
The Unnamed Goddess

“It feels wrong to be here… but I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else.” -: ✧ :- No memories, name, and worst of all no way out. A woman finds herself placed in a world of mystical color but for some reason none of the locations matches her slowly regained memories. Is it okay for her to stay where she is even if it might hurt the people from where she once was?

LittleAhprodite · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


My head was laid softly against the hard surface of what felt like a rock. I take a minute to regain consciousness as my hand grazes gently against the dusty dirt floor. Eventually, licking the roof of my mouth, tasting a faint metallic flavor. Once I realized this was the taste of blood, I quickly sat up from my relaxed position. To rub off the caked layers of red from my nose.

I slowly started to realize I was in a hollowed cave when looking around. It seemed like some kind of shelter but I found it hard to believe that it may belong to an animal due to its unbelievably large size.

The shaking in my legs made it hard to stand up. But once accomplished, I would shuffle to the cave entrance. Then leaned against the walls while scouting for where I was. I quickly realized it would be hard to spot anything with eyes alone. Not just because of my foggy vision but also with the sun already being set.

When I looked over, I spotted the sight of colorful lights. It had to be thirty to fifty, brightening a small remote town. But as I looked closer, I realized the lights weren't electric or even candle-based. The colorful lights came from the palms of everyone's hands.

This realization caused me to step back with shock.

'Where am I?'

I couldn't think about this until now, but I don't exactly remember why I was unconscious or why I'm here.

'Was I hiking? or maybe hunting?'

Once the questions began, they quickly built up and intensely filled my already cluttered mind. Every time I would dig for any sign of why I'm here, it would draw up blanks.

I have no memories.

This was strange since I could form thoughts and had comprehension skills, and I knew words and concepts. But no memories of how I learned this or who taught me…

"… Who am I?"

This last thought I would say out loud, letting the sting of it linger for a while. After that one… my mind grew quiet.

"You are our hope."

An echoed voice came from the depths of the hollow cave. I jolted back, almost losing my footing on the wall. However, I was quickly grabbed by enormous hands.

They were rough and scaly. The feeling of their large sharp claws caused me to jump forward out of their grip. Eventually, looking up and noticing the bright yellow eyes of a solid crimson dragon.

I tried my best not to scream and instead drew sharp breaths of air.

"No need to be scared, little one"

I could feel my teeth shutter when they spoke. They say not to be afraid, but all that's running through my mind is intense fear.

"My name is Dovaelieth, and I am the god of these mountains."

They would say, letting their large hands slowly point to a statue of a goddess built in the center of the town. I lean over to see the townsfolk place their warmly lit lights around the statue. They were brightening it like a dress of colorful fireflies.

"That looks nothing like you!"

I blurred at the moment but quickly regretted my decision based on how disrespectful it sounded.

"Pfft - ahahAHAHAH!!"

But instead of anger, the dragon drifted off into a loud burst of laughter. I felt both embarrassment and a light feeling of comfort. To hear the warm sounds of laughter was a nice switch from a moment of panic earlier.

"That is how they view my little one. I am viewed as a beautiful goddess of life. Real easy on the eyes, no?"

She stopped her laughter with a gentle comment which I couldn't help but admit was true. The long hair and soft yet sharp features carved into the statue were gorgeous.

"She is beautiful… but to be a goddess of.. life? Does that mean you uh give things life or something?"

She stared at me with a slight squint in her eyes.

"You're a curious one. I like that. Never stop seeking knowledge."

She would praise me to avoiding the question at hand. But then I began to remember the real questions I sought answers for.

"Who am I? Why am I here?"

The dragon then stood up, causing the cave to feel unbalanced and slightly shake. I would back away in a defensive stance.

"Do not worry yourself; I am merely stretching my legs. As for your questions."

"Who you are is now up to you to create and why you're here is what you're soon to learn"

I scoffed at the riddled response the dragon gave me. What does she mean I can choose who I am? I prefer to know what memories I've lost.

"That's not answers. That's just cute poems."

I said with a slight pout

"Behave yourself, Answer Seeker. Suppose you wish to know something. It is then your job to figure it out. I will not spoon-feed you knowledge. It will hinder your growth as a person."

The dragon continued as she strolled to the deepest parts of the cave to avoid the blinding color of the town's folks' festival. I simply followed more relaxedly than earlier.

"Well, then where do I go to like 'figure it out'? Or is that some big mystery too?"

I walked closer as the dragon began to curl into a ball and lay back down to rest. She shifted in place before giving my question some thought.

"The townsfolk. They're elven people. They have been around almost as long as the dragons. If there's anyone who has the answers you seek, it will be them."

"But may I say? It's better to approach them in the morning. They do not take kindly to humans, especially such nosy ones. Just imagine you ruin their peaceful festival in MY honor over your silly investigation."

The smugness in the dragon's words was far from unnoticed. I would painfully roll my eyes before giving out a sharp breath.

"Then what do I do before then? Sleep?"

I would ask but hoped sleeping wasn't the answer I was given. I can hardly take a rest after so much adrenaline. But the dragon didn't answer and instead drifted off into a deep sleep. I inched closer and gently lay my head along the dragon's body. Her scales were rough, like leaning against a boulder. Yet her body admitted a comforting warmth enough to comfort me. This allowed me to drift off into sleep right beside her.

-: ✧ :-

Once morning rise, I began clumsily climbing down the mountain that the cave rested on. I had already attempted asking for the dragon's help, but she merely refused me with her same riddled response.

'I will not cripple your chance to gain some survival experience.'

Is what she said or something like that. I think that dragon is some lazy bum. Hard to believe she's a god of anything. Once I planted my feet onto some solid ground, I gave out a breath of relief as I started to walk in the direction of the town.

Doavaelieth told me not to let the townsfolk know my connection with her. Which isn't all that weird since I doubt they'd believe I not only had a whole conversation with their god but also slept near her. Instead, my only connection with that place is that I give offerings. It's what we both agreed on.

There was no actual entrance to the town—nothing to indicate where the town begins and where the grassy lands end. Even the buildings were pretty tree-shaped, engulfed with thick layers of grass and vines.

I could quickly tell my meeting was unwelcome since heavily weaponed guardsmen greeted me. I bolted my hands in the air on mere reflex to indicate I meant no harm.

"State your purpose for being here?"

Hard to believe such naturalists would feel so hostile. Their encounters with humans must have always been on bad terms.

"I am here to give offerings to the goddess of life, Dovaelieth."

I quickly responded, trying to guide as little commotion as I could.

"With such ridiculous clothing? Hard to believe you're an offeror."

The man said, holding tightly to his wooden bow. He was tall, almost giant-like. Maybe 6'7? His body wasn't slim either but instead well built. You can tell how hard he's worked for his position. His hair was a bright red, which complemented his gem green eyes.

"Calm yourself Aldwin, she knows the name of our goddess. An speaks the tongue of the elves. She passes the qualities of an offeror."

A woman interrupts the guard by raising her hand to his and lightly bringing down the weapon. Her blonde hair was unbelievably long. It even challenged the length of mine. Once her green eyes met my direction, I completely froze.

Those were not the eyes of pacifists.

Hi lovelies!! This is my first attempt at publishing a story (not my first attempt writing.) I hope y’all enjoy what you read so far. Because I’m excited to write more!

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