
The vampire's Bride

After the kingdom of Astantica was attacked by the black wolves.. It was saved by the immortal vampire Prince Lucian.... Mia didn't see the saving as a full blessing like the others because she became a Orphan, her parents weren't killed by the black wolves but the vampire Prince Lucian, she grows up hating him....... Every year a competition is organized by the kingdom so that Lucian can find a Bride but the reality is that he's finding for the person who can break the lapis stone in that way he'll have no treats to his immortality from people like xavier (the king of the black wolves who managed to escape from Lucian) but that person will die... BUT NOTHING IS AS SIMPLE AND EASY AS IT SOUNDS.

Annxlin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


Vampire's Bride"

"run, run hide" he screamed, it was raining heavily, the wind was so strong that it was breaking branches, trees literally had no more leaves, umbrellas were useless cause it would just get flown away, the thunder roared as the lightening struck trees and caused sparks of fire,

"but papa" the little girl screamed wanting to rush after her dad but was held down by her mother and that frustrated her she began kicking and kicking a fuss, suddenly they heard barks of dogs in the distance, the sound was getting closer

"oh no" the woman said shivering not out of cold but deep fear

"stay still and be quiet, I'll distract them" the man said he creased his wife's cheeks and smiled bitterly before saying to her

"I love you" she leaned her cheeks into his palm, she couldn't bear for him to leave but if she wanted her 5 year old daughter save, she had to make scarifies, she would have gone but her husband won't allow it, she cried silently for a long while then looked up at her husband who was holding back his tears, he had to be stronger now for his daughter and wife

"don't go, let's leave now" she whispered, he shook his head, looked at his daughter smiled and said to her

"I'll be back, keep mother company okay and be strong, be strong for her, I'll get you some Berries when am back" hearing berries the naive little girl nodded happily

"okay be quick papa, me and mama will wait right here"

"wait by the river and listen to your mother"

"umm okay bye pa-" before she could continue her sentence the barks of the dog were louder now. It was so close he could bet he show the sharp eyes of the dogs in the dark, glowing menacingly

"Go now Go" he screamed, his wife shook her head but she still had to reculently turn around and start dashing away with her child in her arms, they were cold, hungry, soaking wet, scared and only had each other she cried all the way as she ran but stopped in her tracks when she crossed to the other side of the road, she heard a screaming voice it was filled with pain that voice.. It was her husband she widened her eyes and fell on her knees hugging her child as she screamed at this point let them just find her and end her too, she had no hope in life again they were done for as she predicted she saw flashing eyes then voices she put her hand over her mouth, death really took her seriously when she said she had no hope in life, she slowly got up and walked slowly trying not to make a sound she hid behind a tree and put a finger on her lips indicating to her little child not to make a noice she was five but not stupid she hugged her mom and whispered beside her ear.

"it's going to be alright mama" she patted her back and kept silent, the dogs were getting closer and the sounds were getting clearer. She heard voices"I don't like these beasts you have" a voice said growling "they look like meal to me" another chimed in growling as if he was ready to jump on the dogs and tear it apart "it's just a dog calm down" another voice said it was much calmer but it was almost more human, the woman glanced from behind the tree, she indeed heard of werewolves and knew about them, their king have been having issues with the alpha of the black wolves, they were known to be ruthless, careless, evil, menacing, tyrannical and did what ever they wanted, they have been feeding on the humans and disturbing the hunters that could go into the forest to hunt, the farmers and everyone literally, who wanted to use the forest it made things difficult for the kingdom since that way was the easiest way into the kingdom and out, the other ways such as the narrow road was ruled by the Kings brother who hates him after his brother succeded he got mad and established a kingdom it was more like a settlement and he gave his brother and his kingdom no peace so as to avoid him and his unnecessary trouble, since he always rubbed him of the people who came to trade with his kingdom and people.. They totally avoided that road, the hill road was dangerous for caravans and cars to cross it was a no, no area, now the only way was through the forest and the black werewolves known as the dark pack, but all the people in the kingdom called them rouges, when the king confronted them since living have been hard on the people and the traders who were coming in were scared that these brainless animals will end them, hunters refused to go anywhere near the forest securing their lives, the farmers stayed at home and farmed on their little plot of lands, which could not even sustain their families so he went to talk things out with the rouges they gave him two options, one was to let them rule the kingdom and forest the king will still act as the king but they would be his boss it was like they'll play emperor while he plays King or two he refuses and they take over by force the king told them to give him two days to think about it and discuss with his people they agreed but after just a day they attacked unexpectedly, the woman always heard of the rouges, his brother was killed by one when he went hunting but this was the first time she saw a rouge werewolf with her own eyes and saw it shape shift too, they were huge, black with thick fur, the one she saw had blue eyes but it only spook of evil, the claws on his nails were short but sharp when it shape shifted it was naked laying on the Floor, the human who she now recognised.. was Dylan second son of King Alexander, brother of the King, his highness Martin, he was holding a very disturbing and scary looking dog by the leace that dog didn't even need to do anything the face alone could give anyone heartattack he threw the man on the floor a robe bring your cloths next time" he said to the man, the man just glared at him hard, Dylan looked a little scaredlet's start moving my thrown is waiting for me", "OUR thrown" he corrected himself adding an evil smile the others transformed Into wolves and ran forward, the blue eyed man put on the robe and walked camly ahead with Dylan

"wait" the blue eyes man said sniffing the air "I smell a human" he said his blue eyes glowing so much that they looked a little purple then darker and darker until it looked black

"I'm human" Dylan said speechlessly "not you stupid" he replied growling, the woman put a handover her mouth she was done for her poor baby, she recited all the prayers she knew for God to at least protect her baby girl, before she could draw in a another breath, something caught her arm, it looked like her angel didn't deliver her message, she was so startled and frightened that she screamed, she was then dragged "human" the blue eyes man said

"xavier we need to keep going, we can take her with us an you can do what ever you want" Dylan said carefully as he saw xavier already drooling

"no" he said looking at him with glowing eyes..