
The unknown game

no clue what this is so yeah

IMrHanzo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

chapter 3: The unknown disturbance


??: knock knock


Petter: who is that

Zack: idk but did you hear that

??: yes I've heard loud and clear and lets play a game

??: their is only one rule

Zack: And what would that be

??: don't fail the task or question and if you fail your friend might die

??: also it might be a question and not a task

Zack: so who is the one your picking

??: let's see I'll pick Petter

Petter: damn it what's the task or question

??: your question is that your gonna have to tell them what happened to your family and answer truthfully

Petter: well they died in a car crash that's all the police told me

??: stop lying you know what actually happened cuz you were their weren't you

Petter: *Smiles for split second* what no your wrong I didn't kill them I swear

Zack: just tell him the truth!

Petter: but I didn't kill them alright I swear

??: clock is ticking my friend

??: if I'm not satisfied with the answer you give me you will get a punishment

Petter: you know what give me the damn punishment then

??: are you sure

Petter: yes I'm not going to tell you because of something I don't know

??: *laughs*

Petter: what's so funny

??: you don't know the punishments and your telling me you want to give you the punishment

Petter: yes just do it!

??: ok then but it's gonna be to late after you received the punishment

Petter: to late for what

??: to continue living

Petter: I'll te...

*Petters head twists and blood starts splashing everywhere*

Zack: what the hell man

??: it's his fault for not listening I gave him a chance but to bad he didn't take it *laughing none stop*

Jess: why is this happening to us what did we do

Zack: yeah what the hell did we do anyways

??: their is only one way to finish the game

Zack: what would that be

??: well their has to be one person left and you get two options but I'm afraid I can't say just yet

Zack: what why you sick bastard

??: well it'll ruin the fun

Zack: what the hell are you anyways since I forgot to mention that

Jess: wait don't tell me your a.....

??: I'm a demon or you could say a ghost if you'd like or just call me whatever

Zack: are you even human

??: well of course I'm not human what would you expect

Zack: shit man what the hell

??: well today's game was fun I'll see you guys soon

Jess: please don't try killing me to be the winner of this okay

Zack: sure thing we are in this together and whatever our question or task is well have to do it

Jess: yeah at least it's just you and me

Zack: I guess

well I gotta go home now and figure out what to do next

Jess: alright by

*Zack hangs up*

*jess laughs about Petter dying and saying damn he finally died I guess I didn't have to kill Petter after all*

Jess: the next game should be fun