
The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess

“…Fueh? W-What is it?” When the shut-in girl Terakomari, or Komari for short, woke up from her slumber, she had been appointed as a commander! And if that wasn’t enough, the corps she holds responsibility over is known for overthrowing and murdering their superiors! Even though she had been born into a prestigious vampire family, because she can’t drink any blood, she possesses close to no athletic or physical abilities, she’s rather small for her age, and she can’t even use any magic. Met with endless despair, her trusted (?) maid Vill comes to the rescue. “Please leave it to me, Komari-sama. I will definitely make sure you won’t be found out!” Thus begins the comical fantasy portraying Komari’s struggles. She’s a shut-in, but she can actually do it if she puts her mind to it!?

Chiqui_Angeles · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

Chapter 2: A Round Table Full of Weirdos

We patrolled every night after that but never found the terrorist. That being said, we didn't hear about any more victims, either, so it at least felt like that overtime wasn't for nothing. Or maybe the murderer had just gotten tired. It

was also possible that they had already accomplished their goal… But whatever, I didn't care about any of it.

The day had finally come. You know which one. The day of the Crimson Council.


I screamed at the top of my lungs, dignity be damned.

It was morning. I was in bed, under my blanket. Just as I was steeling myself to feign sickness and refuse to budge, the sicko maid showed up out of the blue to inform me of my death.

"It's time for work, Lady Komari. Don't worry, I'll support you all the way. You won't die if everything goes well."

"What if everything goes wrong?!"

Vill sighed and shrugged.

"What happened to you? You were so trusting of me the other day, exclaiming 'Everything will be all right with Vill by my side!' and holding me tight."

I hadn't said or done any of that.

"…I mean, I do trust you a fair bit, but just think about it. We're up against the six strongest people in the Empire. This ain't Yohann!"

"I see, so your fears amplified as you ruminated on things… Still, do not worry. There is no chance of you exploding now."

"Did you see to that with your Core Implosion?"

"No, the effects wore off, so I can't see that anymore."


I turned away and buried my face in my dolphin pillow.

Better not go out today. Yeah. I'll just go back to sleep and visit Candyland in my dreams. No one talk to me.

"Lady Komari, do you have any intention of going?"


"Shall I read your novel aloud again?"

"…Strawberry Milk? I don't care."

"No, your new one."

"H-how?! You said you wouldn't do that anymore! And I locked my drawer! How did you get it?!"

"No, I said I wouldn't do that for no reason. And I have a very good one right now. So yes, I broke the lock and took it for the purpose of blackmailing you."


I clutched the hair at my temples and writhed in agony on my bed. But of course! I should've predicted she'd do it! You should know her better by now, Komari! That depraved maid loves your novels way too much! Okay, fine! If that's what you want… I don't care anymore!

"Hah! I planned on publishing that anyway! Go on, read as much as you want!"

"Okay, then. Take it away, Lady Sakuna Memoir."

"Huh? U-um, okay… 'Orange Season Love…'"


I jumped out of my bed and immediately saw a silver-haired girl. Sakuna Memoir. The one and only. She had that characteristic fleeting aura about her, so there was no doubt.

I could tell from the way Vill was looking at me that she'd have Sakuna read it if I didn't get out of bed.

"Oh, Ms. Terakomari. Good morning. Let's do our best at the Crimson Council."

"Y-yeah! Let's do that! Let's… What are you doing here, by the way?"

"I just thought it would be nice going there together…"

Don't you live in the dorms? Isn't that, like, really far away? Then I remembered she was a mage and could teleport anywhere.

"C-can we not?"

"No, no, we can! I would love to!" I glanced at her hands. "Um, about that manuscript…"

"This? What is this, anyway?" Sakuna asked Vill.

The maid smirked.

"This is the latest masterwork from the greatest author of our time. I heard you like books, so I thought I ought to share it with you. I believe you will find it to your liking."

You nasty, evil wench!

"Is that so? Did you read it already, Ms. Terakomari?"

"Bweh?! … Y-yeah. I did." How could I not?

"Is it good?"

"Y-yeah, I would say it's great, actually!"

"Wow! I can't wait to read it… Who's the author, by the way?"

I froze up. I wasn't lying when I'd said I planned on publishing it… But I didn't want Sakuna to know I wrote novels now. My heart wasn't ready for this. So I decided to hide it. I knew that would only cause problems down the line, but that was for future me to take care of.

"They're um…a relative of mine, actually. They asked me to take a look at their work… Tell me what you think about it, I'll let them know."

"Of course, I will."

Sakuna nodded contentedly.

…Wait. This is the best-case scenario, isn't it? Who cares if anyone reads it if they don't know I wrote it? This won't work as blackmail! I don't have to go outside!

Besides! Though I feel a bit bad about lying to Sakuna, I'm getting someone to read my work. That's good, isn't it? I can get her honest thoughts, no filter! Oh man, I'm getting nervous now.

"Lady Komari wrote it, actually."

"Don't tell her!!"

"Huh? …You wrote it? Really?"

"I-it's not true, Sakuna! Don't let that sicko maid deceive you! She has to lie at least six times a day to stay alive! And that is true! A relative wrote it, I promise!"

"I see… That's too bad."

Sakuna cast her gaze down to the manuscript in disappointment.

Oof. Can't take my eyes off that sicko maid for even a second, huh?

Then said maid immediately grabbed me by the arm and smiled.

"Let's go outside if you don't want me to spill the beans for real, okay?"

"D-don't touch me, you deviant! I have unchangeable plans to sleep today! And never again wake up!"

"So you want to die?"

"I'd rather hibernate forever than actually go out to meet my death! I'm not going!"

