
The Fall Of Jin Guangshan

Xue Yang

Infiltrating into the Jin Clan was even easier than in the Gusu towns for Xue Yang. The Lan Clan with its many rules as well for the security in the islands, was hard to get in, unless invited as Meng Yao had been, but the Lanling lands had no restrictions other than the barrier protecting the towns. This was a Clan easy to dislike, as it was so full of people believing themselves above others, despite the wicked things they did at close doors.

The trap they had planned for the Jin Clan leader was quite simple. They introduce him a beautiful woman named Wang Lingjiao, a formed maid that had a great grudge against Guangshan for a sin committed to her sister. She knew well how to attract and please a man and was consider a beauty by many lecherous man.

So in the end, the Clan Leader was itching for her as much as others, making it even easier for them to get rid of him once and for all. They were to meet in a secret pavilion, Guangshan have to do his wicked perverted things. This was also when he secretly got rid of the women after he no longer had any use of them.

Meng Yao's mother was keep hidden in that pavilion for years, until the Jin Clan Leader decided he no longer had a need of her as she got pregnant, but she manage to escape with the help of a servant before he could kill her along with her unborn child. After that, she faced such hardships that she had to rise her son in a red district house, until she die once Guangshan found out where she had escape to and kill her.

Meng Yao had manage to escape the slaughter by luck, as he was out in the moment the brothel was purged, when he was making some shoppings for the owner of the house. Now, it was simply poetical that he was going to meet his death in the very same place Meng Yao's mother suffered for so many years and countless women were killed. His end just fit the way he lived and treat others.

Xue smiled as his sword spirit got rid of all the few secret workers of that hidden pavilion and brought in a few new ones that served him. By nightfall, the woman working for them brought the man, keeping him quite interested in their way there and when they went in, the servants brought them food and drinks, as usual when there was a special 'guest' in that room. However, contrary to most times, the drugs were mixed into Guangshan food instead.

Soon, after a few drinks and bites of the food, the man guided the sinful woman to the exquisite room prepared for the coming pleasures, but the one who fell pray of depraved hands was not her. As the drug took effect in a short amount of time, Jin Guangshan was feeling very drowsy just a minute or so after, thus he did not resist when his new woman wanted to play with him and tightly tied him up to the bed by the hands and feet.

Jin Guangshan smiled wickedly when the woman, dressed in exquisite pink and lavender, start to stimulate him, arousing him even faster with the effect of the drug that keep his heart pumping blood to his lover parts. If the woman prove to be worthy, he was going to pamper her for a few years, as long as she keep him satisfy, but after the initial playfulness, he found out there was something more in store than a simple foreplay.

A few other women walked inside the room and those ones where not exactly pretty, but their touches over him, were equally stimulating of his sensitive parts. They had gag him, to prevent him for screaming and alert others, although it was going to be in vain, as the pavilion was a solitary one, out of the way inside the Golden Tower.

Then, Xue Yang let others in as well. More hideous women and even men, as the only beautiful one, got out laughing at the despicable sight of the man, been ride several times in a row by those he detested and despised the most, struggling in vain with deep anger, yet unable to resist fate. With the drug keeping him going and going for long hours of pleasurable torture, Jin Guangshan die a miserable and despicable death by heart attack. His body was left naked, cover in his own release and tied to the magnificent bed, with silk red curtains and sheets.

Xue sent the message of the succeed of the mission to Meng Yao and walked out in the still of the night as if nothing happen, after the several women and men he used, that were teleported somewhere else, to never return to those wicked lands, with their desire of revenge fulfilled. In a few hours, he will leak the rumor in town that the Jin Clan leader had die in a deplorable way and once the rumor hit the Golden Tower, the internal chaos will begin and thus, their inevitable fall.

Laughing like a maniac, yet quite satisfy with the planed punishment, his sword spirit, Jiangzia, begin to spread the rumors that went up like wildfire, hitting the Golden Tower an hour before midnight. As the Clan realize that their Leader was indeed missing, an intense search was order, eventually fining the filthy corpse tied to the sinful bed.

"Should we deal with Wei Wuxian now, Master?" Jiangzia asked.

"No. He is well protected now and there is no real hurry to get him. It will take a few months for them to be sent to the Burial Mounds. It's a shame I could not play with him when I got the chance, but oh well... at least I gave Sanren a scare this time." Xue laughed.

"She is probably going back to the east." Jiangzia said, quite convinced.

"Probably. She will want to see her son after so many years gone. She had been troublesome for us, but the real one that we had to be wary off is her teacher. The seer really had mess with us quite a few times already. Let try find her next. Meng Yao will keep the Clans busy for the time being, we can do as we please for a while." Xue said, already itching for hunting down the well-known Baoshan.

"She is true seer, can we really find her?" The handsome man, dressed in luxury red robes asked to his Master.

