
The Vampire Diaries: Vampire Adventure

This is half smut half plot fic An OC character, not reincarnated. So don't go dissing my character too much. This is just for fun and I don't have an end goal for him. For now his primary goal is to be free and to be free means to no be linked by the original vampire so you can bet your sweet ass he'll try to unlink himself from the maker...hehe won't tell who it is though There will be lemons, and Milf and there is a harem tag there too, but I don't know as to how many girls but I know there won't be a lot maybe 3 or 4....or 6 who knows, he'll have girl friends with benefits though. so yeah there is that. ----- If you don't like it, don't read it and leave. or if you have suggestions or maybe some feedback I'll take it. aslong as it is informational, if you are just babbling you don't like it or you hate it without leaving a reason. You are out. I honestly don't like people bitching and complaining about a book without having a proper reason to talk bad bout it. But if you bitch about it and have a reason to it, I'll take and try to do better. I am not the owner of any if these, tv shows or characters, all credit goes to their respective creators Heck, even the images I'll be using aren't mine, so if owner wants me to drop them, I'll gladly do so. Just let me know

TheLonelyGod · Televisi
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27 Chs

Death by Snu Snu. New Kink Discovered

(A/n: BTW like the sick bastard that I am, this chapter contains sexual content that would doubt my mentality 😅 so you have been warned)

It has already been a week and my time with Lily has come to an end.

She insisted on me calling her Lily so I did.

I tried to get out of my bed since it was nightfall already, but a strong arm held me tight on the bed.

I look to my side and saw Lily sleeping with a silly smile on her face.

I caressed her head and she moaned in delight, I gently pushed her arm away from me as to not wake her up, though it's impossible for her to wake up right now since I really worked her little ass of tonight.

I softly laughed looking at the side of the bed, I had to change the bed sheets seeing as the ones the bed had were soaked, she squirted nonstop for a whole 15 minutes or so which is when she passed out from too much stimulation.

Lily took the first step two nights ago, I wasn't planning on fucking her but the idea did cross my mind back then.

I was taking a bath on a lake since the house Lily took over was a small one and didn't have any shower or bath tub like others do. I was swimming when I found a reptile like creature on the bottom of the lake, it spooked me but it didn't attack me, instead it stayed staring at me, I shrugged my arms and went to pick up some shining gold that was by this animal.

A mistake that that cost me an arm, though I retrieved it when I punched the creature on its head. I quickly grabbed my arm and swam back out of the lake, it was the perfect situation to try my regenerative prowers.

It didn't look like another arm was going to grow back but once I held the severed arm close to my shoulder it started conecting itself and just a few seconds later my arm was back to normal.

When I was healing my arm Lily came where I was and looked at my naked body with eyes wide open in shock and flushed cheeks, she rapidly turned around but as she turned around she notice blood and moved to my side instantly looking over my body if I was injured somewhere. forgett8ng her earlier actions.

"What happened?" She asked concerned looking over my body to see if I had other injuries.

"I'm fine, I was careless but I'm fine now" I assured her by grabbing her shoulders and sat her down but when I did she came face to face with my other head.

She widens her eyes and stared at my dick until I shook her out of her daze.

She lowered her reddened face "S-sorry, I-I was j-just trying to check for injuries" she stuttered glancing between my lower head and my eyes.

I was on my foot looking down on her shy expression and seeing her stealing glances at my cock made it twitch.

I turned around so she doesn't see my dick but when I did she came face to face with my butt and she could still see the member between my knees.

She bit her lower lips and thought for a few moments before standing up and kissed me.

I was surprised when she did so, but I didn't stop her, instead I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and hands behind my head, I held her by her butt cheeks and kneaded them making her moaned.

"I'm tired of mmhm seeing you fuck other hmm aaahh other girls when I'm around" she said between moans and kisses.

I separated our lips and gave her a smirk "Jeleous you weren't getting this" I teased as I grab hold of her butt cheeks tighter and moved her hips making her soaked lower lips run over the length of my dick, coating it on her juices. She responded by hugging tighter and biting on my shoulder.

"Mmmhhm P-please" she begged.

I used my speed and brought her home and from there it was a sleepless night since I fucked her for hours till morning though she had passed out long ago but I was super horny and seeing her sexy figure covered on my cum drove me to go at her until sunrise.

When she wake up it was a little over noon and I was on my bed looking at the cealing while I ran my fingers up and down her back.

That was the first time she had looked at me the way she did, there was happiness, sadness, arousal, hate?, reluctance and love but over all I saw her looking at me with reluctance and love more then the others.

I kissed her lips and she returned it.

"Tell me something, Lily"I was curious, she seems like the reserved type of woman, some one innocent which was what had drove me crazy last night hearing her squeals and loud moans nonstop were music to my ears.

"Hmm?" She stopped cuddling and looked at me "Yes?"

"Have you ever given head before?" I asked curious.

She tilted her head "head? what's that?"

Okay maybe a different type of approach "Have you ever sucked a dick before?"

That got her as she widens her eyes and shook her head with red cheeks.

I sat up and lean my back on the head board of the bed, Lily between my knees seeing my cock spring to erection.

She marveled at the length and girth of my little bat when I gently caressed her head and guide her face closer to my dick.

She looked scared for a few seconds before I smiled at her, reassuring everything will be okay. "Open up" I said with a more commanding tone this time, she whimpered a little and opened up slowly.

I guided her through it and she started licking the head as if it was ice cream, I wanted to laugh. I made her run her tongue along the length and kiss the head.