"You jest. Did you forget Lady Memoir is right here?"


I had, actually. Sakuna was staring at me with confusion. Yikes.

The whole novel thing was but a soft jab. This was the real reason Vill had let in the girl she (for whatever reason) hated so much.

"Ms. Terakomari, I know you must be exhausted after working so much… but we need to go. I'll be there to support you. Come on."

I had nowhere to run.

I was her senior, technically, and it was vampire nature to put on airs in front of one's juniors.

So I stood up on my bed, struck the most imposing pose I could muster, and made a declaration.

"Very well! Let us meet those Crimson Lords! There is nothing to worry about! After all, no vampire comes close to me as the strongest in the Empire!"

I wanted to eat my words shortly after.


We were now at the Bloody Hall in the Mulnite Imperial Palace—the place where I'd first met my subordinates. The image of this room full of those uniformed vampires was still fresh in my mind, which made the empty scene here feel weirder. Just a round table at the center, nothing more.

But they were sitting around it.

I was terrified. Scared shitless. Not a single one of them looked like a respectable vampire. No, I'm not exaggerating—they each had a body count of over a thousand. We're talking about the Seven Crimson Lords, Supreme Commanders of the Mulnite Empire!

"My oh my! Ms. Gandesblood! And Ms. Sakuna Memoir! After a long wait, our star of the night has arrived, everyone."

The Black Flash, Flöte Mascarail, shot me a combative stare as soon as I entered. Her mushroom-black hair was as lustrous as ever. I stared back at her as though she were death itself and snorted.

"H-hah! It's not past the appointed hour yet, so don't cry about it! How about you all take it easy, huh?"

"…Tch. You're asking for it."

Crap. I was sweating buckets. Why the hell did I say that?!

No, no, it was all part of the plan. I had no choice!

Vill had told me one thing only before we arrived.

"Put on airs at all times. Make them cower at the sight of you."

"What do you mean, exactly?"

"Act all cocky. Become Cockymari."

So just do the thing I always do, huh?

Honestly, I didn't believe that silly tactic would work against the strongest commanders in the Empire. But I gathered it was better to be cocky rather than mousy, so I bet on the cock. …I don't think it's working, though. Look at her! She's reaching for her sword! She's furious!

"Lady Komari, please take a seat."


I did as Vill asked and made my way to the round table, legs trembling. That's when it hit me: There was a familiar face sitting in what should have been the First Unit's commander's seat (next to mine, that was)— that perverted, gorgeous, huge-boobed, blond drill-haired Empress.

"…Empress? Whatcha doing here?"

"Just watching. I'm curious as to how they'll judge you."

Wipe that grin off your damn face. You realize this meeting might actually, literally kill me? I scowled at her, but she only cackled in response.

"Don't beg me for anything. Save that for when we're all alone."

"What are you talking about?!"

"What are you two saying?!"

My voice overlapped with Flöte's. She glared at me with a spiteful frown.

"Just sit down already! You too, Ms. Sakuna Memoir!"

"Y-yes!" Sakuna anxiously took a seat. I did the same and sat down beside her.

Crap. Oh crap, oh crap. All the Crimson Lords are looking at me. I feel like their stares alone could kill me. But don't get scared, Komari! They'll think you're a weakling! And then they'll say you're unfit for the title of Crimson Lord! No, no, act like you're invincible, like they're the small fry. Yes. Lord it over them. Crimson Lord it.

Beside me, Her Majesty the Empress took a sip of her tea. I wondered why she was taking up the First Unit commander's seat, and why no one seemed to have any problem with it. Oh well, I figured this degenerate was slightly better than a berserker I'd never met.

Beside her was the Second Unit commander, Helldeus Heaven. The weirdo who worked as priest and managed an orphanage while keeping the title of Crimson Lord. He was the only one not in military regalia; instead, he was wearing religious-y attire. He glanced at me, quickly drew a cross in the air, then held his hands together. Please stop. I'm not dead yet.

Beside him was the Third Unit commander, Flöte Mascarail. The vampire most strongly against me of everyone present. To make matters worse, I'd heard House Mascarail had a longstanding rivalry with House Gandesblood. I figured this factored into her resentment of me.

Beside her sat the Fourth Unit commander, Delphyne. She… Wait, he? That's a man's uniform… Wore a foreign-looking mask. He had his arms crossed as he leaned on the seat, oozing a mysterious aura of splendor. The fact he was wearing a mask meant he had to be an absolute weirdo, though.

Beside him was the Fifth Unit commander, Odilon Metal. You could tell he was a veteran warrior at first glance. He seemed to be around forty, I think? His body was muscular and his face wrinkly, with a well-groomed beard. His eyes were sharp and intimidating… Honestly, he might've been the scariest vampire in here.

Beside him sat the Sixth Unit commander, Sakuna Memoir. The sole source of comfort for me in this room. I am not kidding when I say she was the only reason my spirit wasn't already broken into pieces. Our gazes met, and she clenched both fists before her face. Oh, yes, sister. I get you.

Beside her was the Seventh Unit commander, Terakomari Gandesblood. Hey, that's me. I had to keep up appearances against the twisted Crimson Lords as they trained their eyes on me. Which wasn't easy. In fact, it was

taking up all my energy. I was on death's door. I turned to look at Vill behind me. She, too, was putting on airs. I don't know what you're planning, but it better work! You're my last hope!

"Well then… Since Petrose Calamaria is out on expedition with the First Unit, everyone here is present and accounted for. The rules say at least six of the seven Crimson Lords must reunite to hold a council, and we meet the requirements. I would like to begin the Crimson Council. I take it there are no objections?"

