
The Unwanted Princess

[Horror Genre Warning] [Violence, Death, and Gore warning] [ This story is not suitable for sensitive and light-hearted people ] [ Do not read if you dislike violence, death, gore, and horror ] There is a historical book about a powerless castaway princess named Inanna, living in a world where your magic defines you. In the Lilith Empire, royals born with magical abilities live in the royal castle with the Emperor and Empress. Royals born without magic are sent to live in a run-down and low maintenanced castle called the Hollow's castle, to be forgotten by the world. According to a royal decree made by the emperor, the children in the Hollow's Castle are to be executed once they turn 18 years old. But Inanna is unfortunately sentenced to death by the emperor, her own father, at 13 years old for trespassing the royal castle after she tries to save her eldest siblings from execution. The book eventually ends with Inanna's death. Ivery, who read the book is displeased by the ending. Ivery soon fell asleep after reading the book, but is suddenly awakened by a floating woman in her room. The woman tells Ivery to change princess Inanna's fate and soon after the strange encounter, Ivery was blinded by a bright flash. Once she opened her eyes, her whole world changed...literally. She was now in the body of princess Inanna, and living in the Hollows Castle. She eventually adjusts to her new life with the help of Loki, a magical snow-white talking cat that claims to be her guide, she aims to change Inanna's dreading predestined fate, until it all changes forever... For the better or for the worst? ( Cover art does not belong to me, so I'm not sure who the original artist is....but credit goes to them. )

Calistal · Sejarah
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123 Chs

Chapter 96: Princess Anastasia?


"Master! I have the crystal!" Eness flew back into the room with haste

"Good job." Ivery smiled

Eness landed in front of Ivery and Luther.

"Here." Eness carefully handed the crystal to Ivery

Ivery rubbed Eness's head, silently praising her.

"Now what master?" Eness asked with a tilt of her head

"We leave." Ivery replied

"Let's go then." Luther sat up


Luther announced to the exhausted students that they obtained the Feralic crystal and were now going to return back to Crescent Academy.

Everyone smiled and looked excited.

They left the same way they came in, but the students didn't enjoy walking through the hanging corpses again...


Ivery and Luther now stood in front of Erdel, Ivery held the crystal in her hand, ready to hand it to Erdel.

On academy missions that the MVP's weren't apart of, a servant would come to collect the requested item and deliver it to the castle and a butler would take it and deliver it to the Emperor.

But since Ivery was his son's fiance, and the princess of Lilith, she was able to personally give Erdel the Feralic crystal.

"May I request something from your majesty?" Ivery bowed to Erdel

"What may this request be princess?" Erdel asked

"May we stop bringing along other students on the more dangerous missions? We almost lost seven students due to an obvious trap and they did not listen to reasoning and almost derailed the mission, and there were several casualties from the other dispatched groups, and I strongly believe that crown prince Luther and I would be more than enough for these item seeking missions." Ivery explained as she asked her question

"If the students need battle experience then can I request that they have lower ranking missions instead of coming along with us?" Ivery asked

"Request's granted." Erdel nodded

Ivery was surprised that he accepted without refusal.

"I see that you're finally wearing an MVP uniform, I had been wondering when my son would allow you into his exclusive classes." Erdel noticed Ivery's new uniform

"Yes, I was granted this uniform earlier today from the crown prince himself." Ivery nodded, she had to use formalities and titles when speaking to higher ranking royals even though she was used to casually saying Luther's name, as his fiance it was more than allowed to say his name informally but it would be disrespectful to address him by his name informally in front of the emperor, his father

Erdel was always happy to see Ivery, he would gladly make sure that she was pleased with Fresia and her engagement with Luther. Luther's and Ivery's marriage was absolutely mandatory in his eyes, he would do nothing to displease her or make her want to refuse her marriage to Luther and the alliance with Fresia.

She met every single requirement to be Luther's fiancé.

She was certainly a full-blooded royal, her royal aura was just as powerful as Luther's.

Erdel had the ability to sense royal aura he could clearly see how potent her royal blood was.

Inanna was from a powerful country, and she was Julian's strongest daughter, just as he requested.

Not to mention that she's the daughter of the emperor and empress of her empire and not from one of Julian's concubines which made her royal worth even greater.

She was intelligent, capable, beautiful, and is deeply loved by his cruel, merciless, and cold-blooded son which was hard for him to believe at first.

She had inherited the Castiell's distinct and rare royal trait, red eyes, and with that, their demon blood curse. She could even use her demon blood as a strength instead of a weakness. She was also the crowned princess and future Empress of her empire.

To top it all off, she is also an infinite attribute holder, favored by one of the two great gods of their world, just as Luther was.

In short, she was ideal.

Even though he knew how much Ivery and Luther loved each other, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't call off the engagement because he was too unfair.

He widely smiled down at his son who stood close to Ivery. Whenever his past fiances had an audience with Erdel, Luther was never present, but now he was stuck to Ivery like glue, not wanting to leave her alone.

All of Luther's past fiancé's were princesses from lower countries, only a few were from high ranking countries but most Emperors and kings did not dare to engage their best daughters to Luther knowing his bloody reputation and temperament.

The Emperors and kings that did send their daughters to marry Luther only sent their weakest daughters, and because of that Erdel told Luther to kill them.

The truth was that Luther didn't kill any of his fiancé's by his own choice, he knew better than to not cause trouble with another country unless his father permitted it or unless the country wasn't much of a problem to make an enemy out of.

Each fiancé that Luther killed was by Erdel's orders since Erdel realized the girls being sent to Luther were pathetic and terrified at the very sight of Luther.

