
The Great Unknown

The Unknown what is the Unknown nobody knows or is there some possible way to really know these are the questions which repeatedly went through the mind of Feng Wu. When ever his grandfather Lee would tell him the great and historical tails which his father passed down to him of the legend of the Unknown.The legend goes as such.There once was a dynasty in which magical creatures lived know as (the libren)who terrorised other civilizations.Killed without mercy and left nothing but destruction in their paths.Till a brave Bedouin know as Haruta yuu rose up and beseeched the gods to protect and liberate them.The gods responded to his plee n bestowed upon him the ultimate power of light to form and use at his every whim and disposal.He went about cleansing the world of all evil until he fell in love with a (Libren).The sworn enemy of light itself and from this unholy sanction a child was given birth to possessing both the abilities of light and darkness and creating the Unknown at a young age this child began to be consumed by the Unknown giving birth to a new breed of evil.