Everyone nodded in response to Flöte. So she's the moderator.

The Crimson Lords were all more colorful than expected. I'd figured all uniforms were crimson since, y'know… But every unit had a different color. I would learn later that the name wasn't meant to describe the Lords as

Crimson, but rather that the Lords would "dye the skies crimson." What a messed-up organization.

But anyway, that wasn't important now. Flöte took a deep breath.

"Let us cut to the chase. Today's topic is whether Terakomari Gandesblood is deserving of the title of Crimson Lord. She was appointed in May of this year and has won all her battles since, achieving ten consecutive victories against the Lapelico Kingdom. That is quite the remarkable feat for

a newbie Crimson Lord, the likes of which have been unheard of in history."

"It's truly incredible!! Praised be God!!"

"Please shut your mouth, Lord Heaven. As I was saying, Terakomari Gandesblood's accomplishments are astonishing. One can easily understand how she amassed such popularity in and outside of the Empire… If you only look at the results, that is!"

She shot me a glare.

"Has anyone here ever seen her fight? No, I should think not. Terakomari Gandesblood stays in base, seated on her throne, and merely instructing her subordinates. They do all the work for her. I've never even heard of her defeating an enemy."

"That's true!" Fifth Unit commander Odilon Metal (the scary old guy) concurred in a thunderous tone. "A Crimson Lord is the incarnation of military force! One must train thoroughly, shape their muscle, and quash the

enemy themselves! Don't you agree, Lady Gandesblood?"

"O-of course, I…"

"Of course she does!!"

Helldeus Heaven (the weird old man) shouted in my stead. Why?

"You don't understand, Sir Metal. A truly strong warrior doesn't play with weaklings! Lady Gandesblood gets that, which is why she doesn't fight herself!"

"Then she should challenge stronger foes! Look at her matches: Four of them were against a chimpanzee from a country of barbarians! I would understand not wanting to face weaklings herself, but then why wage war against them alone?!"

"This is truly beyond you, isn't it?! You are the barbarian here, you heathen!"

I could actually hear the vein on Odilon's forehead pop. Helldeus didn't care in the slightest, though.

"Lady Gandesblood is as broad-minded and benevolent as God Himself. She won't turn down anyone… Because she knows well to follow God's teachings."

"Enough of your nonsense! Speak like a normal person!"

"Fine, I will explain it in simpler terms. Whenever an opposing country declares war to Lady Gandesblood, she, with a heart as wide as the sea itself, will unfailingly accept. She does not pick and choose. It's all a coincidence! Mere chance! Bad luck! Simple happenstance that she's only fought weak foes!"

"She's still fought the Chimpanzee way too many times!!"

"That man is but a beast. Little wonder he challenges her time and time again without consideration. But I believe you might understand how he feels, don't you? For you are as barbaric as he is, Sir Metal!"

Odilon's fist hit the table so hard Sakuna let out a short yelp. I, on the other hand, almost peed myself.

"Try saying that again, Helldeus!! I'll take those dirty vestments of yours, tear them to shreds, grill them over charcoal, and feed them to the pigs!"

"The sheer foolery! I cannot believe so many people still don't believe in God's splendor… But it's fine. It is an evangelist's duty to enlighten even the most unrefined barbarians. I will keep reaching out to you in case you ever seek salvation, you bearded brute!"

"I'll show you HELL, you shitty priest!!"

"Stop it, you two!"

Odilon had drawn his sword and Helldeus had risen to meet him. Just when I thought they would go for each other's throats, Flöte unleashed her dark magic between the two. The dark beam (?) grazed my cheek with the

speed of a hurricane and struck the wall behind me, gouging its sturdy bricks before dissipating.

Flöte spoke in an icy tone.

"This is not the place for that kind of behavior. And may I remind you that battling between Crimson Lords for personal reasons is prohibited? Bear in mind that you are in the presence of Lady Karen… Her Majesty."

"Tch… You're right. I hate that rule, but it is what it is."

Odilon sheathed his blade. Helldeus nodded with a smile and sat back down, too.

My jaw was on the floor.

"Lady Komari, relax your cheeks."

Vill pinched them and tried to close my mouth from behind, then molded my face back into that cocky sneer.

"Uh, Vill, am I gonna die?"

"You won't."

Yup. I'm a goner.

"Let's get back on topic… So, we believe Terakomari Gandesblood's strength is all a farce. How do you answer to this, Ms. Gandesblood?"

"F-false. I'm the strongest."

"Is that supposed to be an argument?" Flöte coldly rebuked. "Come to think of it, you killed Millicent Bluenight, an assassin of Inverse Moon, a month ago, didn't you? How did you manage that?"

I couldn't answer. That's what I wanted to know.

"Oh, you can't even say what you did yourself? Or perhaps you've forgotten?"

Then Sakuna stood up with a thud.

"H-hold on! There's no need to ask her that! We should simply have her show us how strong she is… Right? She could perform an advanced-level spell for us or something."

Sakuna… I appreciate your bravery for speaking up against that, but I can't even use low-level spells, let alone advanced ones! Are you trying to kill me?!

"I'm sure she isn't capable. Or are you, Ms. Gandesblood?"

"O-o-of… Of course, I am!"

"Go ahead, then."

"…But now's not the time."

"See? She can't."

Flöte sighed in disappointment. Sakuna's stare was killing me. Her eyes were asking, "Why? You really can't?" I'm sorry, Sakuna… As I made a mental apology, Helldeus stood up with a bang.

"Lady Mascarail! A true believer the likes of Lady Gandesblood would never lie!"

"If she was really telling the truth, she could use a flashy incantation whenever she wanted. Besides, Lord Heaven, I think you misunderstand. Terakomari Gandesblood is no woman of faith."

