
Chapter 1

Chapter 1


November 04, 1899


"She's practically here."


Ambrosia feigned exacerbation, permitting them to flash over to the clock across the room, before they focused back on Godfrey, who was pacing in the entryway of the lounge. "Indeed, she's taking for eternity."


"Are both of you going to educate me who we're talking regarding here?" asked Lilith from the sofa. "I could do without how clandestine you're being. Passing on the space to answer calls… the 'she' you referenced yesterday, when we figured out that Elizabeta turned Lauden. Kindly don't let me know you're haggling with that insidious bitch."


"You need to tell her, Stef?" asked Ambrosia, getting to his feet so he could serve himself a glass of whiskey. "Or on the other hand would it be advisable for me?"


Godfrey hurled a murmur. "Perhaps we ought to hold on until Martel arrives."


"Damnation no. You know how she will be, she will take action on him the moment she sees him. Poor Selma doesn't have a potential for success."


Lilith was just developing more confounded. The entryway opened, and Godfrey immediately gobbled his head up anxiously, just to seem sad seconds after the fact. It was Martel. Not her.


"What car's identity is' out front?" asked Martel, signaling outside. "There's a woman staying there like a confidential specialist, simply gazing at the house."


The two siblings grimaced.


"Allow me to figure," said Ambrosia. "You drove by her and she winked."


"Better believe it," said Martel, scrunching up his nose in disarray. "How could you be aware?"


Ambrosia drew a sluggish taste of his whiskey prior to saying, "'Cause she's my younger sibling."


Lilith expanded at the two siblings. "Please accept my apologies… what? Both of you have a younger sibling?"


"No," prominent Godfrey. "She's more seasoned than me, so… my elder sibling."


Lilith was all the while attempting to truly make sense of the reality they had a sister, overall. "In any case, — yet you've never referenced her."


"Godfrey never let you know he had a sibling," Ambrosia said, tapping his chest. "However I am right here."


Godfrey feigned exacerbation. "Different circumstance." He offered Martel some whiskey, and the man took it cautiously prior to going to sit next to the doppelgänger. "It's been a long time since she last set foot around here. She could do without it here. I've been refreshing her — "


"We," adjusted Ambrosia. "I called her a couple of times, as well."


"We've been refreshing her," said Godfrey. "We would have rather not requested that she come here except if it was totally essential. However, after what Elizabeta did to Lauden… it is totally vital."


"Hold tight," said Martel. "So while letting us know all that occurred in 1864, you didn't remember to specify that Elizabeta turned you three?"


"Elizabeta didn't turn her," said Godfrey. "What's more… we avoided referencing it since she asked us to. She figured we'd leave soon. She needed us to, as a matter of fact."


"Also, you didn't tune in."