
The Unlucky Lucky Pink Haired Reluctant Heroine

(Mature Content) In the world of Valowre, a disease known as The Rot has infected the planet. Mana Fujino is a young woman, working as a cashier at her parents’ bakery within the protective walls of Koro, her home city. She’s an intelligent girl, though mainly unmotivated, and all she wants to do is to simply exist. However, on one fateful day, she ended up making a crucial mistake that ended up tearing her life into pieces and dragging her into the chaos that devoured the world. Join Mana as she transforms from a once nameless woman into the 7th Mytho-Tiered Warrior who’s mission is to rid Valowre of The Rot; destroying the very thing that made her powerful. —————- This is my first book. I love feedback! Only way to improve. :) I hope you enjoy! -female main character- -A lot of dark events- -Outcomes you may not expect- -minimal romance (once in a blue moon amount) -not a true system (A much needed spell occurs with drastic side effects to work)-

ioPharia · Fantasi
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63 Chs

Mytho Tiered Mage

"Sir," a soft, angelic, though slightly seductive voice chimed. A tall, slender woman, with short, tight-curled auburn hair, peeked into the office of Tao Treyo; now aged 60 but level 100. He is one of the only level 100s in the land, and being in the mage's guild still, he was ranked Hestria. 

"Come in, come in," he quickly greeted her from behind his desk, his eyes lay unblinking on her cleavage. She was wearing a long, red, robe-like dress, with black heels that fit the exact curve of her arch. 

She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the country of Midflora, even outshining the rarest flower in their world of Valowre, the Harmella. "What do you have for me today, my dear? Good news I'm hoping?" Tao asked, refusing to divert his gaze. 

She giggled, "somewhat." 

"Don't tease me, Zera." 

She slowly walked over to him, her heels clicking against the floor lightly with each step. "Have you forgotten to get them wet again?" she asked softly. She looked down at him, "they're looking a bit..." she paused, "raw?" 

"I probably did, as usual, right?" He laughed back. 

"Here, let me help you," she said, leaning down slightly, her cleavage right next to his face. 

Still unblinking. 

She picked up a small bottle of clear liquid off his desk, "are you ready?" he nodded with a smile. "Alright, you're about to feel so much better." 

She then took the bottle, dropping a few droplets of water into each eye. "I know you can still feel pain in them. Quit trying to be so creepy all the time. Blink for once." 

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "But It's a muscle I don't need to move since it does nothing for me anyways; other than keep these useless eyes wet." 

Zera Jett was Tao's assistant. Though she was also a level 80 mage; the last level of rank Aljury before Illune. Her main focus is fire, and fire-related spells, and her nickname was The Dragon; an elegant, strong, and fearless warrior. Zera, however, also had a heart of gold. 

She was an orphaned child, kidnapped and forced into slavery by The Mire that had taken over her home country, Dragon Claw Island. It was 24 years ago, when she was only 3, but she remembers it like it had happened to her just yesterday. 

The Mire had managed to kill every single soul that inhabited the island; everyone except their children. They had enslaved every last child of Dragon Claw, taking over the island as their own home country. 

After years of torture, and by the time Zera was 10, she had realized her and the other children's potential. She vowed to never let any of it go to waste. 

Every night, when the Mire thugs had all gone to sleep or passed out drunk, she would go on her own expeditions to find a place for them to go. After months of searching, she had found it. 

She had found a large cave system that started underwater in Dragon Claw Bay, before quickly going up into a plethora of underground tunnels. The tunnels eventually leading them to a large opening directly underneath the center of the island. 

They collectively named it the Dragon's Belly; a place where the children could learn how to fight; leveling off cave spiders, bats, and any other creature they found inside. 

Using their strong desire to survive, they had converted it to their new home, and managed to dig upwards, creating secret tunnels to the top to be able to gather resources to live off of. 

By the time most of them had become adults, Zera being 18, they felt they had enough power to hold off the Mire long enough to make an escape to Midflora. Their plan was to steal one of the Mire's boats; And they succeeded. Zera had saved every single one of them, thus becoming The Dragon, and the rest being known as The Dragon's Children. 

When the boat, full of refugees, arrived in Midflora, Tao had met them at the port. The capital had received reports that a boat full of teens and children were on its way to the state. He had known exactly who they were; he sensed it. The missing children of Dragon Claw Island. 

Upon their arrival, most of them were adopted to amazing families, while the older ones were given the option to join a guild. Zera on the other hand was personally offered by Tao to be trained under him. He didn't need to see her to sense the power that she emitted. She was a mytho-tiered mage. 

The first death she had ever witnessed was that of her parents, killed simultaneously, thus giving her a mytho-tiered spell; a spell that can only be produced by her. 

"Neya has been found," she informed Tao. He grimaced at the news. 

"Dead, I presume?" 

"Yes, and she had killed her daughter," Zera said, pouring him a cup of hot tea, as his eyes began to water. "She was killed just outside her son's home. There was a breach in the barrier wall of Koro, and apparently had been lying in wait. After killing her daughter, I guess she sensed the reward outweighed the danger upon entering the city." 

"Is Gino-" 

"He's fine," she smiled. 

"Who killed her?" 

"A young woman named, Mana Fujino. She has a mytho-tiered weapon." 

He faced her, following the sound of her voice, "oh?" Having a mytho-tiered weapon was one of the rarest feats; so much so that the ones that do have a mytho tiered weapon or spell are all known by name. At their full potential, they are the most dangerous beings to walk Valowre. 

"How did she get it?" Tao asked curiously, sipping his tea carefully. 

Zera poured a cup herself, blowing on it lightly before taking a sip as well. "Gairma was her adopted sister, and Mana had to destroy her heart. Her first kill." 

As tears began to flow down his cheeks, he lowered his head, "I have caused so much pain."