
The Unlucky Lucky Pink Haired Reluctant Heroine

(Mature Content) In the world of Valowre, a disease known as The Rot has infected the planet. Mana Fujino is a young woman, working as a cashier at her parents’ bakery within the protective walls of Koro, her home city. She’s an intelligent girl, though mainly unmotivated, and all she wants to do is to simply exist. However, on one fateful day, she ended up making a crucial mistake that ended up tearing her life into pieces and dragging her into the chaos that devoured the world. Join Mana as she transforms from a once nameless woman into the 7th Mytho-Tiered Warrior who’s mission is to rid Valowre of The Rot; destroying the very thing that made her powerful. —————- This is my first book. I love feedback! Only way to improve. :) I hope you enjoy! -female main character- -A lot of dark events- -Outcomes you may not expect- -minimal romance (once in a blue moon amount) -not a true system (A much needed spell occurs with drastic side effects to work)-

ioPharia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs

Get Me Some Food

There was a row of small, connected, hut-like homes that acted as studios for anyone that was allowed to stay. There were only 5 in total, and, given the circumstances of what they needed to do to stay, it was obvious the residents didn't want anyone but their own within their village. 

Contrary to what they looked like on the outside, an old, weathered wooden building, they were very nice on the inside; most likely the result of influence from the city just down the road. They were each equipped with a single bed and a toilet, as well as a small refrigerator, microwave, counters and sink. No stove, though. 

Viktor, when he laid eyes on the hut he was assigned to, took off in a mad dash towards it, reaching the door in no time before he quickly opened it then locked it behind him. It didn't take him long at all to make himself at home once inside, as he undressed himself down to his boxers and hopped into bed, passing out within minutes. 

Mana on the other hand, took her time walking to her temporary home, Fluffy still fast asleep behind her. 

Today was the last day her life would have ever begun normally; at least for a very long time, and she wanted to cherish it. 

The last day she was at the bakery, the last time she would ever see her sister, the last time she would be home in who knows how long; but she was ready for the journey to come. 

She inhaled deeply as she placed her hand upon the handle of her door, the fresh air flowing into her nose with a sweet coolness, before exhaling slowly. She smiled... 

"Just go in already, it's getting cold out here, and that's a lot coming from me," Fluffy chimed in, interrupting Mana's serene mindset. She huffed at him before she turned the knob, opening it to her own studio. 

The walls weren't very thick, and she could hear Viktor snoring loudly as if he were in the same room as her. She's got a lot to get used to over these next few months. 

Mana placed Fluffy onto the ground gently, before removing her boots and laying onto her bed, sprawled out on her back and facing a fan spinning above her. She was so hasty she didn't pack a thing, and so much had been going on she hadn't even eaten. 

Her stomach growled loudly, making her nauseous. She turned to her side while curling into a fetal position, but her stomach wouldn't shut up. "I can't sleep like this," she complained loudly, as she hopped back out of bed and started making her way towards the door. She put her boots back on while walking and told her cat she would be back shortly, before quietly making her way out of the mini home. 

The small village was asleep aside from the guards, unlike her home city that was never asleep at once. It was so close to Koro, but it was so different. Even the air smelled fresher. 

She sighed. She's no longer the same Mana from Koro, she's Mana, Hero of Koro! She huffed at the thought; but she knew she had to change to survive the journey and do what she set out to achieve. 

She began to walk back towards the entrance hastily, hoping someone had something to spare for her. 

"Excuse me," she began softly, calling up to them. She was trying not to startle them or cause a scene, so she waited a few seconds before repeating herself, but a bit louder. 

By the fourth time, Mana had given up trying to get their attention from afar, and decided she was going to go up the ladder to ask them face to face. 

She approached the wooden ladder on the left of the door, giving it a shake to be sure it was sturdy. It wasn't the next day yet; she didn't want a 3rd near death experience. When she confirmed it was good, she quickly darted up with nothing but food on her mind. 

The guards were all huddled around a small table playing cards on the other side from which she climbed, completely unaware of her presence. 

"Excuse me!" Mana finally shouted, startling all of them, their cards going flying. 

"Ma'am, you can't be over here," the guard from their arrival scolded her after gathering himself, straightening his dark green with light green tunic shirt and black trousers back out. Unlike Viktor, he, nor the rest of them, didn't have any armor; meaning they were all Viktor's subordinates. 

"I'm sorry, but I was told you had a meal for us, and when it didn't come, I figured I'd ask," she lied, as she began to approach them slowly, trying to sound sweet and innocent. "I didn't want to be a bother, but..." Mana's stomach growled as if on queue, "I'm starving." 

"A meal?" The man said, "do we look like a kitchen?" He pointed to a small wood building just inside the gate. "We have to live out of a hut too, lady." Lady? 

"We are on a mission to-" 

"I really don't care what your mission is," he interrupted her, as he began to approach her as well, his arms off to his side with his palms up, "we are on a mission too, and unless you're paying us, we don't need to listen to you." He halted his stride only a few feet from her, crossing his arms and blocking her from continuing. "Now return to your hut." 

"I... am... hungry..." she whined; she wasn't very good at being demanding. 

The man looked back at his comrades, then back at her, "fine," he began, a sinister smile forming on his face. "If you pay us, we will feed you." Mana immediately reached into her pockets to look for the spare change she had from when they bought the carrier earlier; looking down at her pockets as she did so. 

"I don't have much on me, but I'm sure I have more in my room, may-" Suddenly she was cut off by the man grabbing her left forearm with a firm grip. She froze her body, looking up and making eye contact with him. 

 There was a knot in her throat. His glare was piercing hers, and she felt her heart beating out of her chest. "We're a bit shorter staffed than usual, so you're lucky; you only have to pay three of us." His smirk was evil, and he squeezed her arm even tighter. 

"Let me go," Mana said weakly, as he yanked her around to show her to the other men he was just playing cards with. They were licking their lips and howling like she was an animal. 

"What was that?" He asked, tugging her again. 

"Let me go," she demanded, more directly as she warned him. 

"You're level 21, 20 levels lower than us, there is nothing you can do," he smiled as he turned back to his friends and began to drag her as he walked. 

"I don't plan to kill you," she said, "but, I'll tell you again, let me go." 

"Dare to disrespect me? I'll teach you some manners, bitch!" He yelled, getting back into her face as his spit was splattering around as he spoke. 

"I warned you," Mana, with her weapons still on her hands, swung her right first slightly up, connecting directly with the shoulder of his right arm. 327 damage. 

He instantly let go, grabbing his shoulder in pain. He still had 1,713 HP left, but she knew he felt that. "You've done it now, bitch. Hitting a guard of Koro?" 

"And I'll hit you again," she replied. She was trying to appear tough, but inside she was reeling. She was never confrontational before, but it was too late to go back now. "Now, I'll forgive what you just tried..." she raised both her fists in front of her, hoping that, even though she was so much lower than them, her weapons would at least scare them a bit, "...as long as you get me some food."