
Chapter 38: Brian's advice for Brandon

November 18, 2006

Dear Brandon,

No doubt you’ve heard the news by now. It will be published as a part of their spring collection. Isn’t that wonderful? I am nearly bouncing off the walls in my excitement. And it is all because of you. I cannot thank you enough. I simply cannot.

Truly, my friend, your assistance seems heaven sent, divinely inspired. I thank you for doing this for me, and I thank god for allowing it to happen in the first place.

Do you believe in god, Brandon?

Please, allow me to digress for a moment. I do not wish to come off to you like some sort of religious fanatic. I am not trying to convert you, nor do I have interest in saving your soul. In fact, I’m not even entirely certain that there is such a thing. So do not think that I ask out of some sort of religious fervor or dogmatic belief. Instead, understand that I ask out of curiosity, simply as one friend to another.