
Chapter 102: Beyond The Bookshelf


( ⚠️ Slightly mature content warning ⚠️ )


Ivery sat on Luther's lap in a corner of the giant bath. Her body was wrapped in the black towel Luther gave to her.

He wore a black towel around his waist.

And suddenly Ivery felt hands on her shoulders, and his hands slowly slid her towel down her body, completely revealing her body.

Her towel floated in the water.

"What are you doing...?" Ivery felt his hands on her waist and tried to reach for her drifting towel, her body was starting to sensitively respond to his touches

"Just let me do this..." Luther kissed her neck and pushed her reaching arm down

"Luther.." Ivery blushed

"I meant to say this last night but I'm surprised by how big these actually are..." Luther ran his finger across her breast line

His hands moved from her chest and rested on her thighs, and those same hands spread her legs open.

"So you never looked at me?" Ivery asked

"Of course I've looked at you, every time I see you hundreds of things that I could do to you runs through my mind constantly." Luther admitted and started kissing her cheek

"Oh? So you've fantasized about doing this stuff to me?" Ivery touched Luther's hands

"I've thought about doing so much more than just this..." Luther told her with a lustful grin

Suddenly she felt something hard press against her. She looked down and saw what it was.

"Luther! Not in here…" Ivery exclaimed and blushed

"I won't." Luther sighed

"Even though I'd love to." Luther lightly bit her shoulder

"I've been restraining myself all these years to not rip your clothes off every day and take you right then and there." Luther whispered in her ear, making her spine tingle

"Let's wash now.." Luther grabbed a soapy body sponge

He slowly ran the sponge all over her body, leaving suds behind.

"I-I can do it myself.." Ivery felt extremely hot, and it wasn't because of the bathwater

"But I want to do it for you.." Luther licked her wet neck

"I-I d-don't need you to.." Ivery covered her mouth to prevent any weird noises

"It's not up for debate." Luther rubbed the sponge down her arms

"Let me wash your back." Luther turned Ivery around

Ivery felt extremely nervous and embarrassed being in this position again, her soft chest pressed against his hard chest and their faces were only inches apart.

He leaned in and closed the distance, his lips crushed against hers and his right hand touched her back. He slid his index finger down the crease of her back. Their eyes closely met, she felt her mind drifting away as she looked deep into his beautiful eyes.

"Mmf.." Ivery moaned into the kiss and shivered with delight

He kissed her deeper and his right hand slid up and down her body. His left hand continued to wash her.



After their bath...Luther soon left for his meeting.

Ivery went through Luther's wardrobe since she wanted another shirt of his to wear, and she was astonished by the almost infinite selection of clothes he had in his walk in closet that seemed to be the same size as an average house. Her closet was very large but it wasn't giant like his.

She finally found another black button-up shirt after several minutes of wandering in his closet, it took her so much longer since she could only walk slow given the current circumstance that she was in.

Ivery sat on the couch soon grew bored and decided to read something for the time being.

The aching pain she felt previously turned into a bearable yet still sore feeling, she was able to walk now but she wasn't 100 percent yet. She slowly and carefully made her way to the bookshelf and browsed the selections and noticed a glossy black book. She pulled the book out of curiosity.


The bookshelf in front of her suddenly slid sideways, shocking Ivery, and a pitch black room was presented before her.

Once she stepped inside she was suddenly pushed down on the floor as soon as she put one foot inside. She looked into the dark room and suddenly a black mist flowed from the darkness of the room and started to travel up her legs.

She immediately recognized that it was Luther's magic. The black mist traveled across her body, oddly enough it seemed as if it was scanning her and not attacking her.

She sat up and watched the black mist swirl around her body.

It was probably set up as a defense mechanism for someone who accidentally found this hidden room. But wasn't harming her in the slightest, if anything it actually tickled her.

"Woah!" The black mist suddenly coiled around her ankles and pulled her into the dark room.

The bookshelf slowly slid close.


Luther smiled and sensed that his magic trap had been activated. He already knew who had activated it.

"Is there something wrong crown prince?" One of the imperial officials asked

"No, continue." Luther said

"We all have agreed and decided that your marriage with the crown princess of the Lilith empire should be finalized sooner than later, it is absolutely mandatory that we establish an official connection with the Lilith empire." An imperial advisor said

"We assure you the plans for their wedding is being arranged as we speak, we want this marriage to be completed just as much as you all do." Erdel smiled

"Very good." The grandmaster smiled back

"How is the crown princes' relationship with the crown princess?" The grandmaster asked, slowly running his fingers through his long dark green hair, looking at Luther with his stern eyes that were an enchanting yellow color

"We don't want to have any problems with your upcoming marriage by having a strained relationship with you and the princess." The grandmaster said with a sigh

"We're very close." Luther coldly told the grandmaster

"Oh? That's good to hear." The grandmaster smiled

"Princess Inanna and Luther have been in love with each other for four years now, even the emperor of the Lilith Empire is aware of this." Erdel happily told the grandmaster

"Is that so? Then that means the crown prince will be having heirs soon?" The grandmaster inquired with a wide smile

"Yes, that is correct, crown princess Inanna and I have already spoken about that matter not too long ago." Luther nodded

"This is great news." An imperial advisor said with enthusiasm

"Indeed it is." The grandmaster agreed

"You've finally chosen a worthy one to become the empress, your highnesses, we're all very pleased about this arrangement." The grandmaster crossed his legs and rested his head on his hand

"We're aware of that." Luther nonchalantly responded

"Is there anything else?" Luther asked, wanting to end the meeting so that he could be with Ivery