"Huh…? N-no, there's no way…"

"Go ahead and check the list of members of the Church. I doubt you'll find her name among them. Additionally… House Gandesblood has always had a reputation for atheism bordering on blasphemy."

"I-it can't be…!"

Helldeus stared at me with eyes like a betrayed puppy's. No, don't give me that look. You made up your mind on your own.

"Well then, Ms. Gandesblood, can you answer us as to how you defeated the terrorist?"

I forced my trembling lips open.

"…I—I could never forget such a fierce battle… I'll describe it in detail. You see, spells were flying all around, like ZAP! WOOSH! BAM-BAM! It was a sight to behold…"

Someone sighed. It was Odilon (the scary old guy).

I couldn't stop my whole body from trembling.

"What is detailed about that?" Flöte sighed as well. "I really don't understand you. There's no rhyme or reason to anything you say… Zap Woosh? Bam-bam? Can't you use actual words for a second? I thought you were a Crimson Lord. I expect something better than a grade schooler's retelling of events."

"Oh no, don't get me wrong. I was about to get into the real meat of thi—"

"Not only is she weak, she has the vocabulary of a baby! You should read a bit more, you know? Oh, there's this series my sister wrote called The Andronos Chronicles. Now that is an exquisite work for the intellectual and tactical education of the youth. I could lend you a copy sometime. I think even your tiny brain might get a little something out of it if you get through it."

"I—I read books!"

"Silence. Let's get back to the point. As you see, she is undeserving of the title of Crimson Lord. I have physical evidence, too. Please, take a look at this. These are her grades from her time in the Imperial Academy. All Fs in both Magic and PE. You think this dunce deserves to be one of us?"

"What…? Where did you get that?!"

"A little investigation like this is no big deal for House Mascarail. Regardless, we've now proved you were an underachiever, and a dropout at that! Incidentally, what have you been doing these past three years? Wereyou cooped up at home? Surely not, right? A daughter of House Gandesblood, a shut-in?"

"Who cares…about that…?"

"Not me, that's true. I'm only concerned with why you are one of us Crimson Lords. Could it be…nepotism?"


"Sir Gandesblood is an aristocrat. He could easily get his weak, unaccomplished daughter appointed to this position. 'Please, Daddy! Make me one of them!' That's all you had to say to get right to the top. How despicable!"


"Hah! You only did it for the fame, didn't you? You just wanted everyone to fawn all over you. You're even taking economic advantage by selling all that gross merchandising! The sheer gall!"


I was starting to tear up. I felt like a defendant on trial. But I would get handed down a death sentence as soon as I started crying, so I clenched my fists on top of my knees and stared blankly at the table, hoping to let the insults wash over me. Yet I couldn't. Flöte's words were like blades chopping up my heart. She was right. On all accounts. Well, not all of them, but so long as I couldn't argue back, they'd all seem true. My chest hurt. I could barely breathe. Why did this have to happen to me?

"Why are you looking down? Even if you are about to get fired, you are still a Supreme Commander and Crimson Lord in this moment. Have some dignity. This is why in school, you…"

"Stop it!"

A thunderous voice echoed throughout the hall. Everyone turned to the source—the pretty-faced, big-boobed, blond girl beside me. She rested her chin on her hand as she stared at Flöte, who was taken aback by the order.

"L-Lady Karen? Why…?"

"She's only fifteen. Be the adult here and stop being so harsh."

"But… Yes, Komari is fifteen, but she's still a Crimson Lord. She… She shouldn't be fazed by this much criticism. A-and besides…I'm only stating the truth! What's wrong with that?!"

"But are you, really? Did you check that everything you said is, indeed, true? Her grades, sure… But do you have evidence that Komari got the title through nepotism because she wanted the fame?"

"W-well… I have circumstantial evidence…"

"You can't read minds. If you want to hold this council like it's a trial, then be more thorough with your investigation."

The Empress had pointed out the shortcomings in Flöte's argument. It felt like she was standing up for me. I was happy and relieved… But I also felt a bit sorry for myself.

I should have learned from what had happened a month ago. Should have internalized that if I didn't hold my ground against someone who maliciously opposed me, I'd lose important things forever. That was why I'd holed up for three years; because I'd let Millicent do whatever she wanted.

Though I was sincerely glad that the Empress was on my side, I couldn't keep having her protect me. I had to show resistance of my own accord.

"Lady Karen… What you say is correct. However, it's still true that Terakomari Gandesblood hasn't shown us she has the strength to deserve the title of Crimson Lord! And so long as she doesn't, it remains the truth that she has no real prowess in combat! This is backed up by her grades at the Academy! I see no way she could have been appointed, other than bribery or nepotism!"

"I'm telling you to stop the speculation. First of all, I am the one who decided to appoint her, and I'm telling you that…"

"Empress, that's enough," I muttered with all my courage.

The Empress stared at me, shock on her face.

I wiped away my tears with my handkerchief and turned back to Vill.

"I won't blow up, right?"

She, too, looked shocked, but a brash grin immediately came back to her face as she answered.

"Trust me."

I had nothing to worry about, then. No, in truth, I was almost falling apart over saying what I really felt, but oh well, I had to trust her. Nothing would change otherwise.

I took a deep breath and stared right at Flöte.

She looked back at me like, What's with her?

The Empress smiled, impressed.

All the other Crimson Lords turned to me as well.

Then, I crossed my arms arrogantly, brashly put both feet on the table, gave a haughty cackle, and said:

"Wail as much as you want, Flöte Mascarail. I couldn't care less what a nobody like you has to say."

Flöte froze up.

