
The Vampire's Cursed Slave

She is the product of a broken agreement, a curse and he is her owner. To him, to beg mercy is a call for death and not salvation. What happens if you were born to be owned by a vampire? ● "Let me bite you," he asked in a dark guttural tone, as his cold breath brushed to my cheek. "Does that mean I'm going to be a vampire?" I look at him with my misty eyes, begging the heavens to save me. "You'll just be my queen," and then our world unite.

Alexandra_Contour · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


I woke up from the sweet sound coming from the little birds chirping, on my window sills. As the fog of the cold morning breeze slips through my bed.

I hovered over my blanket and sat in an Indian pose. My hand on the other hand roamed around my bed, searching for my hair tie.

After tying my messy hair, I went downstairs to find my mom, who  was sitting on the dinning table with a newspaper on her hand, she looks serious reading it, didn't even notice my arrival.

"What's so good with news today?" It's bit odd to see her reading a newspaper, news is full of shit and lies. It's literally just all propaganda, fitting to the narrative the government had given them. Nonetheless are true or could be true but they add lies on it already. Hard to find real news these days.

"Found something interesting?" I asked again, as my hand reached for some nice fluffy blueberry pancakes.

Her silence scares me, seems like some mysterious event is about to happen. Sometimes, I feel like I never really know my mother at all nor did I understand her reason for doing rituals and teaching me latin at all.

"Mhm...a black rose," those words disrupt me from eating, and went directly to her side.

"Death of Doctor Marriano is it coincidental or planned? Same case with the couple who died a week ago, there were no evidence of murder. The question is...who really is the killer?"

The news talks about the doctor, yes the doctor who came to talk to me yesterday at Raven's funeral, he died and the nationwide is intrigued of this mysterious case, especially,  the black rose pattern on the victims chest.

What I don't understand is, what's the doctor's sin to caused him death. Why did he kill the doctor? I need to know why.

"Vampire..." mother's quick fading voice caught my senses. I look at her wide eyes open, trying to replay what she just said.

"What did you say mother?"

"He's back—" she fidgeted. Her hand simply tremble as she reached for my assistance.

"Pack your stuffs, we need to move right away," her anxious state bewildered me of the main point she's trying to relay to me.

"Mother calm down, what's happening?" she's pacing back and forth, whilst her mind probably is stirred from monstrous thoughts of danger.

"What makes you frantic with worry?"

"He's back!" her hand gestures were determined and genuine.

"I don't understand, whose back?!"

"The vampire!" I stopped the moment her words gave me clarity.

" You believe in vampires? Have you even seen one?" her head turned to meet my inquisitive eyes.

"I haven't seen one but I know one, and he is ruthless, merciless and is undefyingly psychic."

Is she pertaining to him? How did she know? or did she already know long time ago?

"The legend says, when the black rose has appeared the red rose is engraved on the child, and therefore, the curse has started." she looked at me, and yet, her eyes moved down to my shoulders.

"Tell me, do you have a red rose engraved on the back of your shoulder?"

"How did you know?"

She walk forward and held my arms tightly, as her eyes full of galaxies looked at me with the sense of jeopardy.

"Tell me the truth, did you met him already?"

I'm dumbfounded to the point that it made me voiceless, I don't know how to tell her everything nor even to explain a single word.

"No— you don't have to answer me anymore. You're eyes were enough for me to know your answer."

"Just pack your stuff and let's go," her hand started to drag me upstairs but I halted and face her. I need an overall clarification, for what truly is happening.

"Can't you just at least explain to me, what is this nuisance things happening to us? Who truly am I? Why am I cursed by a vampire? What's the story behind everything? Cause even the smallest thing can hardly sink unto my mind to make everything  senseful"

My life weren't perfect and neither to anyone is, life is always unfair but, I was never aware that it could also be fictitious. Vampires, are only supposedly true on the books and curses are just myths, legends and is never true.

Mother invited me to sit on the couch, she look at me with fear on her eyes. Fear that indicates a mother's love for her child.

"Are you sure you want to know the truth?"

