
The vampire Prince's bride

In a realm where supernatural beings coexist, a war breaks out between vampires, fairies, and witches. The vampire prince, determined to reign supreme, sets out to find a mystical Bride whose power will secure his dominance. His search leads him to the human Kingdom of Korobia where the fearful king offers his daughter, Eleanor, as a bride to the vampire monarch. Despite her reluctance, Eleanor is forced into the marriage, unaware that she is a light fairy descended from a powerful line that is destined to defeat evil.

Akuegbo_Kelechi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Chapter 42: The Crowning of the King

In the weeks that followed Eleanor's coronation, the elders of the day vampires convened in a council. After much deliberation, they resolved to crown their prince as the Dracon King of Avalon. This decision was based on the prince's successful fulfillment of all the necessary requirements. Additionally, the elders observed a significant transformation in his maturity and readiness compared to a few years prior, before his encounter with Eleanor.

The day was an epoch in the making, a moment long awaited by the vampire realm and the fairies alike. Eleanor had ascended to her rightful place as the queen of the fairies, and now, another crowning was about to take place. Drakon, who had long since earned the respect and admiration of many, was finally to be officially recognized as the Vampire King.

The ceremony was to be held in the grand hall of the ancient castle of Avalon, where the vampire council had gathered. The hall, with its towering pillars and elaborate tapestries showing the history of the vampire lineage, stood as a monument to their legacy. Yet, today, it seemed to hum with a renewed sense of purpose and hope.

Drakon, dressed in regal attire befitting a king, stood at the center of the hall. His presence was commanding, his demeanor a blend of strength and solemnity. Beside him, Eleanor shone with an ethereal glow, dressed in an emerald green dress with a golden finish. Her hair was also adorned with gold and emerald hair pins, creating a contrast to her silky smooth hair that cascaded down her shoulders.

As the council members took their places, an air of anticipation filled the hall. It had been many years since the throne of Avalon had been occupied. The last king, Drakon's father, had been assassinated by a vampire hunter, leaving a void that had remained unfilled. Drakon's journey from avenger to leader had been arduous, but it was his love for Eleanor that had sped up his transformation into a ruler worthy of the crown.

The head of the council, an elder vampire with eyes that had seen centuries pass, stepped forward. "Drakon," he began, his voice resonant and powerful, "you have shown strength, courage, and wisdom. You have avenged your father's death and have proven yourself worthy of the throne. Today, we recognize you as the King of Avalon."

With that, a crown made of polished obsidian and adorned with crimson gemstones was placed upon Drakon's head. The hall erupted in applause, the sound echoing off the stone walls, a chorus of approval and celebration.

The celebration that followed was a proof to this newfound unity. Vampires and fairies mingled, sharing stories and toasting to the future. Music filled the air, a harmonious blend of vampire melodies and fairy songs that created an enchanting atmosphere.

As the evening progressed, Eleanor and Drakon retreated to their private chambers. The room was a sanctuary, filled with soft candlelight and the scent of lavender. They lay together on the bed, their bodies intertwined, a moment of peace amidst the chaos of their responsibilities.

Drakon's fingers traced gentle patterns on Eleanor's back. "Today was monumental," he said softly.

"It was," Eleanor agreed, her voice a tender whisper. "Seeing you crowned king was a moment I'll never forget."

They made love, their connection deepening with every touch, every whispered word of love. In each other's arms, they found solace and comfort, their eyes filled with love for each other .

Afterward, as they lay wrapped in each other's embrace, Eleanor's mind wandered to a question that had been lingering at the edge of her thoughts. "Drakon," she began hesitantly, "I've always wondered… why did you choose to marry from the human realm instead of the vampire realm?"

Drakon's body tensed slightly at the question, and Eleanor immediately regretted bringing up what she sensed might be a painful topic. But she felt the need to understand more about the man she loved so deeply.

Drakon sighed, his eyes taking on a distant look as he delved into memories long buried. "It's a long story, Eleanor," he began, his voice heavy with the weight of the past. "My father ruled with an iron fist. He was feared, not just by humans, but by other supernatural beings as well. From a young age, I was aware of the power and responsibility that came with being a vampire prince. I was told by my father, that marrying from the human realm would further cement my authority over not just my own realm but that of the human's".

He paused, collecting his thoughts. "My father was assassinated by a vampire hunter. It was an act that sent shockwaves through our realm, creating a power vacuum and leaving us vulnerable. I was driven by a need to avenge his death, a quest that consumed me for years. I couldn't think about ruling or leading until that chapter of my life was closed."

Eleanor listened intently, her hand gently stroking his chest. "That must have been incredibly isolating."

"It was," Drakon admitted. "But it also shaped me. I had to become stronger, wiser. Avenge his death was my singular focus. And I did."

A silence fell between them, heavy with unspoken thoughts. Drakon took a deep breath and kissed Eleanor's forehead. "We have a big council meeting tomorrow. Rest now, my love."

Eleanor nodded, feeling the weight of the day and the deep emotional currents that had been stirred. She closed her eyes, finding comfort in Drakon's presence.

Drakon lay beside her, watching as she drifted off to sleep. But for him, sleep did not come easily. The memories he had kept buried began to surface, creeping into his consciousness like unwelcome shadows.

His mind drifted back to his childhood, to the days when his father ruled, feared and respected by all. He remembered the constant pressure to live up to the expectations placed upon him, the whispered fears of the elders who saw his strength as a threat. The incidents that had scarred his family and hardened his father's resolve.

He saw again the faces of those who had doubted him, who had believed he would be the one to usurp the throne. The endless training, the battles fought not just with enemies but with his own inner demons. And finally, the moment he had avenged his father's death, a moment that had brought both relief and emptiness.

As these memories swirled in his mind, Drakon realized how much he had yet to share with Eleanor. She knew him as the man he had become, but there were still parts of his past that remained shrouded in darkness. He wondered if he would ever be able to fully open up to her, to let her see the depths of his pain and darkness.

But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the present and the responsibilities that lay ahead. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, and he needed to be ready. With a final glance at Eleanor, he closed his eyes, letting the exhaustion of the day finally overtake him.

As Drakon drifted into a restless sleep, the weight of his past and the uncertainties of the future hung over him, creating a tension that refused to dissipate. The memories of his father, the unspoken fears, and the secrets he still held close all converged in a swirl of unresolved emotions.

The night was long, and the shadows in Drakon's mind only grew darker, setting the stage for the battles that were yet to come, both on the battlefield and within his own heart.