
venom returns,osbon gets all powers.

now the venom is back with his evil powers with his revenge ,he is a bloody murder now ,he cares of nothing even not about his son.he finds osbon and attacks him .but osbon was so quiet and he senses danger.

osbon: who are you?

Venom(Richard) : your death

osbon laughs and turns into goblin.venom attacks him by his sharp flexible and long arms.goblin douched it .goblin use lasers to hit him venom was separates into pieces and grabs neck of goblin.

Venom:it's over

goblin:not now

and he gives him heavy shock.now the venom becomes more aggressive and more deadly. he jumps on goblin and coves him by his venom fluid ,goblin apply forse and escapes.

Goblin: now it's my turn(smiling in a evil face)


venom hits his arms in ground and and removes from the bottom of goblin .goblin removes his sword and cuts all them and slides fastly and pass the sword through venom because Richard was inside venom he was harmed, he falls on ground,Goblin climbs on him and says.

Goblin: it's all over doc

Goblin:now you will pay for this.

(Goblin inserts the sword into his chest into his chest multiple times)

Richard has screaming

Goblin:goodbye,and thanks because I want this serum,and I got this because of you,you don't deserve this.

(Richard is dead not that creature or parasite symbiot venom)

Venom grabs his neck and goblin was helpless,then goblin points his hands towards venom and fires a injection into venom that made venom unconscious.

OSBON:you can help me a lot.

(osbon has a doctor who was also a evil with mechanical arms)


ANS-yes it's doctor octavious.

(octavious research on that venom serum and makes many types venom serum like that, he also experiment that serum in spiders.

OSBON: how the work is going?

OCTVIOUS:almost completed.

OSBON:what about that creature venom

OCTAVIOUS:he is your servant now,he will follow your orders now.

OSBON:(looking to spiders in a glass chambers) what are they doing here?

OCTAVIOUS:this spiders and special spiders with special powers of venom,if this spider bites anyone, he will get spider powers ,the spider powers can be controlled by the person he was biten by spiders acoording to his demands.

OSBON:(laughing loudly)the world is now in our hands ,evil hands!!!!.ha ha ha ..


@@@@@@@@@this story will continue in my new novel ""spider Man vs Goblin" afcourse based on Spiderman .

POST CREDIT SCENE-During the experiment ,one of the venom spider escapes and run away . 🕷️