The Empress chuckled.

The other Crimson Lords stared at me in confusion.

Then I… I…got a slight kick out of it, but simultaneously plunged into deep and utter despair, as if the world was ending before my eyes.

I said it… I just went and SAID THAAAAAAAAT!

That took the world record for cockiest bitch ever! What a stunning provocation! Couldn't complain if it got me beaten to a pulp!

Flöte was making a face like she'd just been found poking a voodoo doll full of nails!

"…Hah… Ha-ha. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha… Ms. Gandesblood… Please, you've got to be joking."

"Joking? Oh, this is no jest. You don't understand my true power? Don't get so cocky just because you can do a little dark magic!"

CRACK! That was the sound of Flöte's fist punching a hole through the wooden table.

"You… You dare speak like that to the Great Crimson Lord, the Black Flash, Flöte Mascarail?! Take it back!"

"You first! Take back all that unfounded slander you were throwing at me just a second ago! I won't be saying sorry until you do!"

"I'm not apologizing! I spoke only the truth! You're the one at fault for concealing it! Oh, but I understand. Who wouldn't want to hide such a shameful past?!"

"Sh-shameful…past…?" No, don't falter, Komari. Don't cry. You can do it, just be Cockymari! "I am not ashamed of it! In fact, it's you who should be ashamed!"

"WHAT?! That makes no sense! What grounds do you have to say that?! Now that's slander!"

"Shaddup! You're the slanderer here! You should feel disgusted at yourself! 'The Black Flash'? 'The Great Crimson Lord'? Don't you get embarrassed just saying that out loud?! I do! You make me CRINGE!"

"You… You insolent little…! You're the cringey one! I've heard you go around calling yourself a 'total knockout beauty' or some stupid drivel like that! What do you say to that?! Huh?!"

"I'm only telling the truth! Daddy calls me that every day, so it must be! Unlike you, who came up with that laughable title herself!"

"First time I've seen someone take what her parents say so seriously! I agree with you on one thing, though: We should not be comparing ourselves. The difference is as clear as night and day! I am a verifiably strong Crimson Lord! I'm proud of my power! And everyone around me agrees! Unlike you, stupid Crimson faker!"

"As clear as day?! I didn't even know you before you came looking for a fight! And I've never seen you battle as commander, either! Oh, is it that you're just that forgettable? I'm so sorry! But I suppose we have that in common. I know nothing about you, and you know nothing about me! Maybe we'd find out we're both awesome if we only talked it out a bit more, don't you think? Why was your first thought to hold this stupid sham of a trial?! You're insane! You should feel ashamed of how messed up your thought process is!"

"You say I'M INSANE?!"

Flöte drew her sword.

Welp. I'm dead.

"Since you're so sure of yourself, let's solve this in a duel! Then everything will come to light! Let's see if you really merit the title! And that attitude of yours!"

"J-j-ju-ju-ju-ju-ju-just what I wanted! Come at me, Flöte Mascarail! I'll turn you into an omelet with my super amazing magic! Or rather, I would love to, but first we should test whether you're worthy of facing me, and for

that you will be going against my maid first! Go, Vill!"

"No," said Vill.

"As you've heard, we'll have to postpone the match until a later date…"


"Don't, Flöte."

Just as the Crimson Lord was about to blast me with the dark vortex at the tip of her sword, the Empress stopped her. Flöte couldn't bring herself to oppose her—she stared at her beloved Lady Karen with heartrending, teary eyes.

"Lady Karen! What's come over you?! Why do you defend that girl so much?!"

"Isn't it obvious? Because she's cute."

"Th-that's… That's no reason! What about me? A-am I n-not c-c-c-cute? You said I was when I was little! Why not side with me for a bit…?"

"All citizens of the Mulnite Empire are my dear, cute children. You're not special."


"And I'll correct you on one thing: I'm not siding with Komari. I'm only reproving you for going too far in word and deed. Flöte… Do you realize where we are now? The Crimson Council."

Flöte then opened her eyes wide, as if just now coming to. She looked around and cleared her throat.

"I am sorry about that," she said, bowing.

The apology was very clearly aimed at the Empress and the other Crimson Lords—I could tell she wasn't the least bit remorseful about what she'd said to me.

"It was barbaric of me to start a fight in here. We don't even need to clash in the first place… After all, Ms. Gandesblood will get fired right here."

"F-fired?! You can't decide that yourself!"

"I know! And that's why I called for the Council. Now, then… Let us hold a vote to decide whether Ms. Gandesblood keeps her title. And of course, you don't get to a say in this. We'll take care of that."


Should've known. It was all happening just as Vill had described… I whispered to that sicko maid behind me.

"What do we do now? They're holding the vote."

"According to Pandora's Poison, you'll get fired three to two."

"I'm not asking for a deadpan report! I'm asking what to do now! I'm gonna…"

"You, there! What are you whispering about?!"

I turned to Flöte in a panic.

"Nothing! Whatever! Go ahead and hold your stupid vote!"

"Hah! We don't need your permission. Let's begin, then… We're only doing this to go through the proper procedures, but I doubt anyone here is foolish enough to think Terakomari Gandesblood deserves the title of

Crimson Lord after witnessing what just happened, right?"

"W-wrong!" Sakuna raised her hand.

Thank you, Sakuna. Your kindness warms my heart…

I fearfully looked around the table, hoping anyone else would move me in the same way.

Someone? Anyone? Please…

"I also think she deserves it!!"

Helldeus Heaven. Surprisingly, the deviant priest sided with me.

"…Lord Heaven? Do I have to repeat myself? She's no believer."

"Lady Mascarail, do you criticize people on the basis of their faith? I find that a little bit barbaric."

