
518. Vae

Mauve looked left and right as she approached the doors. Louis had told her it was safe to walk in and she was going with Mill while he would stand watch.

The sound of the door opening sounded so loud that she feared everyone could hear them and that at any minute Lord Seraphino's guards would come running.

She didn't know what Louis had said to make them leave but they had obeyed immediately scrambling in different directions.

The door opened to reveal a dark room and Mauve held her breath. She didn't know what to expect. They weren't even sure Vae was in there but this was a very good chance she was.

She took a step forward and the smell of dried blood reached her nose. She didn't even think, she bolted into the dark space, not knowing what direction Vae might be in.

"Mauve, don't run," Mill called out as she closed the door. Making the dark room even darker.

"Princess," a soft voice called.