
The Unplanned

My name is Sinokuhle Mbana Langa, the daughter of the great Ayola and Lwando Mbana. All grown up and doing my first year in university of Western Cape in Cape Town. I am 17 years old and I’m studying Computer Sciences full time and Fashion Design as part time so I have a lot on my plate and I cannot afford to fail any of the two. It was pretty hard to convince the dean to allow me to do two courses so I cannot screw this up or else I’ll have to drop one and only focus on one. I have a little brother, Thandolwethu who is 3 years younger than I am and is in high school doing commercial subjects and then there’s my little sister Sanele who is 6 years younger than me and is a smarty with a very loud mouth it’s even annoying at times but we get along well, all of us. My mother is a lawyer, greatest lawyer of her time and my father runs a strings of companies he acquired from my grandfathers with the help of my uncle Aphiwe of cause and the rest you’ll learn along the way. If you thought my parents love story was not a typical fairy-tale, I wonder what you’ll think of mine. Mine’s not a fairy-tale, it probably was at some point until I got married. Nothing in life is ever planned, I mean we don’t plan to be born nor do we plan to end up in a mental institution but hey, things happen. This is THE UNPLANNED life of Sinokuhle and it all starts at 17 only for me to be declared mentally unstable at age 27, who would have thought right?

Sandisiwe_Gxaba · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 2


Says my crazy friend grabbing the phone from my

hand, MY GOD Layla is impatient!

"there, he's accepted you already"

She says handing me back my phone all excited

"I'll get to stalk my woman crush from you, what's

her handle?"

She asks that while punching on her phone

'what have I gotten myself into?' asks my


"fine let's check her out"

I say going through Bantu's pictures and good

heavens the nigga FINE!!! Just as I'm scrolling I get

a call from my father

"Hey daddy"

I say answering his call

"Oku hey I'm outside"

He says, my parents and treating me like a little kid,

you'd swear I don't know my way around Cape


"we coming daddy"

I say taking my bag and so does Layla

"Ok princess"

He says before dropping the call

"Your dad's outside?"

She asks and I nod


She says annoyed, we walk to the main gate over

light conversations until we reach dad's car and

today he's driving a Porsche, trust my father and

showing off. Sometimes I'm convinced he's having

a midlife crisis and so is mom. He's standing

outside wearing shades with a new haircut looking

all kinds of HOT you'd swear he's my blesser

"Hey princess, Layla"

He says greeting us

"Hey Mr Mbana"

Layla says

"Dad did you have to?"

I ask rolling my eyes and getting inside the front

seat while Layla settles for the back

"did I have to what princess?"

He says pretending to be lost

"let's just go before people assume you my blesser"

I say putting on my seatbelt

"I think he looks pretty hot"

Layla says and I shoot her a look

"see? Layla gets it and so will your mom"

He defends. I find myself laughing because I know

my mother more than he does and she will tell him

to go and get a proper haircut, one appropriate for

his age even

"Yeah right dad, we both know mom will take a pair

of scissors and chop that fade off. Ouchea looking

like a blesser"

I say still laughing at him, he increases the volume

just to shut me up which makes me laugh even


"Mall or straight home?"

He asks and I turn to Layla

"straight home"

She says, Layla and I are neighbors; as in her

home is right next to mine

"Ok then"

He says driving straight home and just then he's

phone ring connected to the car and it's mom

"Hey Kitten, I've got your daughter and her friend in

the car"

He says and Layla and I both greet

"hey baby, hey guys. Honey where are you now?"

She asks

"I just pulled up in our street, whats up?"

He responds, she keeps quiet for a while

"I wanted you to pass by and place an order for

pizza or something. I wont make it for dinner, I have

a deadline"

She says and I see his face change from sweet to

sour same time, dad hates mom working late. He

never even understood her working when he has us

set up for the rest of our lives

"Ok honey"

He says sounding really down

"We'll talk later ok babe, I love you. Bye girls"

Mom says and we all say goodbye in unison

making her laugh before ending the call

"so what do you guys want to eat?"

Dad asks turning to me and I shrug my shoulders,

I'm not his only child after all

"lets decided when we get home and see what the

others want to eat"

I say. We drop Layla off and then drive into our

yard, our house is what you call a smart house.

From the gate all the way to the house, my father

gets really bored from time to time and spends his

time finding ways to make our house smarter than it

already is... if you know what I mean. I get out and

head straight inside greeting our house keeper

Nono and head to the lounger where my little sister

Sanele is watching Regular Show, atleast I can

watch that.

"Hey Saney"

I say throwing myself on the couch she's sitting on

with my head resting on her tiny thighs

"Hi Oku, get off of me you heavy!"

She complains pushing my head, I chuckle looking

up at her

"you so cute, how are you? how was school?"

I ask sitting up properly

"school was boring, how was your school?"

She asks focused on the tv. Trust my little sister to

pay attention to her favorite tv show despite the

million times she's watched it!

"it was ok, what do you want for dinner?"

I ask and she turns to me same time, this skinny

thing eats like theres no tomorrow and never gains

weight it's annoying even

"you mean we eating out?"

She asks looking all kinds of excited, I nod

"I want Pana"

She says, I roll my eyes. What was I even

expecting? She always wants Pana and Thando

obviously wants Spur

"We'll see what dad thinks first"

I say

"what about mom?"

She asks looking worried, my sister and her

mother. She would kill you!

"mom is going to be late"

I say getting up from the couch to go and put my

bag in my room. I put my bag in it's place and then

take my phone and wear slippers before heading

out. I head to dad's room and the door is half open,

he's shouting someone on the phone

"How long has this been going on?"

He asks sounding really angry

"You mean to tell me that it's been a week and you

only telling me this now?"

He paces around while listening attentively

"Find this person and take them to the warehouse!"

He says dropping the call, I quickly tiptoe a few

steps back head towards his room pretending as if I

heard nothing and I just got out of my room


He says, I smile

"hey daddy, so I was thinking Mugg and Bean

because Saney wants Panarottis and Thando will

obviously want Spur"

I say, he looks at me for a while

"whichever is fine princess, please go fetch your

brother at 4 theres somewhere I have to be"

He says heading past me

"ok dad"

I say heading towards the stairs to the kitchen, I

need something to eat while I stalk my newly

founded crush, I get a call from mom as I settle on

the couch

"hey mom"

I say

"hey baby what are you doing?"

She asks

"I'm about to eat, dad seems a little pissed about


I snitch because I already know that's why she

called, she sighs

"your father is dramatic, wherever you guys eat

please order me something. My boss is flying in

later and he wants a report as in yesterday"

She says sounding frustrated

"sorry mom you'll be fine"

I say

"yeah I will, where's your father?"

I don't know whether to lie or be honest but then

again she'll know if I'm lying to her, we that close

"he went out a few minutes ago, I don't know where

he went but he was talking to someone on the

phone and he sounded really pissed ey. Said

something about someone being brought to the


I say

"ok baby, thanks hey. I'll see you later, do you have

classes later today?"

She asks

"Not today mom, tomorrow at 5"

I say

"ok baby, let me get back to work. Greet your sister

for me and your brother, actually let me talk to

Saney before she throws a fit"

She says laughing and I hand Saney who's been

eyeing me since the minute she realised I was

talking to mom my phone and she smiles talking to

her mother.