"No, you don't get to tell me that."

"Lady Gandesblood may not be a believer, but her actions do follow God's teachings. Did you hear her when she said, 'Maybe we'd find out

we're both awesome, if we only talked it out a bit more'? That's exactly what the Church teaches us: To solve our problems not through swords, but through words. I cannot bring myself to abandon someone with such pure and noble ideals."

"We're only voting on whether or not she's worthy of the title of Crimson Lord. This has nothing to do with 'God's teachings' or whatever."

"For sure, it doesn't! But I don't care! I like her!"

"Okay, okay, fine." Flöte sighed in annoyance, then glanced at Sakuna.

"What about you, Ms. Sakuna Memoir. Why?"

"B-because… I think she deserves it."

"Don't make me repeat myself. Why?"

"Eek! S-sorry… Well, that's because Ms. Terakomari is…so very kind, so approachable, and she treats me like any normal person…"

"Hah! Ridiculous! Both of you only side with her because of personal feelings! I suppose Ms. Gandesblood has something that makes weirdos fond of her."

She shot me a glance of contempt for a second before smirking.

"But it doesn't matter. Her fate has been decided now. Only two supporters. You only have two people on your side. You know what that means?"

Her tormenting tone gnawed at me.

Only two. Only two people had agreed to me being a Crimson Lord.

Crap. Shit, shit, shit… It's over! After cheating death on so many occasions, my time has finally come! Is there no changing things now? Do I have no hope? Vill, explain yourself! What now?! I'm a goner!

"Heh… Ms. Gandesblood, prepare yourself. You are no longer a Crimson Lord."


"Oh, poor thing. It pains you that much to leave the Crimson Lords? Ah-ha-ha! Serves you well! Go get a more appropriate job downtown, you ninny!"

Oh, I wish. I wanna open a cake shop. I don't give a rat's ass about the position… I just don't want to burst into smithereens, you moron!

"I won't change my mind no matter how much you glare or look at me with pleading eyes! It's done! Now please, Lady Karen, give us your

approval! Dismiss Terakomari Gandesblood from her Crimson Lord title!"

"I see. You've reached a decision."

I looked at the Empress in shock. I'd hoped at least she would stay on my side, but nope.

"After hearing what was said in this council, I've also come to realize that Komari hasn't been acting like a Crimson Lord in her engagements. This is a serious matter. Fine, I will follow the council's decision and dismiss

Terakomari Gandesblood from…"

It's over. All hope is lost. I'm dead. Welp, now that we're here, I should think of my famous last words… Let's go with a nice haiku. How about, "A flower blooming / In the wide blue summer sky / Sweet dreams, Komari"? Ha-ha-ha. Not bad, huh? You see, the idea is that I'm "blooming" like fireworks in the sky… Just as I was trying to evade reality, a voice boomed

from behind me.


It was Vill. She had an unusually serious expression on her face.

"I object, Your Majesty. The vote has not ended yet."

"What are you saying?! Shut your mouth, maid!"

"Sit down, Flöte. Villhaze… What do you mean?"

"There are two people who wish for Lady Komari to keep her title. That much I understood. But we still don't know how many people oppose her."

"That's obvious! Three! It's simple subtraction!" insisted Flöte.

"Hmmm… You're right, none of them have raised their hand to show that they truly agree with Flöte," mused the Empress.

"Lady Karen?! Please don't take what this dirty maid says seriously!"

"Social standing matters not for stating opinions. Besides, we're only making sure we've reached a consensus. We'd only be reconfirming that Komari will indeed be getting dismissed, wouldn't we?"

"Lady Karen… I understand, we will follow your wish." Flöte nodded in the end, though she was evidently still discontent. "Very well then, let us hold the vote once more. Everyone who thinks Terakomari Gandesblood should remain a Crimson Lord, raise your hand."

The same two hands as before shot up—Sakuna's and Helldeus's.

"Hah, the results haven't changed… Okay, now everyone who thinks she's unfit for the title, raise your hand."

As she said the last part, she thrust her right hand high to the heavens.

Yeah, yeah, no need for the theatrics, we get it. What matters is everyone but you, and the other two will also… Uh… Huh?

"As you can see, Your Majesty, the vote is two against two," Vill stated proudly.

She was right. The only ones raising their hand were Flöte and Odilon Metal. I was not surprised in the slightest that the scary old guy wasn't fond of me… But the fact of the matter was that there were five Crimson Lords

besides me here, so this result could only mean that someone wasn't voting for either side.

Everyone turned to look at the masked vampire who had stayed silent this entire time. The guy everyone had forgotten about despite his quirky manner of dress.

"…Del, raise your hand. You don't like Ms. Gandesblood either, do you?"

Hey, hey, hey, let's not assume.

"Del! Don't tell me you're nodding off!"

Delphyne showed no reaction.

"Del… please…"

"Wait, Lady Mascarail."

Odilon stood up. He walked over to Delphyne's seat, and said, "Pardon!" before grabbing his (her?) wrist. After about ten seconds, Odilon screamed.

"She's dead!"

""""WHAT?!"""" Everyone yelled at the same time.

Dead…? Huh? She's dead?

"I didn't even need to check her pulse! She's hard and cold as a rock!"

"WHAAAT?!" Flöte screamed.

I wanted to shriek, too. Sakuna was already shouting as well, pale in the face. Odilon grimaced as he returned to his seat. The Empress, for whatever reason, was grinning. Helldeus stood up fast, pushing his chair to the floor, and yelled in vibrato.

"It's a DEMON! Oh my God! This is the work of a fiend! Lady Delphyne was completely fine up until the council started… I think… The only thing capable of such a feat is one of those infernal creatures!"

