


Everyone around me was getting ready, and I could still hear every footstep, and I had the impression that Vixen’s other pack members were just arriving. To be honest, even though I was scared, I didn’t show it because I knew that if I showed weakness, I would be the one who made things worse for myself. I have some combat experience, but it is insufficient for the opponents around us.

“Ma’am, Shranaia, Lord Vixen has requested that I present this to both of you,” the woman stated, handing me the crimson box. “There’s another here, Ma'am,” she said as the other maid entered our room.

I saw so many outfits that it made our mouths widen. We couldn’t have known that they had so many dresses. Even though I’m not sure how to look at what outfit would be appropriate for me, I know Jenny will give me some ideas. The maids had gone, and we were both staring at the clothes in front of us. The smile on our faces appeared, and we chose one to wear later.

While picking, I stopped when I notice the box that the woman give to me. I opened it up and saw a gown, It’s color red and full of designs on the bottom that makes my eyes shine. Only today I will experience wearing this gown. I don't really like the gowns, but since today is my special day, I will do it.

“You are one of his favorites,” she said, and I just laugh at her.

That was true, I didn’t know what to say to her. I remember why Vixen was usually on our pack only for me when I was a kid. My mother and father couldn’t reject his want since one of his reasons was that he wanted to protect me no matter what.

“I know that’s not all he can give you, Shranaia,” he said, then I looked at her while holding my gown.

“I know,” I answered, which made her roll her eyes.

We decided to wear a dress and Jenny knows how to put make-up, so she could do what’s the most suitable make-up for me. After that, I looked in the mirror, and I saw myself with beautiful light makeup, and the dress was so perfect for my skin color.

“You’re like a princess who never sees the sun,” she remarked, admiring me.

“That was Snow White,” I said and she smiled at me.

“I will gonna miss you.”

“I am too,” I said then she hug me.

I have no idea what may happen today. But then I heard rustling and glanced through the door, where there was a vase, and there was the red envelope. When I saw this, I worried and looked about; no creature could enter because there were wolves surrounding.

“What is it?” Jenny inquires, intrigued.

“I’m not sure. An envelope, perhaps?” I told her I wasn’t sure.

She came up to me, gazed around, then I looked at the envelope. I was about to open it when Jenny took it from me and hastily flung it on the terrace, where I saw it explode. I was taken aback by how rapidly the men below moved. Jenny caught my eye, and I grimaced at her.

“How do you know that?” I asked, and even she was puzzled as I was.

“I-I don’t know. I get an unusual feeling, and someone is saying in my ears that I should throw it away,” she stated.

Just then, the door opened, and there were Ron and Ran, both looking apprehensive. They asked me right away and examined my body to check whether I had any scars or wounds. When they stared at Jenny, I invited her to enter the room and swiftly seated her. Ron went and grabbed some water, which he then gave to Jenny.

“Don’t you know what may happen if you open that envelope?” Ran said, looking at Jenny, but she was looking at me.

“Why are you looking at me when you’re pointing at her?” Jenny said, and I covered my mouth.

“Ran?” Ron asked, referring to his twin. “What is this about?” he said, and I turned to face Ron.

When I glanced around at the twins, I felt like I was going insane with both of them. Jenny was at a loss for words and was intrigued by what they were discussing. Jenny looked at me and asked what they were talking about, and I simply shrugged. After that, I decided to fix myself, and Ron and Ran left our room. Jenny was simply staring outside as if she was looking for something when the twins departed, and I was looking at what she was looking at and I didn’t notice anything weird.

“What are you looking at?” I asked her, then she shook her head at me.

“I have just one question, Shranaia,” she said, then looked at me.

“What’s that?”

“That thing was not new to me,” she said while looking at the veranda, “I know someone was in here, something that I knew before,” she added.

Jenny seemed weird to me recently, as if she were not my old friend. There were weird individuals surrounding us at the moment, and I was restless because of what had just happened just now. Between the two of us, there was silence. The stillness was shattered after a time when the door unexpectedly opened.

“Gosh!" Jenny and I held our chests together.

“What are these twins?” Jenny was irritated, and she reprimanded the two.

“What?” the two asked, and I chuckled.

My qualms vanished, and the two of them were picking us up since the party was about to begin. We went together, and when we saw the red carpet, Jenny beamed and forgot about the twins. While we were strolling, I saw the guesses and how lovely and wonderful they looked in their attire.

“Wow?” Jenny said in disbelief and then looked away. “How many guests are there?” he said, and the twins smiled.

“The others there are businessmen,” said Ron.


“Yeah, Haiden was a businessman; right now, there are only... a few of them, but the fact was…” -Ron

“They are only little businesses that Haiden invited, not the large ones,” Ran said.

“I really can’t say anything other than ‘wow,’ as in, this is only for little business people, how about the big ones? This could be a massive celebration for intelligent people,” she remarked.

