
Chapter 3

Scene 1


Luna waked up at the broad shoulder of someone that appears to be a human but was very far from being a human, the color of his body, a big muscler feet and his long arms was very scary.

The way he walks and the loud and heavy breathe he produce was very abnormal as he move on the grass.

Luna screamed so loud making the creature to throw her off from his shoulder, she fell on the beautiful flowers which makes her feel like she was cought in the air not to hit herself on the ground.

She turned and looked at the creature at the face, seeing his big ears, nose and eyes, she couldn't withstand it but to run, the quaky voice of the creature made her to stop.

"little girl, you can't run because you are very far from your home, follow me to my home and I promise to take care of you till you go back to your people"

Luna look at herself and realized that she is wearing a different thing from what she should be wearing, a cloth made with fig leaves and adorn with rose petals.

The environment was very far from what Luna was expecting it to be. It was very much pleasing with a well arranged red roses growing from each side of the lawn.

The house was built beneath a tree trunk, hidden from the outer world by grasses and some white flowers that looks like they were alive.

The flowers create the way for Luna and the monster as they walk toward the trunk. The monster stopped immediately he reached the tree.

"now what?, we have been walking around this lonely land for the past few hours, where are you taking me to?

"little girl, you have been talking how it pleases you for so long, keep quiet if you value your life.

Luna seeing the sudden change of appearance on the monster's face kept quiet.

He walked towards the trunk and said some magic words and Suddenly the dead trunk came to live as a dark tunnel with thousands of burning maze on each side of the wall appeared.

"No! I can't go into that darkness"

"you should come with me or stay outside and face whatever you see"

The creature walked in leaving Luna outside, she felt helpless as tears filled her eyes.

"come inside little girl, the lava monster will be out soon"

Luna rushed inside the tunnel and it closed back.


Jasmine and Ellen walked down the feet of the snow mountain to gather some herbs for Arya who was very sick and was at the point of death, Ellen's face were all red, swollen and heavy because she has been crying.

Ellen got distracted as they walk along the wiggled trails, she fell down as she tried turning to the direction of a noise coming from the Woodside.

Jasmine turned to her immediately to help her up as she struggles to her feet.

"Ellen you need to be careful with this sharp rocks now that the snow are no more"

"yes chosen, but I think I heard a noise coming from the wood"

" Ellen, you have been through a lot these days and maybe that is why every thing that comes near you becomes noisy and evil, just concentrate and follow my track"

"Chosen, I know what I'm saying, something is coming from the wood and we need to go back to the village"

"Ellen the wood is still far from us, how can you possibly hear a sound from there?"

"chosen please, let's go..... if you're not leaving, I will leave you here"

A chilling wave strike the place making the little peak of the snow to form up a little whirlwind which is very weird as the tall trees dance to the rhythm of the wind.

Jasmine's hands transformed to that of a wolf's as the finger nails grew long and sharper.

Ellen moved close to Jasmine hiding on her back as they move slowly to the village side.

A familiar voice called for help inside the wood making Ellen and Jasmine to stop on their track.

"Chosen, that is the voice of my brother, your alpha"

"Ellen I know but could that be him?"

Ellen gets to the floor, feeling the heart beat of the ground with her hands, her eyes widened as a yellow rings appears in them.

A warm smile appeared on her face as tears streamed down her chick, she ran off to the wood screaming.

"Chosen, it's my brother, he is coming home"

Jasmine followed her immediately and was very Happy to see Lex again.

Ellen and Jasmine run into the wood and warmly embraced Lex who looks so tired and exhausted. Tyrion stand watching them as they hug and kisses each other, He wanted to leave but he was called back by Lex.

"Where do you intend to go from here friend?"

"Lex, I forget to tell you that I'm a wanderer, I have no place to call my home. I believe I should start my journey from here as you have reunited with your family"

"Tyrion please don't go yet, we still have something to talk about and besides, you need to see my mother and probably know these ones"

"Lex I won't spend the night at your home"

"No problems, just come see my mother please"

Immediately Tyrion stepped into the snow village, he felt some strange energy taking over his body, he tried to absorb it but it was too much for him, he felt dizzy as he fell on the ground.