"Demons don't exist! And is she really dead?! I don't believe it!"

"You doubt me, Lady Mascarail?! Go check yourself, then!"

"I—I don't want to touch her, in case she's really deceased! Yuck! Ms. Sakuna Memoir, you go check for me!"

"Whaaa? Why me…?"

"You fools! I'm not lying! You can just check through the mana reaction, too! Let's move on to what actually matters now—who killed her?!"

"A demon! It was a demon!"

"Shut your mouth for just one second! It's obviously the terrorist!"

"I don't think it was them…," Sakuna said.

"And how do you know?! Anyway, we need to start an investigation! Who was the first to the room?"

The Crimson Lords started arguing in a commotion.

It started as simply stating it was the terrorist, or a demon, or a foreign assassin, but then the debate grew more detailed. When did the murder take place? What was the victim doing last night? Soon, everyone was lashing out, demanding alibis, and probing one another as to what kinds of magic they could use. Conjecture turned to animosity, until Flöte concluded that the culprit was among us.

What the…? What is going on?

"Vill… Did we end up inside a mystery novel?"

"It's so funny. They don't know I killed her," she whispered back.

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be making light of the Crimson Lords like that, I know."

"I'm not talking about that! You said something way more important there!"

"Oh, that I killed Lady Delphyne?"

"Yes, that, tha… WHAAAAAT?!"

I screamed my lungs out. In reaction, the sicko maid placed a finger on my lips to shush me.

"Keep your voice down. You shouldn't let them know I killed her."

"Of course, I shouldn't! Why did you do that?! Why did you commit murder?! You're insane!"

"The reason is quite simple. Lady Delphyne was against you keeping your title. So I just took care of her before the vote, to change it from three to two. A draw."

"And you didn't have a more peaceful method of doing that?! How did you even kill her?! She's a Crimson Lord!"

"Poison." Vill winked. Now that's a demon. "Method aside, I want to do a little explaining on what happened after her death. First, I killed her elsewhere, then brought her here to the Bloody Hall, since the council wouldn't be held if two Crimson Lords were missing."

"And a corpse counts as being present?"

"No rule says it doesn't."

"Wait, but wouldn't it have been okay if the council was canceled? Then I wouldn't die…"

"You know Flöte Mascarail; she'd only postpone it for a later date. And if we waited longer, Petrose Calamaria from the First Unit would be back from expedition. She's even more of a meathead than Odilon Metal, so you'd be dismissed for sure. That's why I had to kill just one of your opponents to sway the vote in your favor, which meant I had to do it now, before we had Petrose Calamaria join the council. And would you look at that? It worked."

Vill had the smuggest of looks on her face. I was still recovering from the shock of everything that was going on, so I could barely keep up with what she'd just said, but I did get that she'd done all that to save me. Good job,

sicko maid. Now you are very deserving of your title.

"Now then, Lady Komari, we overcame the first step, but it's not over yet. We need one final push."

"And what do you want me to do?"

"You're the strongest, but a kangaroo court like this won't give you the chance to show that. We need to set the stage for you to display your power."

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your true might. Now, please… Activate this Magic Stone."

She handed me a small rock. I had no idea what it was, but I figured I might as well use it. Then, as soon as I activated it without a further thought, I heard a BOOM! that almost destroyed my eardrums.

It felt like I was dying, but thankfully, I didn't. It had only been noise from the low-level sound spell, Boom. The most clichéd explosion sound echoed through the Bloody Hall. For a couple seconds, I wondered what that was even supposed to accomplish, but then I understood—the noise had stopped all the arguing, and now the Crimson Lords were all staring at me like I was some freak of nature.

"…Ms. Gandesblood? Do you care to explain the meaning of this?" Flöte asked me.

"…Vill? Do you care to explain the meaning of this?" I asked her.

"…No idea." The sicko maid played dumb.

I turned Flöte in a panic. Fine, goddamn it!

"Th-this is, uh… I used this to grab your attention, since you were so engrossed in your silly argument!"

"Silly? Silly, you say?! A Crimson Lord was murdered!"

"Oh, no, I don't mean it like that… That's tragic indeed, but we're in the middle of the council! And the vote ended in a draw!"

"Wait a second, Lady Gandesblood! Lady Mascarail is in the right here; we must focus on catching the demon who killed Lady Delphyne first! The terrorist could be lurking right around the corner!" Helldeus bemoaned. He was totally right.

"That's where you're wrong!" Odilon shouted. "The terrorist has been doing all their killing with their bare hands. Am I incorrect, Lady Sakuna Memoir?"

"Y-you're correct! I also…was murdered through that same method, I think…"

Sakuna was bizarrely flustered. Odilon nodded in satisfaction.

"And look at Lady Delphyne. No wound to speak of. She must've been taken out with poison or something. This is not the terrorist's doing…"

"Then whose fault is it?" Flöte asked.

"I think you know the answer to that question, Lady Gandesblood." The scary old guy grinned at me.

I was scared to death.

Vill… Seriously, what now?! Should I say I'm clueless? Or should I keep up the cocky act and insinuate I know something? Do you even think we can get out of this?

I was at a loss. Just then, Flöte covered her mouth with both hands, pale in the face.

"C-could it be…that you killed Del?!"


How did you reach that conclusion?

"You have more than enough motive to do her in! The only reason you're still a Crimson Lord is because Del didn't get to raise her hand against you!"

"Wait a second! Don't jump to conclusions!"

WHAM! Odilon Metal hit the table.

"You are the only person here with a motive to do her in! I'm sure Lady Delphyne would've been against you keeping your title…which is why you killed her! You took advantage of her silent nature and masked face to hold the council as if she was alive and present!"

