

I was running, running and running I couldn't see anything rather than the darkness I could feel swampy, muddy forest underneath my soles, I could feel the thirst in my throat and then I hear some tones saying


"We can't let her go, we have to finish this last chapter we're waiting for."

I ran as fast I could from the men behind me, unknown to me, chasing me for a reason unknown just then I stumbled and fell on the ground and then heard a gunshot... Suddenly I woke up breathing heavily, I could feel my sweat covered body fearing

the unknown. I sat up straight, trying to calm the rush of emotions inside me.


my phone rang it was my frustrated best friend

"WHY THE HELL YOU WERE NOT PICKING UP THE PHONE??? IT'S 9:15 WE'RE LATE AGAIN? I CALLED YOU 10 times waiting for you to come out so we can leave. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING CHLOE???" said Jennifer frustratedly as I replied still lost in my thoughts

"yes, I'm coming in 10 mins." Why are these nightmares cum visions haunting me every night? I was still trying to figure out why am I having this dream every single night? Is this a sign or a symbol that something worst is going to happen? With all the mixed thoughts I got up and wore my waisted pants with a red tee pairing them with my usual sneakers.

As my class began I was still thinking about the dream I had today "is it connected to my past or am I just overthinking?" I was lost deep in my thoughts until my professor shook me back to earth by asking me a question I was all diverted by my thoughts why I'm I having this dream? Professor William asked "CHLOE? Are you even listening me??"

"yes professor."

"are you okay?? I think you're engaged in your thoughts, too lost to focus?that's why you are not concentrating am I right? "Said, professor William.

"Yes, professor. Can I go and refresh my self? I will be right back because I can't concentrate right now sorry."

"yes." said professor William.

I left the lesson ignoring the fact that the lesson was IMPORTANT.