He felt like he was dying as his body keeps absorbing more energy, he screamed very loud as he struggles to get up from the bed he was laid on. His body keeps changing from his normal self to a fierce and terrifying beast.

His eyes changed to a burning coal with a yellow rings on them, his hands and feet becomes hairy with sharp nails on them and a long sharp fangs on his jaws.

He howl loudly as he tries to leap off through the roof but was immediately calmed down by Ellen with Luna flute, her eyes was dazzling white as she play with deep passion.

Scene 2


Luna leaped up from the place she was sleeping, Her body system changed as she heard the sound of the flute, she ran to the monster who was preparing some medicine with herbs.

"Hey, where is the flute you played now?"

"I don't play any flute"

The rhythm keeps coming to her ear as she tries to locate where it's coming from but she can't.

"But you can hear the sound"

'i can't hear anything, go and sleep, I will get you a flute tomorrow"

She sat down looking at the monster as he prepare the herb. The monster turned and looked at her as she stared back at him.

"Little girl, I know that you wanted to go home now but you have to stay here for some reason, the vampire that is after your life is very powerful, spend some days away from home before you go back"

"What is your name?"

The monster turned and looked at her and moved smoothly toward the fire as he raised the cup of herb gesturing Her to drink it.

She took it from him and dropped it on a small table and asked the monster again.

"what is your name?"

"why my name?"

"I want to know what you are and why you are helping me"

He stood up from his seat and walked toward a closed metallic door, he opened it dragging out a pile of woods with all sort of inscriptions on them, he sat down placing the woods uniformly matching each latter accurately.

"my name is Hera, the only surviving soul of my type, we have been the most victimized species of all the living creatures of the universe. The vampires has been our mortal enemy...

Ri-chann the most wicked vampire has raid my kind. The day I escaped his hand, I have promised myself that I will avenge my people's death.

I couldn't do it because Ri-chann is very powerful and he has been looking for me to kill... that is why I hide under this trunk waiting for the day I will die.

....But after reading all these acient prophecies, my hope of getting my revenge comes back.

I need you to help because you are the chosen white wolf"

Luna sits looking at him as he shuffles the woods again.

"Little girl, drink the herb, it will help restructure your body"

"first, my name is.....


"How did you know my name?"

"It is written here, we all know you well. Luna daughter of Sagna the white alpha wolf, drink the herb, I have much to show you.


Tyrion wakes up from the pallet he was lying down. He tried to get up but he felt a little pain on his abdomen which makes him to examine his body.

He stoop up cleaning up the herbs on his wounds, he reached for his clothes as he staggered towards the door.

The laughter outside dragged him out as he looks around searching for Lex. Everyone around was looking at him as he trys to get hold of himself, he felt dizzy as the image of Ri-chann flashes before him.

He fell down on a pool of blood with thousands of people screaming for help echoes in his head, a giant man was approaching him faster than lighting.

He struggles to his feet but he fell down again on the pool of blood.

"Tyrion get up from the water, what's wrong with you? you shouldn't be walking around, what you need now is rest"

"Lex is that you?"

"yes, it's me"

" I thought it was a zodan"

"who is zodan?.... you need to rest"

Lex dropped the wood he had as he dragged Tyrion up from the water he was soaked in.

"you are wet with water, need to get you a new clothes"

"this is not water, it's blood"

" it's water water"

"Blood will flow soon, there's is going to be blood moon very soon"

"Tyrion please stop that, the pressure is high on me".

Everyone was staring at Tyrion as he sat down with his eyes closed, Ayra walked close to him and placed her warm hand on his shoulder. Tyrion looked up at her, He tried to smile but could not. He bent over again as he tries to overcome his body's change.

"I'm Lex's mother and it bothers me so much to see you like this, what is the matter?"

Tyrion felt a little better after taken a cup of red mixture given to him by Lex, he breath so heavily as he open up to Arya.