"Ah, she had her ways... but then again, so do we..." Xue Yang responded, as he took a small silver metal that oozed dark energy from it and Jiangzia smiled, going back to his blade, to soon disappear along with his Master, leaving a mayor Clan down on its knees with only one single strike.


Because they were still uncertain of what to expect from the rogues the sword spirits had keep their watch on the lovers when at home. At that time of the night, close to midnight, it was Sandu and Senlin's watch. That night, the moon seems to have a hint of red, which was a bad omen for many humans.

"I wonder if that moon is telling us that something bad is going to happen soon. The east seems so safe. The Clans here are very vigilant and with several ways to prevent infiltration, even by an insect." Senlin smiled.

"We take pride in our combined strength. Keeping our people safe it's not a joke and even the great eagles keep us safe as we also protect them from corpses." Sandu look at her.

"That too, is amazing. I wish I could see them. Are they far?" Sandu asked looking at the black horizon.

"Yes, a bit, but eventually you will see them. Your Master seems to be looking all kind of excuses to date mine in the last few days, while we waited for the lovers to return." Sandu smiled brightly and Senlin was drawn to that pure smile of his.

"I think they like each other." She said with a hint of blush that make Sandu smile even wider. She was more beautiful when blushing.

"Ah yes. They also look good together, but I wonder for their future. The Lotus Pier is far away from here and she is quite needed in her Clan." Senlin ponder on that and sighed.

"If it meant to be there will be a way, right?" She said looking back at the moon.

"I guess. Is it as beautiful as they said in the Lotus Pier?" Senlin asked, whishing she could go there herself.

"Probably more so. The lake is full of lotus flowers and when they are in bloom, it's an amazing sight. Also, there are many dishes that I know the people from the east will love and Lady Yanli make the best lotus soup with pork. My Master often brag that no one can match her soup." Sandu told her as he laughed.

"Sounds good." She said softly.

"It is. She also makes soup for me and Chilie, even when we don't need to eat." Sandu said.

"She is very kind. It's no wonder why Wuxian care for her as a real sister." Senlin whisper.

"Yes and also that's the reason my Master is so protective of her." Sandu added.

"A shame she had put her eyes on a jerk." Senlin voiced her feeling about Zixuan, because she didn't particularly like him.

"Well, it was an arranged marriage... they often are not fair to one or both." She sighed again.

"That's true. I honestly hope she can find her happiness, even with the jerk." Sandu laughed.

"You can always convince your Master to bring him down with one move again. By the way, that was totally unbelievable. Can you do it too?" He asked and immediately notice a hint of mischievous in her gorgeous face. Senlin put her finger up and pointed his way.

"Want to try?" She offer with a smile and Sandu close his eyes, while he tapped the center of his forehead. Sanlin laughed and was going to give him a peck on his cheek instead when she notice a message butterfly going into the direction of the mentioned jerk's room, a bit away from Wei Ying's one.

"Sandu, look!" Senlin alert him and Sandu immediately open his eyes and look at the direction she pointed, also seen the shining butterfly.

"I guess this red moon is indeed a bad omen for us." He said as he stood, closely followed by his partner.

They watch the little shining thing go inside the dark room, then they saw the light of a candle and heard a yell. Thinking there was something wrong, they jumped from roof to roof, until they were close to the Zixuan's room, but right at that moment, the man stormed out of his room.

"We should check it out. I can tell he is quite mad and we don't want problems here, among us, allies." Sandu told her and they jumped in front of the infuriated Zixuan.

"What's the matter, young Master Zixuan?" Sandu asked respectfully.

"That's not your problem, my Clan business had nothing to do with you! But you woman, tell me where to find Wei Lao's room, right now!" Zixuan demanded to Senlin, who was tempted to kick him in the butt, right there.

"Lord Wei is not to be disturbed by a brat's tantrums and I am not your servant to command as you please." Senlin told him, only adding more fire to the flame.

"You insolent spirit! Mind how you speak to me! My Clan can easily crush your Wen Clan!" He yelled angrily.

"I like to see you try, we are not weaklings here!" Senlin yelled back seriously, taking off her hat, with a hint of killing intent. Seen that things were heating up, Sandu was going to mediate, when something white and gray bit him to it.

"What's the meaning of this?" Suibian asked, as he saw Senlin without her hat. She was as scary as Wen Qing when serious and he had never seen her as mad as in that moment.

"Tell me where is Wei Lao now! I have no time to waste in small fries like you." Now he get it, small fries his ass, Suibian thought and instantly, Xuanyu was waking up Ying and his lover. Then others joined the commotion, including Jiang Cheng and Yanli, who try to calm him down, asking him what happen, but he only push her away angrily, right in the moment Wei Ying was rushing in.

