
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 32 "The True Face of Signs?

Although the universe has a beginning, it has no end.


Although the stars have a beginning, they will eventually fade away by their own power.


The most foolish are those who have wisdom, and this can be seen in history.

This can be said to be the last notice given by the gods to those who resist.


Mengru came to this place again.

Fields of flowers, big trees, springs.

And the heavenly god-like maiden.

"Do you know the age of this big tree?"

Signs' hand stroked the big tree's thick trunk, from top to bottom.

"Well, how can I know, whether I came here to have a closer look."

The young girl turned around, but the teenager could not see the young girl's face, as if there was always a layer of haze that was obstructing the teenager's vision.

"This tree, since your departure began to sprout."

"We, set out?"

"Each of these millions of branches and leaves, is the end of your millions."

The young woman squatted next to the tree and picked up a branch that had been withered for an unknown amount of time.

"This is your first time, it is I did not master the power, let this little life of the birth of so short."

"What do you mean?"

The young girl put down the dead branch in her hand and stroked the tree again.

"There are as many possibilities as there are branches, but each adult branch is a given ending, and my power cannot change what is set."

The young woman looked at the most leafy part of the tree and said.

"Here you will meet me, and though there are many more branches beneath this, I do my best to lead the branches in the right direction."

The young woman stood up again and slowly walked towards Mengru.

"True power is in the hands of time, and it is harder to leave a footprint than to create a world."

"Time? Create the world?"

Meng Ru was very puzzled.

"I thought that I could make new shoots out of old wood an infinite number of times, but reality is not so rosy, there are not many more times to try."

Meng Ru was stunned for a moment, and then shouted back.

"Signs you are not with us? To speak to make it clear ah, you speak I can not understand ah!"

The young girl tilted her head, showing a very puzzled expression.

"I do not understand ah!"

The young girl took Mengru in her arms, soft and warm to calm Mengru down.

"In the future, when there is stress, more help, know bonobo chimpanzees? They will use frequent sex to release stress, you are right now, it is possible."


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page)

Ru thought of Cheng Yi and Langrue, could it be that Trace knew about these things?

"It's good for them, it's a problem if someone goes crazy."

Signs stroked Meng Ru's hair, the teenager raised his head, the girl then closed her eyes and kissed the teenager's forehead.

"Go on, conquer the not-so-good future!"

Mengru was once again pushed down into the abyss by Signs.



Mengru woke up from his dream, Cheng Yi was long gone, leaving behind only Ran Gray and her slobber.

"What are you screaming about?"

Signs poked his head out from the side of the bed?


"It's nest oh, is something wrong?"

Mengru scratched the back of his head and followed Signs, who was peering over the side of the bed, with a wide-eyed stare.


"Nest in."

"It's me! Not nest."

"Oh, got it."

"You go out first, I'll see you later when I'm dressed for something."

"Nest understands."

Signs got up and snapped out, then poked his head toward the house and closed the door again clumsily.

Mengru held his hand to his forehead in great chagrin.

"This child, it's nothing like the trace in the dream!"

This Signs, she slurred her words and was still dressed very... ... Casual?

Barefoot, then wearing the same oversized white t-shirt as Cheng Yi, completely unaware of whether or not she was wearing pants underneath.

This look, may suddenly fall and cry and so come to coax are possible.

"Forget it, put on the clothes first."

Meng Ru quickly dressed, he looked back at the still sleeping Langley, his brain resonated with the dream of the trace told him.

"Through sex to release stress, I am right, for them also."

It's almost like a legal harem belongs is.

Mengru left the room and quietly closed the door, so as not to wake up Rangray.



Signs is sitting on the floor outside Mengru's house, or duck sitting.

"Eh ah, you get up quickly, the floor is very dirty not to mention, and will be cold to the stomach!"

"It's okay, the nest likes to be cool."

Meng Ru pulled Trace up as soon as he could, forcing her to stand up.

"You like it, I don't like it, okay?"

Signs nodded her head as if she was very aggrieved.

But the next thing that Meng Ru couldn't believe was that Signs just got up.

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The floor of the house, surprisingly, a circle of white mist similar to water vapor appeared.

It was on the floor where Signs was just sitting.

"You're not wearing any pants, are you?

" asked Yugi! If that old woman hadn't forced me to wear clothes, I wouldn't want to wear any of them!"

The old woman should be talking about Sister Huang Ying, Sister Huang Ying a in doing the most tired and dirty chores, Signs certainly can not imagine that Sister Huang Ying is also a wonderful young girl ah!

"Forget it, I asked you the question first, a moment to go to me to wear pants to go!"

"What's there to ask about the nest?"

"The first question, do you know me?"

"No, I don't know everyone here, I don't understand why they are so nice to me."

"Don't say useless! The second question, have you heard of the Karol tribe?"

"I don't know, the nest doesn't remember anything, the name Trace is also the name they said you gave me."

"Okay, so do you have any recollection of the name Karol White?"

"Useless, are you stupid, nest has said nest does not remember anything, you are still here to ask ask!"

"Well, the last one is not a problem."

Meng Ru hugged the trace, feeling the warmth and softness of the young girl.

"It's this feeling."

"You... ... What are you doing?"

"Shh, don't talk. "

Mengru kissed lightly again, this kiss felt the same as when Signs kissed, and Mengru could fully prove that this Signs in front of him was indeed Signs, but it was different from the Signs in the dream.

Signs pushed Mengru away, and even this feeling was the same as the feeling Mengru had in the dream.

"Don't go into a rut, stupid male!"

"Well, basically all figured out, you quickly go to put on pants, but you still know the word rutting, not easy!"

"The nest has not stupid, basic common sense or something I still know."

"Also, it's me not nest, go put on your pants!"

"I will not wear what you will do?"

"Signs, you don't want me to attack your defenseless bottom either, right?"

Signs said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Huh, males in heat are disgusting, or is the old woman right."

Signs ran off with a brain snapping.

"Remember to wear shoes or you'll fall easily!"


A very crisp sound came from the hallway in the direction Signs disappeared.

Not surprisingly that would be the sound of an ass making intimate contact with the floor.

"This trace, is it really a trace?"

Meng Ru fell into a deep conflict.

(End of this chapter)