"my name is Tyrion, the last knight of the Were-pires family, I have been going about the universe looking for a place to call my home but I have seen none"

Arya's face changed immediately as she moved a distance away from Tyrion.

"you're a Were-pire?


Arya stormed out of the house having a mixed face. Everyone was surprised about the way she left the house, all eyes were on Tyrion who looked more confused than them all.

Lex stood up and left the house to look for his mother, he found her near the well where she was weeping emotionally.

Lex stood by her with his two hands on her shoulder.

"mother, what is going on? why are you crying?"

Ellen, Jasmine and Tyrion came out as they watch Arya crying.

Ellen goes to her and cleared her tears with her little cloak.

"Mummy, why are crying?"

Arya forced herself to keep quiet as she faced Tyrion that was looking astonished at what was going on.

"Mother, hope I haven't said anything that I'm not supposed to say? if I'm not welcomed as a Were-pire, I can take my leave"

"you've done nothing wrong my dear, just that it has been a decade a like of you is been seen"

Lex was getting confused with what was going and couldn't hold his temperament again.

"Mother.....Tyrion? what's going here, can somebody please tell me what is WERE-PIRE and why my Mother should be crying because of?"

"My son it's not something you should be worrying about, Tyrion is one of it's kind, he has the blood of a vampire and of a werewolf in him"

Jasmine was very shocked to hear this. She stares at Tyrion.

" Blood of a wolf and vampire all in one body, how could that be possible"

"My daughter, that makes them unique"

Lex took Tyrion's hands observing it, he sees some uniqueness in his build up which makes him to keep some distance away from him.

His hands were hairy with sharp and pointed nails, a large chest that beats like he has two hearts in them. a live less dark eyes with a spark of yellow rings whenever he blinks.

He had a huge pointed fangs that looks more deadly than a double edge blade.

He had a combination of pale and dark skin that makes his body shinny in the sun.

Lex haven't seen all these things before because he was so carried away by Tyrion's handsomeness which was just a trick and coverup.

"so Tyrion, you're a hybrid right?"

"Lex it wasn't my fault to be born this way"

"but you haven't told me this for so long"

"Lex I was afraid of what might happen, I wanted you to be my friend after seeing how fearless you're and I know I will loss you if I review my identity to you, please forgive me"

"it's okay, we are friends"

Tyrion and Lex shakes each other as they went back to the house.

"now tell me, how did the two of you escape from Barrak?"

Tyrion and Lex looked at each other, Tyrion wanted to open

up but was interrupted by Arya who was expecting Lex to narrate how everything happened.

Scene 3


Quiet and a wave of loneliness hovers around the castle, the candles were all gone out of flame, everything was dead because Barrak have gone out of the house.

Tyrion stares into the empty dark room expecting to see something but nothing happened, he draws the chains forcing it to to make a dangling sound.

The sound waked Lex up. "be quiet and do as I says" Lex becomes cold as he stands in the dark waiting to see what Tyrion can do.

"Lex I will bite the cage up and you will have to use your fang to unlock the chains".

"How am I supposed to do that Tyrion?,"

"you're a werewolf and this is an enchanted chains, it's only your fang that can wreck it, just force them to break out and be fast because once it's the fifth hour Ri-chann will come back".

Lex made the effort and luckily enough, he was able to cut the chains with his fang.

Outside the cage, Tyrion and Lex noticed a footsteps approaching them from the back., Turing around, it was a large black sucker bat, Lex tried to kill it but got struck in the chest by the daring bat and he falls very hard on the wall. the noice waked others up. "Lex!!!!

"What should we do now?" you're bleeding again"

"Tyrion the only way out is to run"

Tyrion and Lex looked up and saw the bats flying to them, Tyrion hit Lex at the side of his neck making him to lost his conciousnes "Lex I'm sorry but I have to do this", He shape shift into a Were-pire. With Lex on his shoulder, he leap very high to the roof of the castle, escaping from the bats to the dark wood.