Oof, now that's some great detective work. It's over, Vill. Turns out the old guy wasn't just a meathead.

"He's right! You murdered Del! Even without any physical strength, you could've assassinated her with poison!"

"Sh-show me the evidence! You have no real grounds to accuse me! Right, Vill?!"

"I'm sorry, Lady Komari. The truth is, I left the bottle of poison I used to kill her in her room."

"Take care of the evidence, you idiot!"

"It's even labeled 'Komari.'"

"You're doing this on purpose?!"

"Stop your whispering already!" Flöte hit the table as she stood up. I was starting to feel sorry for the poor thing. She scowled at the Empress and shouted, "Lady Karen! As you see, Ms. Gandesblood is not worthy of the

title of Crimson Lord! Such an outrageous move is unheard of!"

"We still don't know for sure that she's the perpetrator. Though, hmm…Let's say Komari did kill Delphyne. What do you plan on doing?"

"I'll do this!"

Flöte took off one of her gloves and threw it at me with full force.


It hit my face. That hurt. Too much for just a cloth accessory; she would've broken my nose had that been even a tiny rock. But it didn't compare to the world of pain that was waiting for me.

The glove fell to the table, and I stared at it in despair. I was trembling.

This had happened once before.

"I was wrong to even think of holding a council! I shouldn't have chosen such a tedious way of doing things! This is what you deserved from the very beginning, you insolent vampire!"

Now things had really gone to shit. I stood up in a flurry.

"N-no, Flöte! Fighting between Crimson Lords is prohibited! You said so yourself!"

"This is no personal duel. This is a proper declaration of war. Skirmishes between commanders of the same country are allowed. Am I wrong, Lady Karen?"

"You are not."

"She's not?!"

Fudge. I have no escape now. Save me, Vill!

"Fine, Lady Mascarail! Go ahead, Lady Komari! Beat that petty noble to a pulp!"

Then it dawned on me. The sicko maid was not on my side anymore.

Flöte flashed a graceful smile at me.

"You will quit the Seven Crimson Lords if I win. And if victory is yours… I'll listen to one wish of yours."


"Oh, my. Ms. Gandesblood. There is no way you would turn me down, is there? You accepted that chimpanzee's requests so many times, so you couldn't possibly refuse an engagement with the Great Crimson Lord, The Black Flash, Flöte Mascarail, right?"

I glanced around. Vill nodded expressionlessly. The Empress was drinking tea, as if she didn't care about any of this. Sakuna was looking at me in anticipation. Helldeus was staring at me as if praying to God. Delphyne was deceased.

I see… I get it. I have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

"O-o-of course! I am the strongest! It matters not who my opponent may be! I accept you—"

"Hold on, Lady Mascarail!"

Odilon Metal suddenly interjected. Everyone turned to the bearded, muscular man.

"You come to that conclusion after gathering us all here for a council?! A one-on-one duel?! You're too soft, Flöte Mascarail! I lost precious work time to come here! I can't let it end like this!"

"What do you mean to say, Lord Metal?" she asked.

"I don't see your point either, Sir Metal. A duel between them would solve everything. Don't interfere, you barbarian!" Helldeus added.

"Shut up!!" Odilon roared. "Let me finish. Almost all seven of the Crimson Lords are reunited here! We should take this opportunity to test Terakomari Gandesblood and Sakuna Memoir's strength as newcomers! I propose we hold a Crimson Match!"

"What did you just…?" Flöte frowned.

Crimson Match? I'd never heard of that.

"Now that I can agree with!" Helldeus yelled, raising his hand. You do? "I didn't expect the barbarian to have a good idea, but color me surprised. That's much more refined than a simple duel! I also appreciate the thought of using this as an opportunity to test Lady Sakuna Memoir's power, too! Marvelous!"

"Yes, yes, stop yapping, you zealot! Do we get your go-ahead, Helvetius?"

The Empress placed a finger on her chin in response to Odilon's question.

"A Crimson Match… Yes, sounds fun."

"L-Lady Karen…? Don't you think this would be going a bit too far…?"

"That's what makes it fun, Flöte. People have been questioning the idea of the Crimson Lords at the Imperial Council, what with your members changing at the drop of a hat from all the mutinies. I think this is an excellent opportunity to show them what you're here for. Heh-heh… Sounds good. Marvelous. Nice thinking, Odilon Metal!"

The Empress cackled without any care for what the Crimson Lords thought.

The depraved, blond, well-endowed woman then spoke with the drama of a stage actor.

"Very well! We will hold a Crimson Match! As you may be aware, this is the peak of entertainment! A show put on by the Seven Crimson Lords! Flöte, you decide the rules."

"Y-yes, ma'am!"

The Empress smiled fiercely, a rare expression for her.

"Survival! Survival of the fittest is the law of the Mulnite Empire. And here, too, the weak will be kicked down the ladder. Why don't we say that whoever ends in last place will resign from their position as Crimson Lord? Oh, but don't worry. There's no cheating here. Only the truly frail will lose. This will also serve to accomplish what this council didn't: We'll get to blow up whoever is undeserving of the title of Crimson Lord. Do you agree…Komari?"

I didn't understand why she asked me that, but now I had to reply.

I didn't have even the slightest idea as to what was going on in the first place, so I could only nod briefly.


The Crimson Match… I still didn't know the details, but the Empress said it was a "show." "Entertainment." I figured it'd be like a quiz bowl or a talent show. If that was the case, I

wouldn't have to die. It sounded much more enlightened and peaceful than a one-on-one duel.

…Oh, how naive I was.