
The Vengeful Deity's Chosen Hero

William was left in front of the orphanage gates when he was only a new born child. The orphanage's nun found him inside a basket , a red ruby with image of a mighty black dragon raping itself around a red black colour sword image was drawn on it. There were some trails of blood and foot prints outside the orphanage gates but no dead body found. The nun assumed that some people where chasing after the person who left this baby here. and that person was heavily wounded by their chasers and to protected this child they must have gone somewhere else to confuse their chasers. The nun who was the caretaker of the orphanage had taken William under her and was taking care of William with other children at orphanage. The orphanage was sponsored by the baron of the city Manalo but due to corruption, the money received by the orphanage was very little, even then the nun was somehow managing the orphanage by treating sick people with her holy magic and sometimes she also do home visits. The nun was a 30 year's old kind lady who had given up her priestess position in church and came to this orphanage to take care of the children's because she wanted to feel the blessing of becoming a mother as she never had her own child because churches never permits marriage of any priest or priestess, as to use holy magic the one has to have a pure body and have affinity of holy magic. There are holy knights who also have to follow this rule to use their holy powers but there are some exceptions such as heroes. Yes, here in this world we have heroes and people also uses magic and healing magic is only can be performed by the priests and holy knights but there are some special ones who can also heal them self's and hold strong powers given by the gods and we call them Heroes or Gods chosen one and here in this world, we have 12 heroes chosen by the 12 different gods and each god has a Empire who believes and offer there prayers to them and in retune the god chose a person among the people of their Emperies and give powers to that person to fight against the invaders of other world which also have 12 demon gods who send their champions to conquer this was going on from 10,000 years and after every 1000 years Gods choses their Heroes. The hero selection ends after 18 years from its starts , a very large bell rang when the selection starts and there are total 12 bells had been placed at every head church of the 12 Gods these bells are called world announcers because when even a single bell ranges its sound can be heard to the every corner of the world. The bells 2 times simultaneously after every 1000 years first time all the bells rang simultaneously to inform everyone of starting of the selections of heroes and every person who born on this year already become a hero candidate second time it rang simultaneously when the selection was over it happens after 18 years from the first bell rang and in between the bell rang when a god chosen a hero but this time only a single bell rang came out from the respective god's head church and the head priestess or priest can hear the name of the chosen hero and their location and to confirms the chosen hero's identity the priests/priestess asks the hero to show their stigma on their body which is given by the gods to their chosen heroes and the priest or priestess can also confirm it if the hero can also activates the holy weapon or not. the holy weapons are passed down from generation to generation to heroes and these weapons' are given to the holy priest or priestess who haves the responsibility to keep it safe in the meantime until the next owner of the weapon chosen. The names of chosen heroes and their where about are kept hidden by the head church from other empires and also from the other god's churches.

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6 Chs

I would have gladly given it to him without any hesitation.

William's POV

As I regained consciousness, my eyes were greeted by the unfamiliar sight of a pristine white wall. I found myself lying on a comfortable bed adorned with soft pillows and a silk blanket. Bewilderment washed over me as I took in the luxurious surroundings. Being a commoner, I could hardly fathom how such opulence could exist.

Was I dreaming? With my limited means, I could only afford a room in a run-down inn, not a place like this. So, I concluded that I must be in a dream and decided to indulge myself further by staying in this dream-like bed. Little did I know, fate had different plans for me.

Suddenly, a voice resonated from beside the bed. Startled, I tensed up and turned my gaze towards the source. There sat a man on an intricately crafted wooden chair that exuded elegance. Such chairs were usually found in noble houses, but the man sitting on it surpassed even the chair in grace.

He appeared to be in his thirties, possessing a handsome face with light blue eyes and silver-blue hair. He was dressed in a formal black suit that suited him perfectly.

His gaze was fixed upon me, a piece of paper held in his hand, devoid of emotion but radiating an aura of strength and composure.

As I locked eyes with him, I mustered the courage to speak, "Great sir, could you please be so kind as to enlighten this humble being about my whereabouts?"

Instead of answering my question, the man continued to observe me in silence. I was puzzled. Why was he not responding? Was he deaf or purposely ignoring me? These thoughts swirled in my mind until, finally, words escaped the man's lips.

"Your name is William, aged twelve. You are an orphan with no recorded family history or any official entry into the city. You were discovered by a nun, taken in, and raised by her for five years. Unfortunately, she met her demise at the hands of a dark guild, orchestrated by the head priest of the church. The city's Lord covered up the incident by falsely accusing the nun."

He recounted my life story, revealing that he knew everything about me. It was true; there was little to know about my life. I had endured hardship from birth as an orphan, with the social status of a commoner, scraping by at the lowest rung of society. I had to work from a young age to survive, engaging in menial jobs like boot polishing, construction labor, and luggage handling.

"Everything about you was ordinary, or rather, it was until today," the man paused, allowing his words to sink in. "Do you understand what I mean?"

"How would I know what you are talking about?" I replied, confusion etched in my voice.

"Ah, indeed, you would not know," he remarked, reclining back in his chair and closing his eyes momentarily. After a moment of contemplation, his gaze fell upon me again, and he continued.

"Let us set that aside for now and talk about what you were doing before you fainted."

His question triggered a realization within me. I had come here seeking help. Panic surged through me, propelling me to get out of bed and rush towards the door. However, my attempt to leave was halted by a firm hand, and I turned to see the man who had been silently observing me until now.

"Why are you..." I began to ask, but before I could finish my sentence, he interrupted.

"No need to panic. She is alive, and healers are attending to her," he assured me.

Hearing those words, I collapsed to my knees, tears streaming down my face. Gripping onto his leg, I pleaded, "Is it true? Is she really okay?"

"Yes," he affirmed.

Though I had no way of verifying the truth of his words, I desperately wanted to believe him. The fear of losing someone dear to me once again drove me to trust in his words. The thought of losing another person so close to me was unbearable.

Remaining on my knees, I clung to his leg, tears staining my cheeks. Although I yearned to rush to her side and confirm her well-being, I found myself immobilized, as if drained of all energy. It was as if my body had given up on me, and I wept uncontrollably, my cries marking the release of pent-up emotions. In that moment, the only emotion that remained within me was relief—a sense of being granted a second chance at life.

Even amidst my turmoil, the man remained silent, steadfast in his presence. He allowed me to grasp onto his leg, my only lifeline, a symbol of hope. Deep gratitude swelled within me, to the point that I would willingly sacrifice my life if he were to ask for it, without a moment's hesitation.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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