Chilie prevent her from falling, but the rudeness to her was already made and Wei Ying was once again faster than Cheng and was about to hit Zixuan in the face, only to be stopped by his Lan Zhan who had grab his wrist midway and Zixuan's sword spirit, who finally go out of his blade to prevent his Master from enraging allies even more.

He knew the group had strong ties of friendship and even of brotherhood and angering people on the same side was the same as to commit suicide, especially in someone else Clan and lands. So after Lan Wangji stop Wei Wuxian assault, he stood in front of his Master protectively, although not threatening by any means.

"You bastard! You don't treat my sister like that!" Wei warned him.

"Wei Ying, clam down." Lan Zhan said, as he force him back a little. By then, Zixuan was even more desperate to go back to his Clan, but his way of demanding it was honestly not the best way he could have asked for it.

"He is the one who's been rude." Wei said angrily.

"That's right!" Jiang Cheng agree.

"Still, calm down." Lan Zhan insisted.

"I apologize for my Master, but he receive bad news from the Jin Clan. We need to go back to the Clan as soon as possible. Please inform Lord Wei that we must return to the north." Suihua said in his Master place, which actually make a difference in the tense atmosphere.

"Just what the hell happen? Was the Jin Clan attacked? What about other Clans in the north?" Jiang Cheng asked, now worry for his father and mother.

"It's not that." Suihua said, but not sure of what he could actually share with the group.

"Don't waste your time with them, let's go." Zixuan said, planning to ignore the bunch and go looking for Wei Lao himself.

"I'm sorry to tell you are not going anywhere, Jin Zixuan." A voice they knew well said, as it suddenly appeared in the middle of the group.

"Lord Zhen!" Mianmian exclaimed. His figure shined brightly in the middle of the night and differently from back in the north, he looked even paler. However, there was an intense pressure that emerged from him, quite similar to that of the one inside the Stone Garden or the ten levels core test.

"What do you mean? It's not your right to stop me from going out!" Zixuan defy him, even when the pressure coming from him was making him bow a little.

"I have all the rights. It was because of our sacrifice that your Clan progressed as smoothly as it did." He said, as he put even more pressure on him, making him kneel.

"Lord Zheng, please, is urgent." Suihua intervened.

"Ah, it's not as urgent as he believes. I know about the death of Jin Guangshan, but I seriously doubt that your cousin, Jin Zixun wants you back right now. Your Clan had always been a power hungry one, which is why your mother, Madam Jin, make the arrangement to marry you with her best friend daughter, in a hope that you take a different path from your father with a kind and pure woman by your side. You most know by now what will await you if you come back now, right?" Zixuan was not going to admit it out loud, but yes, actually wanted to go back for fear that Zixuan will try to take the lead, perhaps doing something to his mother.

"What will happen?" Poor innocent Wen Ning asked for everyone.

"They will plot his death. By the way, be more aware that Jiang Yanli's mother is none other than Yu Ziyuan, better known as Madam Yu, but more importantly, as the Violet Spider. She is by all means one of the most formidable female cultivator in history and she is not forgiving of those who mistreat her family. Keep in mind that her Zidian is fearsome, so never try to have a taste of it." Lord Zheng continue.

"Also, your mother wants you away from the Lanling lands for the coming months. She most had already told you in the message she sent you just now." He finish saying.

"I will not leave my mother to be in danger." He insisted and Lord Zheng laughed.

"Like I said before, your mother had a sworn sister, which is a very powerful and fearsome woman, backing her up. If someone dared to touch her for the greed of power, Madam Yu will definitely reduce the Jin Clan to sorry ashes in a sea of purple lightings. She doesn't take her bond with your mother lightly." Lord Zheng said.

"I agree." The voice of a woman said from behind and everyone turned to see Lord Wei Lao, in the company of a beautiful woman around his same age, that just like Madam Yu, demanded respect with a single glance.

"Well said, my wife." Lord Wei said and after hearing him call her wife, then their attention shifted to Wei Ying who was visibly shocked by Wangji's side. It had been seven years after all and he wasn't expecting to see her again for a while longer.

"Mo... mother...?" Wei whisper, still in utter shock.

"I told you he will react like that." Lord Wei told her and the woman sighed.

"Lao, how wicked had you raise my son? He doesn't even greet his mother after a long absence. It's quite sad." She teased, making Wei Ying finally react, soon running to hug his long absent mother in a warm bear hug.

AN: One death, but one life brought back in exchange. I believe that Jin Guangshan still deserve the death his son planed on him, because, come on, he was no white pigeon and his death will bring Jiang's parents to the picture and perhaps even the human manifestation of Zidian. 😲 Oh, that will be awesome. 😉 Thank you my dears, I hope I didn't disappoint with this chapter, it was made like all the others, with great love for you, my lovelies. 😙 Take care, until next time. Stay home, stay safe. 🙏😁❤❤❤❤