When Erdel finally asked Julian for his strongest daughter, he was very displeased when he was presented with Xia. From the very beginning, Erdel didn't sense any royal aura emanating from her, all royals would have a royal aura due to their royal blood potency, but Xia had no trace of royal aura whenever he met her.

Erdel accepted Xia temporarily since Julian was one of his closest friends and being allied with his country would be a great advantage for Fresia. But he had no intentions of making Xia Luther's official wife.

Erdel ordered people to do research on Xia and her mother, Judith Isbell. Not too long after his order, Erdel was informed that Xia was the daughter of an unofficial concubine of Julian.

With more research, he found Xia's real father. Xia's biological father was a poor merchant named Tiel. And when Erdel showed Tiel a portrait of Judith Isbell he cried and asked how she was doing.

Tiel even asked about their child.

Erdel asked who Judith Isbell was and Tiel told him that she was an ex-noble from a fallen noble household. Her family wanted her to marry into a wealthy noble family or hopefully marry into royalty and restore their household from ruin.

But she slept with Tiel and conceieved. Her family was livid and almost disowned her but instead told her to quickly find a rich man and sleep with him, and then use her current pregnancy as a ruse to get the man to marry her.

Erdel was given all the information he needed. Erdel then understood that Julian was this "rich man" and this woman tricked him into thinking she conceived his child.

Erdel had to gather more evidence to show Julian, for now, he'd let this farce play but he was not allowing his most valuable and indispensable son, the future Emperor of Fresia to marry outside of royalty, especially not a girl who has commoner blood and comes from a low noble lineage.

But little did Erdel know, Julian already knew about Xia even before she was born.

Luther's wife had to be from a full royal lineage, with no mixed blood with a trace of noble blood, not even a royal and a commoner, a royal with a peasant or a noble. A commoner wasn't even a thought and a peasant was unimaginable.

Luther is a full-blooded royal with no drop of noble, commoner, or peasant blood in his veins, so he had to have a wife of equal blood in order for their children and countries to prosper.

Needless to say, it was mandatory that his wife was royalty, and not just any normal royal, his wife needed to come from a powerful royal family, this is why he asked Julian for his strongest daughter since Julian himself had full royal lineage as well as his wife Cassandra. Since Ivery was Julian and Cassandra's only daughter together, she was the most suitible for the position to be Luther's wife and empress.

"Now that you've both returned, when shall the wedding be?" Erdel asked with a wide smile

"Wedding...?" Ivery blushed

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about it?" Erdel chuckled

"It's not that we've forgotten about our wedding father, we're just too busy with trying to deal with Xia and the dark god supporting her, we'd like to start the plans for our wedding after we handle them." Luther said to Erdel

"Alright then, after you've handled that then we'll begin the wedding preparations, the sooner the better." Erdel smiled impatiently

"Anything else?" Erdel asked

"Yes...there's actually one more thing.." Ivery nodded

"Yes?" Erdel raised an eyebrow

"The next evaluation tests for the academy are next week, is it possible for the students being tested to get demoted a class for failing more than one evaluation instead of executed?" Ivery asked

"Hm.." Erdel thought about it

"Why is it that you want this princess?" Erdel asked her

"I just believe that killing the students for failing the evaluations could be wasting their future potential if the students were to work harder to strengthen their abilities." Ivery answered

"I suppose you're right, request granted." Erdel agreed

"Luther from now on, executions for failure are no longer apart of the evaluation tests, if students fail more than three evaluations then they are to be immediately demoted to a lower class." Erdel told Luther

"Yes, father." Luther nodded

"Thank you for your benevolence, your majesty." Ivery bowed

"We'll take our leave now." Luther bowed his head

"Take care of each other." Erdel said with a wave

Luther nodded again and grabbed Ivery's hand. Luther pulled her along with him to the doors.


As Luther led Ivery through the seemingly endless halls of his castle, a girl stood far down the hall and began walking towards them, wearing a light gray dress with several floral patterns, she had long black hair and violet colored eyes.

"Brother.." Anastasia turned pale at the sight of Luther

"...." Luther didn't say anything to her

"Hello." Ivery smiled at Anastasia, instantly knowing that she was one of Luther's sisters

"Hello.." Anastasia lowly greeted Ivery

"You must be princess Inanna.." Anastasia noticed that they were holding hands, she had never seen them together before but she had heard rumors that Luther deeply loved princess Inanna and treated her preciously

"I am." Ivery noticed the nervous look on her face

"And you are?" Ivery asked

"P-princess Anastasia, Fresia's 19th princess." Anastasia responded

"Is..it possible for me to speak with her...alone?" Anastasia fearfully asked Luther

"It's her decision if she wants to speak with you or not." Luther shrugged

"We can talk." Ivery wondered what Anastasia wanted to talk about

"Come to my room..." Anastasia carefully walked past Luther and headed to her room

Ivery let go of Luther's hand and smiled at him before following behind Anastasia.

Luther sighed and walked to his part of the castle.


When Ivery entered Anastasia's room she was delighted to see how cute it was, there were several stuffed animals around and her room was colored with a pastel purple color, and her floor was pure white carpet. Her bed was a lilac-colored canopy.

Ivery sat at a small four seater table on the balcony with Anastasia sitting on the opposite side.

"Princess Inanna..." Anastasia looked seriously at Ivery

"Yes..?" Ivery was slightly shocked by the sudden serious expression on Anastasia's face

"Please breakup with my brother." Anastasia bluntly said

"What?" Ivery's shock dramatically increased


