
The Beginning

Hi my name is Yui. I wouldn't say I'm beautiful or anything, but many people say that I'm very pretty, not bragging. I have long blonde hair that shines like gold in the sun and reaches down to my bum; light blue eyes, kind of like the ocean; pale skin like snow and I'm quite thin but not too thin. I am rather short yet I make that up in sheer determination, intelligence and creativity.

I've had a pretty unusual life, for a 14 year old... I am adopted meaning I gave no idea who or where my birth parents are. I have twin siblings ( Ava and Daniel) who both have learning disabilities, meaning ( even as the youngest child) I am the most relied upon by my adopted parents to be sensible and a role model for them.

For me life is mostly normal, nothing bad happening. Just living life, like any teen would. School, clubs, homework, eat, sleep and repeat. That is until I met him...