
The Vengeful Deity's Chosen Hero

William was left in front of the orphanage gates when he was only a new born child. The orphanage's nun found him inside a basket , a red ruby with image of a mighty black dragon raping itself around a red black colour sword image was drawn on it. There were some trails of blood and foot prints outside the orphanage gates but no dead body found. The nun assumed that some people where chasing after the person who left this baby here. and that person was heavily wounded by their chasers and to protected this child they must have gone somewhere else to confuse their chasers. The nun who was the caretaker of the orphanage had taken William under her and was taking care of William with other children at orphanage. The orphanage was sponsored by the baron of the city Manalo but due to corruption, the money received by the orphanage was very little, even then the nun was somehow managing the orphanage by treating sick people with her holy magic and sometimes she also do home visits. The nun was a 30 year's old kind lady who had given up her priestess position in church and came to this orphanage to take care of the children's because she wanted to feel the blessing of becoming a mother as she never had her own child because churches never permits marriage of any priest or priestess, as to use holy magic the one has to have a pure body and have affinity of holy magic. There are holy knights who also have to follow this rule to use their holy powers but there are some exceptions such as heroes. Yes, here in this world we have heroes and people also uses magic and healing magic is only can be performed by the priests and holy knights but there are some special ones who can also heal them self's and hold strong powers given by the gods and we call them Heroes or Gods chosen one and here in this world, we have 12 heroes chosen by the 12 different gods and each god has a Empire who believes and offer there prayers to them and in retune the god chose a person among the people of their Emperies and give powers to that person to fight against the invaders of other world which also have 12 demon gods who send their champions to conquer this was going on from 10,000 years and after every 1000 years Gods choses their Heroes. The hero selection ends after 18 years from its starts , a very large bell rang when the selection starts and there are total 12 bells had been placed at every head church of the 12 Gods these bells are called world announcers because when even a single bell ranges its sound can be heard to the every corner of the world. The bells 2 times simultaneously after every 1000 years first time all the bells rang simultaneously to inform everyone of starting of the selections of heroes and every person who born on this year already become a hero candidate second time it rang simultaneously when the selection was over it happens after 18 years from the first bell rang and in between the bell rang when a god chosen a hero but this time only a single bell rang came out from the respective god's head church and the head priestess or priest can hear the name of the chosen hero and their location and to confirms the chosen hero's identity the priests/priestess asks the hero to show their stigma on their body which is given by the gods to their chosen heroes and the priest or priestess can also confirm it if the hero can also activates the holy weapon or not. the holy weapons are passed down from generation to generation to heroes and these weapons' are given to the holy priest or priestess who haves the responsibility to keep it safe in the meantime until the next owner of the weapon chosen. The names of chosen heroes and their where about are kept hidden by the head church from other empires and also from the other god's churches.

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As the doors of the orphanage swung open, William stepped into a world brimming with exuberant joy and innocence. The children, his brothers and sisters in spirit, had gathered to welcome him with cheers and applause, their laughter resounding through the halls. It was a sight that filled his heart with warmth and renewed his sense of purpose.

Among the throng of children, a young boy with tousled hair and sparkling eyes approached William. His name was Jake, the oldest among them at seventeen. Though he couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude of William's actions, he understood that their lives had taken an extraordinary turn.

"William!" Jake called out, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you! Thank you for everything!"

William's eyes met Jake's, a soft smile gracing his lips. He was humbled by the genuine appreciation in the young boy's voice. "Everything I did was for our brothers and sisters."

Jake reached out his hands, embracing William with a firm grip. "I may not fully understand what you did, but I know that Duke Sawn is now taking care of us because of you. And little Nora, she's alive because of you."

A mix of emotions surged through William's heart. The weight of his sacrifice and the profound impact it had made on the lives of these children became palpable. "Even those of us abandoned by our parents deserve a chance at happiness. And Jake, it was my hope to provide that for all of us."

As their conversation unfolded, more children began to gather around them, their curious eyes fixated on William. There were many younger children who had joined the orphanage during the years when it ceased receiving funds from the government. Despite the hardships, the orphanage never turned away abandoned children from the streets. Many of these children, like William, had started working to earn money. Even Nora, despite her illness, supported numerous children by cleaning and cooking. Nora, a little girl at the time, became the moral support of the orphanage, especially for William.

Yearning to see Nora, William turned to Jake and asked, "Where is Nora?"

Jake replied, "She's resting for now."

William's voice trembled with nervousness as he inquired further, "May I see her?"

A warm smile crossed Jake's face as he reassured William, "Of course! She's been eagerly waiting for you and fell asleep due to her previous treatment."

William felt a tinge of remorse for not arriving sooner, but he knew that dwelling on it wouldn't change the situation. He expressed his gratitude to Jake and requested to be shown to Nora's room. The anticipation swelled within him as he prepared to reunite with the young girl who had been a beacon of hope in his life.


As William stepped inside Nora's room, his heart pounded with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. There, he saw a fragile yet somewhat healthier 11-year-old girl, her blue hair cascading around her and crystal-like eyes shimmering with a glimmer of life. She possessed an ethereal beauty that captivated him.

Tears streamed down Nora's cheeks when she caught sight of William. The intensity of her emotions overwhelmed her, and she couldn't contain her tears any longer. William's heart ached at the sight, and he hurriedly approached her, embracing her gently.

"Why are you crying, Nora?" he whispered, his voice filled with concern and tenderness.

Between sobs, Nora managed to speak, her voice quivering, "I had a bad dream... I saw... I saw you die, William."

His heart clenched at her words, and he held her closer, his grip reassuring. "Nora, I'm here. I'm alive, and I promise I won't leave you."

She buried her face into his chest, seeking solace and comfort. The weight of her dream lingered in the air, casting a shadow of fear over their reunion. But William, determined to banish her fears, gently stroked her hair and spoke with unwavering resolve.

"Nora, dreams can be frightening, but they aren't always a reflection of reality. I'm here with you, and I'll always protect you. Together, we'll overcome any obstacle that comes our way."

Nora's sobs gradually subsided, and she looked up at William, her crystal-like eyes filled with a mixture of relief and hope. "Promise me, William. Promise me that you'll never leave me."

William's voice was steady as he made his vow, "I promise, Nora. I'll be by your side, through thick and thin. We're family, and I'll always protect you."

He Knows that what he is doing might hurt her latter but William knowed that this is what he right fully should do.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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