"Mom, I was never determined at anything in this world but to know the story behind all of this."  the corners of her lips lifted into a fraud smile.

As she began to retell the entire legend to me, it made me realized that the vampire was trying to deceive me.

"In hundred years that passed, you are the first reincarnation of that child in this lifetime."

He isn't my guardian nor I have a curse that protects me from the people whose trying to hurt me. He cursed me.

"If he take you away from me, he will devour you like any other slaves he have." He's the predator and I'm his prey, however, his eyes tells a different story—tragic and sorrowful.

"Listen carefully, we have to move out as soon as possible. Pack your things and let's go. It doesn't matter if it'll take us to a village or even to the mountains, as long as far from here, where he can't find your smell," she was about to make her way upstairs but I interrupted  her.

"Mother, we don't have to do that—" she cut me off, with her squeaking voice.

"Silence! Do you even hear what you are saying?! I am only trying to protect you, from which of it you never understand?" the hot liquid welled up from my eyes, as my face starting to deform towards my ill-favored features.

"For heavens sake you are sick, you barely can even walk in a steady position. Mother I am thinking of you," in a matter of seconds, the words tumbled out from my mouth in fast pace and furious tone.

"Don't think of me, think of your own safety! I lived to protect you, now don't ever judge my decisions just because of my vulnerability!"

It is always said that mother's knows best but more of the times, they suffered the most to give everything to us, enable to protect us from harm and give us a good life. A mother is a real fairy godmother, the best gift of life that we could ever have. A true love no one is able to compete with.

"So don't be stupid and listen to me," a glow of hope shone upon my eyes, knowing that in this world I am lucky enough to have her as my mother.

I went upstairs and took all of my stuffs, somehow, I left some that were less valuable and took some of my clothes.

I never really had thought of running away from that man at all, I wasn't terrified at him. His eyes tells me that he won't hurt me, and I always trust my instincts.

If he really have the intention to kill me, the moment he saw me, he would have gobbled me but he didn't, instead he save me from near death.

Hence, there's nothing wrong to follow a mother's desicion at all, more of the times, obedient children were  salvage against peril than those whose rebellious from their parents.

We then took a cab and traveled for almost 3 hours before we reached the ends of a certain forest, away from the city we used to lived.

A huge archaic house met us, it was surrounded by trees and so the gate with silver arrow heads on top.

"What is this place?" I asked, as my eyes roamed around to familiarize the  surrounding.

"This is the place the ancestors had left for the future generations,  they prepared this for you. The house is surrounded by silver arrows and bullets that fights against the vampire."

The inner place look grand and luxurious, it's filled with diamonds and gold furniture and stuffs. I was not aware how wealthy my ancestors are, not until now.

"Go find a room that's comfy for you," Mother mandated which excites me, as I never lived in this huge house before.

I opened every single room on the upper floor and yet, I find it odd that none of them has a mirror, except for this one lovely room.

It's fascinating yet, weird and I felt not comfortable at all. Something bothers me but I can't figure it out. Like there's hundreds of eyes watching every single action I am doing.

The room is painted with white and gray, my favorite colors. Whilst, the floor is a solid black granite and a little diamond chandelier on the center of the ceiling.

However, when I turned around, an image of a woman starstruck me. I am looking to the exact image of myself, the only difference it has, is that it looks old and the paints are fading.

'Who is she?' I asked myself as my eyes were unable to look away from the image. In every angle, she looks exactly like me, no single difference.

Well, her skin looks more firm and pale. Her lips looks more full red, her brows were more defined and her eyes were deeper than mine.

"Did you already find a roo—" she didn't finished her words and rushed on front of me, covering the woman in the picture.

"Who is she?"

"She's no one, someone you don't know," mother took the picture off the wall and took it with her, but before she totally vanished from my sight, the words coming from my mouth rankled her.

"Why does she looks like me?"

"Don't ask any peculiar questions anymore and take a rest, sometimes it's better to have no knowledge at all."

Those words dazed me, there is something on it. A thing I could never figure out. What is she hiding?