
Third Dream: Fourth member...

Then i open my eyes in morning and ready for going school after follow the daily routine. I come in my bed to see what happen next in third episode.

(i use rox in the place of The unknown man)

Rox invite his friends Sat and Duke for a team meeting in Duke base. Duke is experts in making gadget with the help of his testicle glove. The Duke is working on making round dishes when round dishes throw in the sky they work like mine black holes get under from one and out from another for Rox and a black iron suit. Sat already have a armor suit but he is not tough to use it. so The rox started his training to make him strong. But Duke power is not for fighting so they have to find a new team player for tournament soon. Rox always wearing a mask on his face he is emotions less and not talk to much. Rox also started his training to control his power because his power some times control him.

he has to make his mind strong he started sitting under the water fall and making a new mask Wich help him to control his power.

Next day only one week left for tournament because Duke don't have fighting power so they need at least one more player in his team. Now they all are starting searching for a new teammate and Duke started making posters.

But the players who bring by Sat for selection they have to fight with rox first. The day will gone but they didn't find any one powerful.

one the other side Drake make his own team but in his team the one member is a girl who name is Scarlett. She was the second best player of the school but Drake doesn't want any girls in his team he kick her out from his team. The Scarlett become sad and his eyes fill with tears. Sat started distributing pamphlets make by Duke to searching for fourth players for team. A small tournament is organized by his team for selecting the fourth player. The tournament starts next day Scarlett is also come in this tournament. The fight started one by one with Sat. his armor also become stronger and with armor they have a long iron rod he defect all. Now Scarlett come the Sat and Duke are busy to fighting with other now the rox is getting ready for fight with her but this is not his first fight with her.

They both fight before in school tournament after beating Gideon he has to fight Scarlett she has the power of ice she are able to throw ice Crystal's frizz any one and many things.

Fighting begun Scarlett filled up all field with ice rox started getting frizz and not able to fade but he throw the dark shadow ball and break's the ice then he throw a big energy ball ☯️ towards him but she makes a ice wall for block his attack but ice wall break's and she got injured rox beats him and win the fight.

Now they both ready for the next fight.

Scarlett was try to get talk with rox but he started fighting and again beats by rox.

Then i open my eyes for natural break and come quick to see what happen next.

The Rox select any other player for his team.

The Scarlett come back his home and started fighting with himself. Suddenly his power level increase and reach the level two even The Unknown Man has power level one. The powers Wich was given by lightning it increase level by level depends on us and practice the max power level was five. No one can reach the power level five only the people who live in tower wich is come from space like the robots the robots are also control by the people the robots who came from the sky the also started moving from next day the works of robots is that to see no one fighting with any reason are using his power to harm some one like cops no one beats the robots even if they have powers. But they are not good they only follow the order wich was given by towers.The tournament of power is also organized by then to find who is strangest one

I don't know but i think this is fun for those people and i also listen that the leader if the tower is unbeatable.

Only five days left for tournament.

Next day Scarlett come in school and beat the fourth player selected by the rox his power increase now she also transformer into a big ice spider With his Sharp Crystal's leg of ice.

And she is selected in his team with her new powers.

continue next episode name of the group.....