She was liking it as every passing second she ran her tongue more enthusiatically. Once she had licked everything she stopped with a kiss on the head and looked at me with expecting look.

"Good job for your first time, you didn't do as I asked at first but it's okay, now we'll go further" I patted her head, she seemed happy I praised her.

I got out of bed and stood by it "Come here" she crawled to the edge and I gently laid her on her back with her head hanging on the edge of the bed.

She was confused at first but when I placed my cock on her lips she intinctly opened as wide as she could and I drove my head inside her mouth.

"Gurrk" she gagged at the first few inches were in. I slid out until the head was in and she started running her tongue insed her mouth around my head.

"Oohh" I moaned and she seeing I liked what she did, she kept doing it.

I slid back in, this time more and she started gagging aftet a few inches were inch. I massaged her throat with my hands and pushed further, she kept gagging and coughing but less as I was massaging her throat, I kept going until a little over half of my dick was inside and I could see the outlined of my member through her throat.

"Guurkhgm mmhhm *cough* guurkhhg" she kept gagging but didn't stopped me, instead I felt her throat relaxed all of the sudden but I ignored it and seeing it as an opportunity I plunged my whole cock inside, it was so tight and hot. I could see my cock outlining on her throat while she gagged and stopped coughing "Glurkgh glurkgh glurkgg" I started moving my hips faster and faster until I felt her neck snapped.

"Oh shit!" I stopped and slid out. Her saliva running down her face as she was unresponsive.

"Did I just?" I placed my hand on her chest and didn't hear a heart beat.

"Well, this is... errm... bad?" I didn't panicked since she had told me that snapped necks won't kill them and will be up again in a few minutes.

I set her o the bed comfortably, my erection still hard as diamond with veins running down showing the powerful erection I have, I so wanted to fuck her but she was dead and just the thought of doing it like that creeped me out.

I looked outside "Great! the sun still up!" I sighed in stressed and just sat on the couch waiting for Lily to wake up.

After 5 minutes, she woke up upruptly and started glancing around and once she spotted me, she got off the bed in a heart beat and kneel in front of me "T-that was a-amazing. Do it again!" she pleade bouncing making her tits bounce with her.

'Heee, did we just discovered a new kink?'

"oh no, it can't be that Lily wants to die with a cock in her mouth now does she?" I teased.

"Hhhmmm please, I want to feel that again. I want you to kill me with your cock again" she pleade by licking and kissing my erection. There was a puddle of fluids on floor where she was kneeling. She was so aroused that I couldn't help it.

I ended up doing that more then a few times over the last couple of days.

Nownit was time for me to leave, even though I enjoyed breaking her little by little, it's time I go and find my own adventure. Last night I asked her to come with me but she still doubted for a few seconds so I had changed the subject instead. I know she still feels for the two kids she calls her son and daughter.

Once ready, I put a note on the table beside the bed and left.

It was night so it was the perfect time to go back home. My parents were killed when I was a baby so my grandparents took me in but they passed away years ago when I was still a kid but I still had my caretaker and once I was 17 I kicked him out of the house, he was old already but I gave him a generous amount of money to live comfortably and enjoy life for the rest of his life.

Now why would I be in the war?


The thrill of always being close to death and because therr were cute nurses in the army who by the way, I think I'll go visit some time soon.

I ran through the forest passing by the small lake, I stopped and looked at it for a few seconds before continuing on my way.

"I get that lizard back one day, I'll take all its limbs and skewered it with some honey sauce... hehehe and to top it off, I'll steal its money"


Lily PoV

Lily started rubbing her eyes and yawned she stretched her arms around the bed and didn't feel anything.

She stood up and hastily started looking around the house, she looked outside and saw it was dark. She thought 'he' was taking a bath on the lake again and went to look for him but couldn't find him.

She went back home and inside the room they slept on which she couldn't believe she had done "She was a reserved loyal woman but when she was around 'him' she couldn't stop feeling like a teenager in love.

She glanced at the table and looked at the note. She started reading and tears ran down her eyes. After finishing reading she crushed the note and started thrashing the placed down.

"Hyyyyaaaaaaa!!!" she screamed with all her might 'why? why would he leave me?' she kept thinking, but then she remembered what he asked her last night and she flopped to the floor crying 'It'd because I couldn't answer him last night' she sniffed remembering his question to go and live with her but she hesitated because of Oscar and Valerie and now he left with out her.

She blamed herself and deep down hatred toward Julian, Oscar and Valerie sprouted from with in but it was more for Julian.

'I will wait for you, my lover and master' she thought holding the crushed note on her chest with deep love.

That day Lily was no longer the woman of Julian or Guissepe but woman of Santiago De Lacruz, the young man who in just one week made her feel more loved than anybody else.

"It doesn't matter when Santiago but we are going to be together one day and I hope you can teach me many things" she said closing her eyes, rubbing her throat gently imagining Santiago breaking her throat over and over for the rest of her life.

Lily left the house the next morning and burnt it before leaving.

Passing by cuvilians, veins started to run along her eyes as her fangs came out, so many emotions awakened her ripper instics.

She rapidly took out a shirt from her purse. It was the shirt Santiago wore in the war and left it as it was ripped and dirty with sweat.

She took it to her face and inhale the scent of the man that made her a woman, once she did, the veins and fangs disappeared as she kept smelling his shirt in the middle of the road, other women and men seeing that were weirded out and just ignored her.

'Hehehe Santiago smells nice' she thought as she put the shirt away and kept walking.


(A/n: So, hehehe, sorry)

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