her and her grandmother understand each other. Karla couldn't thank Komari enough for it.

A free life had finally been within her grasp… But then…

What was this feeling?

Being framed… Karin attacking her grandmother… The Fuuzen being set on fire… In the wake of Karin's misdeeds, Karla felt something budding in her heart. Something telling her, Are you really okay with this?

Her grandmother's fears were becoming reality. The Heavenly Paradise would be in serious trouble in Karin Reigetsu's hands.

If by mere chance Karla won…what would happen if she quit being the Goddess to become a pâtissier? The Eastern Capital would be plunged into chaos. Twisted scoundrels like Karin and Fuyao would stir once again.

"Live how you see fit," her grandmother had told her.

But no one lived as they pleased. Nobody in the whole world only ever did what they wanted to do.

"You're going to pay, Karin…," Koharu muttered, clenching her fist.

Team Karla Amatsu had reunited in the garden of the Amatsu residence. Karla, Koharu, Komari, her maid Villhaze, and Sakuna Memoir.

The girls Fuyao had knocked out regained consciousness soon after. That foxgirl's attack was probably only meant to knock them out temporarily in the first place. Komari was the only one to have sustained injuries, and she'd returned to Mulnite for a short while with a teleportation Magic Stone to recover.

Komari's four rowdy subordinates were there as well. They told the others that the police were no longer looking for them. Fuyao-turned-Goddess must have commanded them to stand down. But…that was nothing to be glad about. The situation hadn't changed in the slightest.

"Don't worry," Villhaze said calmly. "The final battle is tomorrow. Let's just beat them to a pulp there. Throw the foolish bastards who dared injure Lady Komari straight to hell. Then everything will sort itself out."

"Will it really? Ms. Karla's grandmother is still in serious condition." Sakuna frowned.

"Commander! We won't tolerate slander about the Seventh Unit. We must show them our strength and shut them down. I believe we should attack the Reigetsu residence straight away."

"Um… Mr. Caostel, you shouldn't be so reckless…"

"Huh?! E-excuse me, Commander Memoir!"

"Gah-ha-ha-ha! Serves you right, Caostel! You always call me reckless! How's it feel, huh?!"

"Check it! Yohann's a reckless bomb! Caostel's a Peeping Tom—GWAH!"

"What're you talking about?!"

"Yohann, calm down. We need to focus on our plan…"

They were already discussing what to do, but Karla couldn't concentrate. The only thing on her mind was Karin's words: "I can't stand you." Sure, maybe her way of life looked ridiculous to someone like her rival, but…

"You okay, Karla?"

She raised her head at the sound of that voice.

Komari was gazing at her, worry in her eyes.

"…I'm okay. Thank you for your concern."

"You don't have to worry about anything. I may be weak, but the Seventh Unit guys are super strong. And we're also smuggling Sakuna in there. We won't lose to Karin."

Komari's kind words pricked at her chest.

She knew this girl was just as anxious.

Then Karla's mind was cleared. She couldn't keep relying on other people. She was a candidate in the Heavenly Ball. She couldn't spend all day feeling sorry for herself.

This was no game. It was war.

Her grandmother had already had a brush with death.

Karla had to face reality. Now was no time to cling to her dreams.

"Let's think about our strategy, okay? I think just following Vill's orders will be enough, but…"

"I'll fight, too." Karla wiped her tears and stood up. She looked at everyone and slowly opened her mouth again. "I don't want to lose to Karin." They all looked at her, and she took a deep breath before continuing. "I had worked hard only for the purpose of not becoming the Goddess up until now…but things have changed. There's no point in thinking otherwise. I will defeat Karin and become the Goddess."

"Karla…? But I thought you didn't want to be it…"

"I can't leave it up to anyone else."

"But what about your dream of becoming a pâtissier?!"

"Nothing says I can't do both!" she yelled.

Karla understood she was being reckless, but she had made her choice. She would listen to her grandmother's wishes and make her dream come true. The phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" was nowhere to be found in Karla's dictionary.

