
The Untouchable Hunter — Solo Leveling x Jujutsu Kaisen (Discontinued)

An experienced D-rank hunter by the name of Kim Bora has a near death experience in a dungeon raid with his guildmates. He has double-awakening that grants him a system and not just any system. It's the Satrou Gojo template system.

Lway20 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


Kim Bora grew up in a privileged family in the captial city of Korea, Seoul. He had everything he could call his own handed to him on a silver platter and he hated that. So when he had become an awakened he felt that he had something that was his own.

Kim Bora was a silver-white haired, twenty two year old man with boyish features and coal black eyes. He had a lean athletic frame, perfect for complex movements and dodges in dungeon raids.

Despite being a D-rank hunter, one of the lowest positions in the hunter totem pole, he had never been happier than when he earned all his victories in the gates through his own hard work and determination.

He loved his career as a hunter and after 2 years he finally got the opportunity to join a guild thanks to his own power. The Hunters Guild was a rapidly raising Guild in Korea after acquiring the services of S-rank Hunter Cha Hae-In just 6 months prior to him being offered a contract with guild.

It only made sense for him to jump at the opportunity to such a powerful guild with two S-rank hunters like the guild master Choi Jong-In, the ultimate soldier, and the prior mentioned vice guild master Cha Hae-In.

Hunter Kim spent a few months with the Hunters Guild before he would come face to face with death for the first time in his life. On a C-rank raid with his guildmates they encountered a boss monster that are usually found in A-rank gates, it was a High Orc. It decimated his squad's best fighter's with relative ease despite their amazing combinations and teamwork.

He saw them get slaughter as he was sent by the raid leader to get back, but in his mind all he could think about was how much of coward he was for not even contesting the leader's decision to send him away. But it seemed it was all vain because before he left the gate he was stopped in his tracks by the High Orc that him by the collar of his armor and threw him into nearby wall.


"Ah! Nghh..." Kim Bora grunted out as he tried to crawl out of the rumble his impact had caused. Blood was seeping through his head and staining his silver white hair to a rusted red color.

He opened his black eyes to be greet with a foot to the face that completely shattered his nose and caused him to breathe even more profusely.

'I abandoned my squad....I supposed an end like this appropriate for a coward like me,' he thought dejectedly as he continued to try crawling outside the gate.

'But even still! I want to live! I want the chance to not be a coward! I swear if I have that chance, I won't ever run again!!' he screamed out desperately in his head as his vision became increasingly darker and darker.






[System operations...]




[Complete and ready for use...]




[The will of a coward. Quest Completed.]





[Welcome to the System]





[Do you accept your status as a player? Y/N]





"Huh?" he questioned the transparent light blue display in front of him as he woke up from his hospital bed.

'What the heck is going on? Is this a dream? Am I dead?' he questioned himself frantically as he started to doubt his reality the more he saw the game-like screen in his line of sight.

"S-Should I accept?" he asked out loud.

"Accept what?" a smooth voice called out from the entrance of his hospital room. It was a man in a dark blue business suit with straight greying hair and a stoic expression on his aged face.

"Dad? Wait are you telling you don't see this!?" he exclaimed incredulously referring to the screen in front of him that moved where his line of sight directed.

"Geez, I knew I had to get you checked out after you decided to become a hunter instead of inheriting the business like your mother and I wanted. But this is a little over the top don't you think?" Kim's father commented Bora on his strange behavior as he approached his son's bedside.

Bora just turned his head away from his father and muttered a muted 'whatever' at his father's sarcastic comment.

"I'm sorry son.....we sailed past that inheritance bridge a long time ago, didn't we? There's no need to bring it up again," his father apologized for bringing up old sensitive family topics.

"Yeah, we did. I'm sorry, but the life you wanted for me just isn't who I am," he responded with his eyes pointedly looking down at his clenched fists.

He wanted to be more than his family name in this world and he truly believed that being a hunter was the way to go or...at least it was.

He had flashbacks to the High Orc boss and thought to himself if he was really cut out to be a prominent hunter. 'I'm just a D-rank hunter after all. What was I thinking I could do with this level of power?' he started glaring at his hands in frustration.

"I'm gald you're safe, son. We may not see eye to eye, but you will always be my blood," his father said to the white haired individual as he stood up to leave the hospital room. "I'm late for a meeting, but I'll be back later today," he continued as he left the room.

Bora, who had his head turned away the whole time couldn't help but tear up a little at the words of his father.

He looked at the screen in front of him. "I wonder if this can make me stronger? What other choice do I have?" he sighed as he selected the 'Y' option.




[You have accepted being a player, welcome]




[Player, unread messages, Daily quest: the Path to the strongest, has arrived]



[This is a system designed to make the player stronger, failure to comply with the system's orders will lead to a penalty.]




"What? What is this?" Kim questioned overwhelmed by all the multiple screens popping up in front of him.

"Uhh...check unread messages?" he pharsed the command more like a question but the system complied regardless.




[ Quest Instructions:

Daily Quest - The path to the strongest

(Incomplete) Running — 0/10km

(Incomplete) Meditation — 0/40 minutes

(Incomplete) Push-ups — 0/100

(Incomplete) Squats — 0/100

(Incomplete) Sit-ups — 0/100

Warning: Failure to complete daily quest in the allocated time will result in a penalty.]




"Meditation? Haha...this is a joke right?" Kim Bora laughed off the system's warnings. "I don't have time for nonsense like this. I'll just rest for a bit and then come back to it," he dismissed the system's Quest as a complete fool's errand and went to rest for a few more hours.

'I mean push-ups? Since when did a hunter need to do push-ups to get stronger?' were his final thoughts as he fell into blissful slumber.













Suddenly the silver white haired hunter suddenly felt a tremor in his hospital room and shot up from bed.

"What! An earthquake!?" he exclaimed out loud as his hospital room shifted to a snowy arctic tundra in mere moments.

"This place? The arctic!?" he shouted out loud as he turned his head frantically looking for escape from the snowy desert. He brought his arms close to himself as he began shivering from the ice cold weather.

He slowly turned his head around to be faced with the most menacing predator he had ever seen.

{Snow-Clawed Giant Ice Hydra}

It was twenty meter long, two-headed serpent with a 6 meter long tail. The snow white serpent had large, light blue fangs with bloodlusted yellow eyes that glared right into the soul of the hopelessly outmatched hunter, Kim Bora.




[Quest Instructions:

Goal - Survive or Defeat Hydra in the allocated time frame.

Time allocated: 3 hours

Time remaining: 02:59:56]





"Holy crap," Kim uttered out with a incredulous look on his face as he stared at death for a second time in his life.

I liked the solo leveling system so much I had to steal it's whole flow, word for word, bar for bar. lol.

Just kidding but the initial activation of the system is inspired from the Sung Jin Woo's system.

Lway20creators' thoughts