I just shook my head, then we proceeded to went down, where I heard my name, and was met by Vixen. I was startled because by what he was wearing, and I can’t believe what I am seeing now. He looks good in everything he wears, but he looks much better in a tuxedo with a red rose on his left chest. I smiled strangely as if I was delighted to approach him and make all the other females here envious.

But in the middle of my descent, I stepped on the end of my gown, causing me to fall. At that time, Vixen quickly caught me, and our faces were very close. When I saw his eyes, I saw their unique shine, which amazed me.

“Are you, okay?” he asked.

I instantly stood up, straightened my stance, and nodded to him. “I-I’m perfectly fine,” I stutteringly said. I snorted after he laughed. “What are you laughing at?” I asked, irritated.

The smile on his lips immediately faded. “Ok, let’s go,” he said quietly, and I agreed.

Again, he assisted me in getting down, and we proceeded to the center, Jenny trailing behind. Wilmer was there, simply staring at us, I could feel some grief in his eyes, but he seemed satisfied to just stare at me from afar, delighted to see me smile. Wilmer is attractive, but I dislike him despite the fact that many others do. To be honest, it’s been so long since we’ve known each other that I still find myself astonished by him on sometimes. But I know he is not like other people who insist on getting what they want simply because they want it. Anyway, I'm glad he became my friend.

“I wasn’t informed that there was such a scene here?” Jenny said, and then I elbowed her. “Oh my God, you’re annoying,” she said.

Vixen presented me to everyone. Mommy and daddy were both beaming at me and couldn’t stop. I glanced into their sorrowful eyes, but it was as if they were telling me that I had to deal with everything without them and that the world I belong to, and I needed to go home. I was holding my head when it suddenly hurt, and Jenny immediately came to me.

“Are you ok?” she asked with a hint of concern.

“I-I’m fine, just a little headache,” I answered, then she looked at me badly.

“Let’s rest first,” she invited me which I agreed, I said goodbye to Vixen, and she just nodded to me, the twins also help me and sent me to our room.

When we returned to the room, the twins had departed, and I instantly clutched Jenny’s hand and sobbed. Jenny is at a loss for what to do or how to make me calm down. I just grieved on her shoulder, like a child who had lost a toy. I recalled everything that occurred to me when I was younger, and I'm not sure why it all came back to me now.

Fuego’s father murdered my parents and caused them to suffer in front of me. How the black wolf hound rushed me into the woods, and all my memories vanished in an instant.

“I want to kill them for what they did to me,” I said angrily.

“Shranaia…” Jenny mentioned my name, then makes me look at her.

“There are things that I don’t understand, especially what my mother told me back then that is still a puzzle to me. But I know who took their lives, and I know the faces of them who were satisfied to see the blood spilling in the area of their dead body,” my voice rasped, and I felt pain in my chest.

“Shhh... Shranaia... I don’t know what happened in your past, but I know that everything was not easy for you, especially when you lost everything in your memory, and now it's turning back,” she said while rubbing my head.

“A lot has happened over time, Jenny,” I tightened my hands and stared into her eyes, “and everything changes.”

Jenny’s eyes dilated as if she was terrified of me. “S-Shra-Shranaia,” she muttered, startled, and stood up.

When I glanced in the mirror, my eyes widened when I noticed the difference in my looks. I closed and reopened my eyes, but nothing had changed. That indicates I’m not dreaming, and it’s all true. When I looked outside and saw the brilliant moon, I felt alarmed, and the people outside began to rage.

Jenny stepped away in fright, asking, “W-that’s that?”

“You need to hide,” I told her, and she stared at me.

“W-was it just me?” she asked. “How about you?”

“Remember, I'm not human,” I reminded her, and she nodded.

“I know!” she grumbled, “But you don’t even know the people outside, Shranaia!”

“Aren’t you scared of me?” I questioned, and she shook her head.

“I won’t be terrified of you even if you appear more like a monster than others around me,” she said, making me smile.

I grabbed her hand and led her to a place where I could scent her being safer. When we arrived, I quickly allowed her in and cautioned her not to leave under any circumstances. She nodded to me, and I looked around because I felt they were nearby.

Jenny shouted out to me, “Shranaia,” and I looked at her. “Take care, we will meet again,” she told me, and I just nod at her.

I instantly shut the door and left her there, breaking the robe I was wearing so I could run freely, and as I went to the stairs, I noticed the black wolves were already there. Jenny shouted out to me, “Shranaia,” and I looked at her. "Take care, we will meet again," she told me, and I agreed.

I instantly shut the door and left her there, breaking the robe I was wearing so I could run freely, and as I went to the stairs, I noticed the black wolves were already there. I knew they were here, and even before the party started, I knew they were here, even though I didn't ask who was outside, I could smell their foul breath.