"I can't leave it in Karin's hands. I don't think I can leave it in anyone's hands. I, Karla Amatsu, will be the one to protect this country…so…"

Komari was staring at her with her mouth agape, as was everyone else. Everyone was in disbelief that the girl who'd so insisted she didn't want to become Goddess during the debate would turn back on her word. Which was why Karla urged them so seriously. She took another deep breath and rallied her courage to ask:

"So, please…won't you all lend me a hand?"

"Well said!!"

Everyone turned around. Atop the rocks of the dry garden was a girl. One of the Six Arctic Masters of the Haku-Goku Commonwealth—Prohellya Butchersky. Beside her stood one of the Four Holy Beasts of the Lapelico Kingdom—Leona Flatt.

Komari's subordinates readied themselves for battle.

"No need to get worked up," Prohellya said, holding up her hand and slowly walking up to them. "I apologize for trespassing, but I wanted to give you the good news."


"Liona Flatt and I will be joining Team Karla Amatsu in the battle against Karin Reigetsu."

Shock. "You're lying!" "You won't trick us!" Komari's subordinates said, but Prohellya smiled, unconcerned. Leona let out a heavy sigh.

"Prohellya is fed up with Karin. I guess we're ruining the Heavenly Ball? Anyways, my King also gave me permission, so I'm joining her. I don't like Karin's methods, either."

"You heard her. Hope you welcome us, Karla Amatsu." Prohellya reached out to her.

Karla stared at her hand dumbfounded, only to be moved the next moment. Whatever the two girls' motives were, she had no reason to turn down help. She shook Prohellya's hand, then Leona's. The Reigetsu side being two people down was a boon to Team Amatsu, but more than pros and cons, Karla was glad about having people who wanted to follow her.

"…Thank you so much. Of course you're welcome to join."

"No need to thank us. Also, about the Eastern Capital Times…" Prohellya took a newspaper out from her coat, the one with the article speaking ill of Karla and Komari. "I heard of someone upset about it."


"Indeed! I have too many criticisms to list!"

A white-haired girl appeared from behind Prohellya. The Sapphire was wearing formal attire similar to a suit. Behind her was a shy catgirl.

"Ugh," Komari said as she took a step back. Leona did the exact same thing.

"…Sis? What're you doing here?" Leona asked.

"I don't even know! Ask this bully of a boss! Please take my place, Leona! Get me OUT!!"

"Do you even know how few people can get hired by Six Nations News fresh out of school? I don't get what you're upset about."

"Everything! She always gets mad at the tini—EGH!"

The Sapphire put the catgirl in a headlock.

Everyone else stood there in confusion before the Sapphire briskly approached them.

"My name is Melka Tiano! I work for Six Nations News! I am very, very sorry for the slander that hoax of a rag has put you through! We must make the Eastern Capital Times pay! They are making a mockery of journalism! They think they can just make up whatever they want! And they cannot keep getting away with this! Don't you agree, Thio?"

"Are we really in a position to criticize them? And please let me go already. I'll sue."

"In any case! We support Team Karla Amatsu. Six Nations News will responsibly report on the commander's innocence. We've held a street survey today and found out that ninety percent of people believe you to be innocent! Look at this! Don't let those barbaric pseudo-journo terrorists defeat you, Commander Amatsu!"

Melka Tiano drew closer and closer and closer.

Karla didn't quite get it, but she understood this girl was on her side.

She had many people on her team. She would have to live up to their expectations, then.

"Thank you," Karla said, pushing Melka away and turning to look at Komari. She looked suspicious. "Komari…would you help me out? Perhaps it would be a lie to say I'm ready, but…I want to become the Goddess and know more about the Heavenly Paradise that way. So, please, fight alongside me."

Komari flinched for a few seconds, but then she understood Karla's feelings. She nodded firmly with a serious look on her face.

"…Got it. If you're gonna be doing your best, then I have to as well."

And so they were ready for the battle.

Karla wasn't prepared to become the Goddess, but she didn't have the time to stop. She couldn't be passive like she had been up to this point. She had to live up to everyone's expectations. The mere thought of that gave her the true will to fight.

I don't know how much I can do, but I'll do whatever I can.