
The Username's Adventure

After suffering from a brain injury that left him comatose back in The Reality, Karleil thought that there would be no way to get back in full recovery. While his spirit is floating in The Reverie, a ghost named the Grim Reaper offers him two choices. To either join The Light or be a contestant for a game, which he will start to be called Username. He joins the game after knowing that the prize upon finishing the game to the end will be five million of Happiness for it to be subtracted back into The Reality where his body is. What would Karleil's adventure be, knowing that there would be other contestants will be playing to get back? Would he win all of the happiness? Get half of it? Or after losing, he will join The Light after all? Read this novel to know The Username's Adventure.

immabecale · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


I remember only darkness after I hit my head on the asphalt where it was slippery. I know that I was riding the bike too fast, without my helmet on. I felt a lot of worries that time if I should leave to drop by somewhere, but I know how to avoid accidents. Well, I guess I didn't.

I am here now in The Darkness, where I am aware that my spirit is floating. It felt like I am swimming but without water. No other things to reach, to hold, to even hear. Is this what it felt like when you are all alone?

I don't know because, unlike my brother, Karlos, who has a negative perspective on life, like shit, knows very much about being alone in the world. Sometimes, I could not stand his being too in the dark, or he opens up, he opens too much, like a kryptonite. I wouldn't blame his friends for leaving him like they're ghosts.

I have friends back in high school. I had fun most of my life even though there became chaos in our family, (Maybe it's the reason why Karlos is always in the dark, sometimes, I couldn't blame him), and always look forward. But while I'm here in The Darkness, I always ask myself how did it come to this? Did I deserve the accident that happened to me? Will I go back to The Reality, where I would wake up, and do things the way they used to be?

Someone told me once that when you are at your darkest point, you would feel either angry or depressed. I was feeling neither, but the desire to go back.

This is not The Darkness that I know of. I thought that there would be a small screen wherein you could watch with your eyes, and somehow see The Reality. Or like a water-like shield to do something, to give a sign, or whatever it is I could see so that I would feel it back. There isn't any.

Maybe this is the end. Maybe I wouldn't get back at all.

Until I met The Grim Reaper.

This is a prologue and the reader's discretion is advised as this part talks about depression that may trigger people.

I would also appreciate a vote and a gift for this part! Thank you!

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