
how we met

Max am waiting for your reply "Mavis texted her best friend for the thosandth time . okay love am going to go out with you in the park if you give me a treat of ice cream Mavis. Boy Max knows how to irritate me better. Mavis? yes mum Can you help me out with the dishes ? oh mum am just on my way to the Max's house , he had an AAcccident and I think he broke his legs and arms as he might die let me just say my last words to him poor guy. Poor kid his mom might have an heart attack. Yes she will , am off mom. Let me hope it's not one of your tricks to go out with out with out doing the dishes..... MAVIS' POV. l had just got out of the car to head to the roll skating ground after lying to mum , i know she will get an heart attack on realising am skating oh shit who is this bitch I shouted on colliding with it . Did you just call me bitch? .I heard a cold voice say those words and on looking up I knew I had made a hell mistake because standing there is an angel wearing black expensive clothes Yes I did I answered gathering my strength yet I knew it was a loosing game and an angel can't be a bitch , l better run my brain kept saying but the legs couldn't . be. watch out he , you ugly thing he said and walked away giving me no time to reply. ;. Oh did I just let him go after calling me ugly I mean if it was any one else I would have committed murder