
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter Nine "What to do?"

"Sister Langley?"

I tried to recall her features in my mind, but I couldn't remember anything.

If you want to ask why, because I have too little communication with her, when we were the subjects, although she was with us, she was also an experimenter.

She is an existence between an experimenter and an experimenter.

She does not belong to any party, but seems to belong to the third force.

Another impression is that she is a talented girl and a lazy egg - Sister Huang Ying often says that about her.

And the longest time I spent with her was when I got out of the spaceship to find a place to live.

"I don't know her very well."

I went up to the third floor with curiosity. Here, the third floor is the end point and the starting point. The third floor is a big platform. The platform on the third floor is connected to a large square. The road, and next to the road is another building.

Then there is a container on the big platform, we don't know what it is used for.

I knocked on Sister Langley's door, trying to tell her that Sister Huang Ying had gone.

But before I could speak, I was interrupted by Sister Langley.

"Huang Ying and the others are gone, I know, you should do what you need to do."

I didn't know how to reply, and then Sister Langley spoke again.

"Find me again if you have something to do."

The door in front of me, which is often habitually not opened, was right in front of me, but I didn't have the courage to open it.

The bell in my heart rang.

Could it be that this guy is curious about Sister Langley.

So I had the guts to knock on the door.

"What's the matter?"

"Excuse me."

I pushed the door open, and I couldn't imagine the scene inside the door.

It was a room with very little light, and the light source in the room was either the ceiling or the monitor in front of her.

And Sister Langley's dress is more casual, with a thin pajamas hanging over her body and only white briefs on her lower body.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to get dressed before I came in."

I hurriedly covered my eyes and stepped back, but something under my feet tripped me all of a sudden.

I fell hard on the floor.

"It's alright."

I opened my eyes with difficulty and looked at Sister Langley. She didn't seem to mind me seeing her like this at all.

She didn't care whether I fell or not. She grabbed the glass bottle containing the milk from the table, opened the milk cap, and started drinking.

Although it is summer, there is no need to wear so revealing at home, although no one will come to her room under normal circumstances.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

After she finished drinking the milk, she threw the glass bottle on the table, and the glass bottle collided with the table and made a clear and hollow sound.


I don't know what happened to me looking for Sister Langley, obviously that guy is doing things in my heart!

"I want to get to know you!"

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page)

I said something that I didn't expect myself.

"Oh? What do you know about me?"

"For example, about your past."

"What happened in the past?"

Sister Langley looked at the ceiling for a while, and then said to me.

"Are you wondering why I volunteered to be an experimenter?"

I didn't expect Sister Langley to be so straightforward.

"That's what I want to ask too."

Sister Langley lifted one foot up and stepped on the edge of the chair she was sitting on, her hand on the same side resting on one leg, and her head on the arm resting on the leg.

The other arm hangs down naturally, and the leg on the same side naturally stretches forward.

Seeing this action, I know why Sister Huang Ying has repeatedly emphasized that she is a lazy bastard. "How should I put it, I should have been a child of a big family, but my father didn't want

to make money from family connections, but to get ahead by his own strength."


Sister Gray turned out to be a lady!

"Don't interrupt people while they're talking!"

Sister Langley complained, and I nodded apologetically, and she continued.

"So, when I was young, I was indeed an ordinary child from an ordinary family, but I was different from ordinary children. I was so smart that I was out of tune with my peers."

I didn't expect smart people to have such troubles. In order not to make a sound, I can only think to myself.

"Well, because I'm too smart, I was admitted to a very good university when everyone else was in high school."

Sister Langley smiled contentedly.

"After that, I fell in love with a senior from the same department, but that senior had a boyfriend, so I agreed to the professor's recommendation and went further afield."

Speaking of this, Lan Sister Gray sneered.

"My father always wanted to avoid the family, but he didn't expect that my talent would still be favored by the family. That's how my recommendation came. It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

Sister Langley told her past as if mocking herself. .

At this time, I realized that the difference between me and Sister Langley is not only in age.

"I inherited my father, and I also hate being bound by my family, so I chose Longze. One reason is that there is development potential here, and the other is..."

Sister Langley could pause for a moment, then Go on.

"The husband of the senior I liked in college opened an experimental project here in Longze. It happened to be the same as what I was studying. I was jealous, so I went to that guy's laboratory."

I know very well who the "that guy" Sister Langley is talking about is a research doctor. The research doctor's wife is called Yan Qingxin. They also have a child called Yan Yan. They are a very happy family.

"I just want to see if the guy's character is good or not. After I go, I will know why senior sister likes that kind of person."

We all understand what kind of person is a research doctor, and we can do it for our beloved career. Desperate for oneself, is such a silly idealist.

"This kind of person is a great existence in the eyes of others, but he already has a wife

and (this chapter is not

over, please turn the page) daughter, and he can no longer be an idealist, so I used a little trick."

Only through the conversation did I know that Sister Langley likes women, and she can even take the initiative to learn about her husband for her senior. Isn't this love?

"Ah, I'm sorry, I talked about my previous things, but I talked about it here."

"It's okay, it's okay, I also want to know more about Sister Langley."

Sister Langley looked at me, and I looked at Langley too . Sister Gray.

She is also very mature, but it is different from the maturity of Sister Huang Ying.

Sister Huang Ying's maturity is shown in appearance, while sister Langley's maturity is more in temperament.

"Then do you want to get to know me better?"


Sister Langley stood up and walked towards me, wearing very cool clothes and no other cover at all.

"I can change into your shape." Could it be that

big sisters have a strange habit of teasing their little brothers? So did Sister Huang Ying, but I didn't expect that so did Sister Langley.

"What are you talking about, I don't quite understand."

"No. You understand, it's just the two of us at home now, let's do it, no one will know."

Things are going in a strange direction.

"Anyway, I'm also your big sister who is one year short of being an adult, and in order to continue human civilization, it's a matter of time before giving birth, so you can do a pre-war exercise first."


Sister Langley covered my mouth with her hand.

"If you are worried, I have a small raincoat in my room. You don't have to worry about it. If Huang Ying and the others ask you, you can directly say that I forced you."

I was sitting on the ground, and Sister Langley came to me. Accidentally fell to the ground and fell on his back.

"What's the matter with you here?"

"Because you're so cool and cute, so..."

Sister Langley sat directly on my crotch.

Quantity is plentiful.

"That means you don't really... hate me~"

Although Sister Langley said so, I still pushed her away.

"Don't do this kind of thing!"

Sister Langley saw me push her away, and stood up wisely.

"She was so excited but rejected me. It seems that she worked."

Sister Langley said something unknown.

"Meng Ru."

I still didn't recover, the elder sister in front of me made me not know what to do.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you have a girl you like?"


"Who is it? Let me guess."

I didn't expect Sister Langley to say such a thing.

"There is no girl I like!"


Sister Langley gave me a suspicious look.

"It's true!"

(End of this chapter)