
The Unlucky Lucky Pink Haired Reluctant Heroine

(Mature Content) In the world of Valowre, a disease known as The Rot has infected the planet. Mana Fujino is a young woman, working as a cashier at her parents’ bakery within the protective walls of Koro, her home city. She’s an intelligent girl, though mainly unmotivated, and all she wants to do is to simply exist. However, on one fateful day, she ended up making a crucial mistake that ended up tearing her life into pieces and dragging her into the chaos that devoured the world. Join Mana as she transforms from a once nameless woman into the 7th Mytho-Tiered Warrior who’s mission is to rid Valowre of The Rot; destroying the very thing that made her powerful. —————- This is my first book. I love feedback! Only way to improve. :) I hope you enjoy! -female main character- -A lot of dark events- -Outcomes you may not expect- -minimal romance (once in a blue moon amount) -not a true system (A much needed spell occurs with drastic side effects to work)-

ioPharia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs

What the @#$% Is This!?

.... As Gairma went in for another hit, Zera raised her hand in defense, the spikes impaling her palm as she winced. 

The dying woman then wrapped her fingers around Gairma's fist, "vuur strangalum," she muttered, instantly sending her shield of fire to the body of Gairma, engulfing her in flames, and burning her. 

Zera, between shallow breaths, watched on as Gairma pulled herself from the palm of Zera's hand in an attempt to extinguish them. 

She watched as Gairma's eyes flashed from red to green, then back again. 

Before she suddenly stopped moving completely, and turned to look at her, her body still on fire, and smiled. 

Her eyes turned full green, and Mana let out a wail of unimaginable pain. 

Zera, not wanting to kill Mana, immediately extinguished her flames, but it was what Gairma wanted, she quickly took back over, the scorched body of hers no longer hurting as she couldn't feel pain.