"Yes, there is." The grandmaster nodded

"What is it?" Luther asked with a sigh

"The imperial officials and I have been discussing this for a while, so I think it's best to mention it now." The grandmaster said, noticing Luther's disinterest

"We think you should take a few concubines and consorts, to establish more and better connections with other countries." The grandmaster told Luther

"I refuse, establish the connections with one of my siblings." Luther instantly declined

"Why is it that you refuse, your highness?" The grandmaster asked, wearing a fake smile

"I only want one wife, if I take any others it would be a betrayal to my love for her." Luther said

"This has nothing to do with personal feelings, your highness, this is for the empire's sake." The grandmaster tried to persuade Luther

"It has everything to do with my personal feelings as long as it's involving me." Luther narrowed his eyes

"The Lilith empire is larger than any other singular country or empire you can think of, what could any other country or empire give as much as they could? Not to mention that crown princess Inanna is an infinite attribute holder like myself, we both could annihilate an entire army and take over their country by ourselves." Luther smirked

"My son is correct, this marriage alliance with the Lilith empire is all we need, if you want to arrange a marriage with another country or empire then we can arrange it with one of my other children." Erdel didn't want to displease and anger Julian and Cassandra by trying to marry Luther to someone other than their cherished daughter, and it would enrage princess Inanna the most

Erdel knew with Luther's temper, he'd kill anyone or everyone in his harem that would disrespect or attempt to harm Inanna in the slightest way. So him having a harem would be a waste in the end..

"It was just a thought, I understand." The grandmaster said with a wide smile

"So are we done then?" Luther asked


Ivery couldn't see anything at all and felt that she was being suspended by something and her arms and legs were confined.

Her eyes glowed in the darkness and she could finally see where she was.

It was a giant library, she could see the endless amount of filled bookshelf and there were even three floors and spiraling staircases that led up to each floor.

She looked at her arms and saw that she was being held up by Luther's magic.

She sighed, his magic didn't instantly kill like it was set to do if an intruder had entered, it instantly sensed that she wasn't Luther, but didn't attack her.

His black magic was clearly holding her in confinement, maybe it was because it couldn't fully decide if she was an intruder or not, so it was probably waiting for Luther to give the final command.

But she wondered how magic without a conscience was able to act on its own or change what it's meant to do without the user commanding it.

Ivery's body emitted her magical energy, making Luther's magic instantly release her. Since their magic types naturally opposed each other, she was able to easily escape from its hold on her.

Her feet touched the cold floor and she intended to run until the black magic quickly coiled around her ankles again and lifted her up off of the floor and held her upside down. She held Luther's shirt down tightly to avoid feeling exposed.

"I didn't think so..." Ivery sighed again, she figured that the black magic confining her was actually omnipresent in the room, meaning she couldn't escape from it no matter where she ran

While she probably could teleport out of the library, she had a feeling it wouldn't let her go that easily, black magic was the cruelest magic to exist, it was unfair and inescapable. It could bend and change the rules of reality itself. If she tried to teleport out, the black magic guarding the room probably could lock and forcefully change her set and intended destination back to the library, that was fully possible since Ivery and Luther were each other's weaknesses.

Ivery didn't feel like continuing to try to escape since she didn't have the energy to do so and her body still ached.

She closed her eyes and tried to relax, despite the uncomfortable position she was in.


"Well then, what do we have here?" A deep ominous voice echoed in the room

Ivery's eyes opened, and just as she did she felt something warm and soft press against her lips.

"This is very amusing." He stepped back and snapped his fingers

Suddenly, all of the lights in the room turned on, illuminating the place. Ivery could now clearly see the library and its colors....which mainly consisted of black.

She then focused on Luther who stood in front of her, it was harder to look at him properly from an upside down view.

"So this is funny for you?" Ivery crossed her arms without thinking

The shirt she wore flipped up, revealing herself to him once again.

His eyes pervertedly ate up the sight and the corners of his mouth curved. She blushed and quickly moved her hands down and held the shirt down.

"Very." Luther shamelessly nodded

The black magic suspending Ivery changed shape, letting go of her ankle and cradled her as if she was in a hammock.

"Wasn't it fun?" Luther smiled

"No.." Ivery narrowed her eyes

"Are you still sore?" Luther asked her

"A little." She answered

"Why didn't you stay in bed then?" Luther crossed his arms

"I was bored and wanted to read something while I waited for you..." Ivery told him

"And you coincidentally pulled the switch." Luther was expecting this to happen eventually

"What was that trap for anyway?" Ivery asked

"If anyone that's not me enters this room, they'll be consumed by the magic I left behind in here." Luther explained

"And I was dragged and hung because?" She looked up at him sternly

"Amusement." Luther smiled

"Amusement?" Ivery's expression went blank

"I knew you'd find this room sooner or later, I just made sure my magic didn't attack you once you did find it." Luther shrugged

"Luther..." Ivery looked coldly at him

Luther was shocked by her chilling stare, and just from that look she gave, made him realize he was going to be punished for this...

"No more sex until I say so." Ivery glared at him

"W-Wait Ivery, don't do this.." Luther's smile instantly dropped and changed to a frown, he kneeled down to her with pleading eyes

"Too bad." Ivery's body disappeared into a golden cloud of mist

"....." Luther sat down on the floor and rubbed his forehead





I added a bit more to chapter 98 since I felt like it wasn't mature enough for a mature warning, it's not too much but now it isn't too little, so go back to reread it if you wanted more from Ivery and Luther's first night. And this is a wrap for sexy time :D

Calistalcreators' thoughts
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