
The Vampire Prince’s Special Forces Bride

Special Forces Agent jumps from a ledge to her death. She wakes up in the Middle Ages where women are seen and not heard ,in the body of an 18 year enslaved princess on the run . Fun fact is she is to be given to Prince Aidan a gold eyed Vampire Who hates women; who single handedly can wipe off an army, but what they don’t know is that she is a trained killer who hates Men.

Skyfall_girl · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter Seven Is it True?

After the incidence that happened that morning Aidan had long since retired into his bedroom , he even ate breakfast there and based on what he heard he also knew that his wife ate in her room too, although his deciding to not be in the dinning for breakfast is in the guise of hiding the fact that he is very very embarrassed about his behavior that day. He got up and walked to his window, he does not know why he is so defensive when it comes to her and he will end up saying the wrong thing or behaving the wrong way.

Starting from their first meeting, now this? It is obvious that she will keep her word but he has not been able to recover from her touching him this morning and calling him sweet names, but he knows that he will not calm down unless he really knows the truth about her and why she is suddenly so different from the Bloom he was supposed to marry.

The essence of picking and accepting Bloom was because they needed a meek woman , maybe a Tad timid, because he was secretly an easy prince and not what people make him out to be, but somehow that has gone to hell , although he likes the fire in her and wants to get to know her on a neutral ground especially since she would be sleeping on his bed this night.

So Aidan sent for Elena, but was told Elena had gone out of the palace, so he sent for Draco instead knowing how much close he is to Draco and the fact that his father loved Draco like a son, and knowing Draco would always say the truth just the way it is.

Meanwhile Draco has been super worried with all the situations happening at the palace, his big frame rested on the main door as he was lost in thought, being the head Elite vampire and the butler for his prince, he knows all the secrets of this household and things are not looking good for him. The news of him marrying a fake woman and being a murderer is everywhere, at this rate Loki would win the affection of the royal home and not him.

He needs to man up, but Draco knows how almost impossible that is consider the fact that he has known the prince since they were kids, he is a lover and not a fighter, but he needs to show seriousness in assuaging the rumors and taking back the capital and his Elite army, he knows the prince does not have the capacity for that but he will naturally take over and lead the army , while he just sits pretty on his throne. What will he do to move him in the right direction.

It was at that very moment that one of the guards comes over to him to tell him the prince wants him to come to his chambers , he bowed slightly and left to go back to his post.

Draco matches to Aidan's room still hatching a plan to move the prince in the right direction, he got to the door and knocked three times and opened the door , waking into the room to find the prince sitting on his bed reviewing some documents.

" You sent for me My prince" Aidan turns towards him, stares at the door first before fully facing him with a smile.

"You can drop the act now Drac, we are alone, please sit down I need to speak to you" Draco smiles brightly before sitting on the chair directly opppsite the Prince's bed.

" What is the problem Jake?" Aidan smiles when he hears that name, that only his parents, sister and himself uses .

" My uh wife , I really need to fix things with her, due to the fact that she is uh sort of my wife now" Draco sighs and looks dejected.

" Am afraid you are too late, I think she already really fancies someone else , and I don't know if you even stand a chance your highness" Draco finishes.

Aidan felt hot and cold and angry suddenly for no reason , he got up and starts pacing the room, Draco just smiles calmly before continuing .

" This person is perfect jake, they don't call her names or make her feel bad an-"

" who the hell is that person?" Aidan interrupts him and gives him a stink eye too.

Draco smiles and looks away trying so hard to maintain his poker face and then blurts out.

" Your Sister jake" And there was pin drop silence as Aidan visibly deflates, his sister? Like his own sister? This is so difficult and he is finding very difficult to get angry again, Draco continues.

" It was all your fault jake , you treated her badly " Aidan was very quiet, yes he did notice how close his wife was to his sister,neither has he forgotten how she called him a goat on the first day they met and said his sister was amazing.

The shock was apparent on his face, because one he loved his sister and two he needs the help of his wife, a contract has to be drawn to help out the situation, which was what he was checking out , but if she and his sister were an item what will he do now?

Desperately he turned to Draco and with pleading eyes asked .

" What do I do?" Draco moves close to him and gently taps his shoulder in sympathy.

" You should try and seduce her, you know to know if she really loves your sister, if she doesn't she will accept you, but if she does she will deny you, but either way you have to find a way to get her to help you my prince.

Once he was done taking he excused himself to go back to his duty post leaving Aidan in a fix , it was in that same position that Stormy found him when she came into the room, totally lost in thoughts .

When he registered her presence , he just kept staring at her, and can't stop asking himself, " Is it true?