
The Validators

Luke, a 17-years-old teenager living in a dystopic, post-apocalypse eras where the people exposed to radiation didn't change to a bulky heroic entity but a dying anomaly. Even with how the world is, the power in the current era still tried to wage war with these new technologies each of them are developing and that was when he came into contact with the validator. "But that was technically and scientifically impossible" Luke's mouth was agape. "It is, son, and there is still more." He grinned. The power that these people possess overturned his world viewed in a matter of seconds, it was like watching a hero movie sequence come true. This is a story of Luke and his journey to unravel the truths of the wars and hidden schemes of civilizations.

10Rend · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

The Party

"Think about it again, will you?" Mikel said after he walked out of the kitchen.

"You know that the answer will still be the same, right?" Luke followed behind.

Mikel sighed and walked out of Luke house.

"Just wash your face and clear your head for a little bit. If you still decide to continue, I'll help you until I have to go" Mikel said with determination.

"Oh and let's dropped by Ling house this evening since we didn't have to go to the landfill any more.

She is throwing a party at her house as she has just been recruited for the Capital's Unit and she has to move to the central region apparently" Mikel added with interest.

"Alright, I'll be there when I wake up. I really need some sleep right now" Luke closed the door and moved up to his room to sleep.

He fell onto the bed and immediately, he was fast asleep.



"Ey , what dup?" Luke was startled awake by the gadget but he still replied, his voice hoarse.

"Where are you? I thought you said you are coming?" The voice at the other end sounded, unhappy.

Luke looked at the clock in his room and it showed that it was already 9 pm.

"I just woke up" Luke said sluggishly.

"It's not like I can't tell" Luke could tell instantly that Mikel was rolling his eyes while speaking these sarcastic remarks.

"Get over here quick, Max is acting like an a**hole again and nobody is doing anything" Mikel added.

"Even if I was there I couldn't have done anything either"Luke said, getting up.

"At least, I wouldn't be in a bad mood alone"Mikel said unhappily.

"Who invited him though?"Luke was truly curious as he had no idea who could possibly be the one to invite Max there.

"Who else but himself? That thick-skinned party pooper.

Call me when you are here.

Ling's at R-37" Mikel said and then hung up.

Luke walked to the bathroom to wash his face and Mikel's word seemed to ring in his head again after he had slept his drowsiness away.

He looked eye-to-eye at his own reflection in the mirror.

Luke was a typical high school youth with his natural oak-like dark brown hair and light brown eyes.

He was 5.8ft at most with no toned muscles, so whenever he was standing with Mikel, he would look a head shorter which in reality they were just a couple inches different.

His unkempt hair cover half of Luke's eyes that hide his liveliness and curious eyes completely making his charisma dropped by a level.

His lips dry and cracked showing how dehydrated he was right now after a long sleep.

Noticing the time, he threw the matters to the back of his head and hurriedly wash his face.


"It's almost 10 already!" Mikel complained in front of Ling's house.

Luke didn't replied but looked at Mikel weirdly as his looks were totally different from before.

Mikel has a tall build, long black hair that he would usually tied to the back of his head loosely and a strong facial outline.

Normally, whenever they meet, Mikel would put on a sloppy t-shirt with a stupid screening in which he paired it with his skinny faded black jeans that was a little torn.

He would look like a carefree youth who played skateboard at the corner of the street.

However, Mikel dressed differently today.

He wore a grey slack pants, white shirts with suspenders lining both side of his torso and the same roughly tied-hairs.

He gave Luke a completely different feeling, and Luke felt like he was looking at a noble right now.

"Why did I never know that you can dress?" Luke asked, surprised.

"Alright, stop talking nonsense and let's go in.

The situation inside is getting more chaotic and Ling is already drunk.

If you haven't come within 10 minutes, you wouldn't have seen me here" Mikel said while pushing Luke to the house.

"Drunk? I thought she was underaged?"

"It's a party.

How could a party move without boozes?

Ling is currently very happy that she was finally drafted to the Units, it was her and her family's dream all this time."

"Hahah, now I didn't have to go to that old Lana's classes anymore.

I don't have to answer any more stupid questions either.

Hahahahahaha" Ling voice was heard even before Luke entered the house.

There, in the living room, Luke saw Ling dancing around with her head dropped from time to time while she made some strange dance move.

She was enjoying herself to the extreme and she seemed to be genuinely happy about not having to go to Professor Lana's class anymore.

The house was very lively, the music was playing everywhere.

People were laughing and dancing on the ground.

There were a lot of students that Luke recognized and many that he didn't.

"There he is" Mikel said pointing at a direction with his gaze.

Luke looked over and saw a contrasting scene with that of the whole party.

The jubilant and cheerful atmosphere with the students cramped in a small space was nowhere to be seen.

What Luke saw was a living room with no one other than a big bulky student sitting alone on a couch with a beer in his hand and standing across him was a beautiful girl with her pink bow attached to her well-tied pony tail.

They were talking.

"Who is that girl?" Luke asked.

"Uh. She is too out of your league, brotha. Otherwise I would have introduce you to her"

"I just wanted to know.

She might be our competitors to the U-.."

Before Luke could finished, Mikel pulled him to the corner of the hallway, putting his hand on Luke's mouth and shushing him.

"Are you freaking crazy?" Mikel half shouted half whispered.

"Sorry, I forgot myself thinking that they might talk about that" Luke smiled apologetically.

"They might talk about the weather or the mermaids. Who knows!

Don't say that word recklessly.

It was a bad omen for me already when you managed to say half the word" Mikel said looking around carefully before he sighed in relief.

"And believe me she wouldn't asked for such thing.

She was with the student council, head of council, actually, and she only responded to the school president.

Maybe she is reprimanding him and warn him not to bully others.


She is coming"

The girl walked past them, her face stern.

The fragrance from her hair when she brushed past his shoulder waffled through Luke's nose giving him a refreshing feeling.

Luke's gaze followed her until she left and he still stood there blankly.

Mikel looked at Luke helplessly.

"I mean, you could try but the chance is too slim. She doesn't talk to anyone, bro. She is too distant and cold"

"What's her name?" Luke asked, still gazing at where she left.
