
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 25 "Carousel"

Cheng Yi came over all of a sudden and bit into her side of the straw.


"Eh what eh ah, we drink together can not be."

I held the cup and bit the straw, while the young girl on the ground named Cheng Yi, with her eyes tightly closed, likewise bit the straw, and we drank this cold drink together under the shadow of this huge sun hat.

"This is, Coke?"

I took a slight sip and commented so.

"Ah, yeah, other cold drinks would be too hard to make, I tried to imitate Coke and made it quite similar."

"This ..."

"What's wrong? Do not like to drink it?"

"No, just a little miss the old days."

My old nothing to miss, but I still drank something like Coke.

"Eh ah, you drink, drink up and let's play together."

Cheng Yi took off my oversized sun hat and gave it to myself to become gone, I looked in the direction she ran to look, the amusement park has been sentimentally cleaned with robots almost.

I hurriedly finished my coke and caught up with Cheng Yi.

"Wait for me."

"slightly slightly slightly, see when you can catch up with me."

I and Cheng Yi just like that, playfully into the interior of the amusement park.

And inside the apartment, Sister Langran looked at the positioning icon of Mengru and Cheng Yi on the general screen and took the lollipop out of her mouth.

"Ehhh, have fun while it lasts."

Then Sister Langray plunged headfirst into the pile of parts she had newly built.




I played a lot of items with Cheng Yi.

The roller coaster was very spontaneous, while I was scared out of my mind.

This feeling of being held by a girl is not bad at all.

After that we played a lot of items.

The sun was about to set.

"Mengru, let's play a carousel, okay?"

"Carousel? Isn't this something only for kids?"

"Then you can consider me a child now!"

She did not care whether I agreed or not, so she went in by herself.

I only

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I was able to say hello to the working robot and sat up too.

"I want to do that unicorn, you can be on the white horse next to me oh."

"Oh, okay."

I have breathless perfunctory Cheng Yi, on the one hand because playing nearly an afternoon, I am physically and mentally exhausted, and then another reason is that even I know that this thing is for children to play.

Fortunately, there is no one, if someone I would hate to find a crack in the ground.

"Yah hoo, riding a unicorn is the princess Oh!"

The carousel started up with the rhythm of kanon, rising and falling to the beat.

My white horse was behind Cheng Yi's left side, and it was clear that the white horse was moving and spinning all the time, but it couldn't get close to the unicorn at all.

The carousel is a cruel game, they are always chasing each other, but the distance between each other forever the same will not change.

As the background music of kanon is also very soothing.

The merry-go-round slowly stopped, and Cheng Yi and I jumped down from the doll carousel.

The sky was covered with an orange-red evening sun, and Cheng Yi was still looking at the playground with fondness.

"It's time to go home, Cheng Yi."

"I know, I'm not a little kid, crying and saying I don't want to go home is not me."

I obviously haven't said anything yet.

I walked in the direction of home on my own, sending a message on my phone to tell Sister Rangray that we had had enough fun.

Suddenly, Cheng Yi hugged me tightly from behind.

"Eh, what's happening?"

My first reaction was fear, fear, because what could make Cheng Yi so scared that she hugged me tightly was much more frightening than that poisonous wolf.

Although my current abilities are not fully mastered yet but it should still be more than enough time for Cheng Yi to get away.

"I ... I'm scared?"

"What animal, what time is it?"

"Not an animal, there's no one around, not a single person."

"No one?"

Oh, so there was no one, it was clearly an evening amusement park, there should have been a back and forth cycle of show cars and a sky full of colorful fireworks, the crowd should be clustered around the samba beauty around.

But there's no one there now.

"Don't be afraid, I am."

I put my hand on Cheng Yi's head and gently knocked it, just to take it away, but Cheng Yi left my hand on her head.

This is a situation that did not exist in the past.

"Mengru ... Brother, I am afraid, this beautiful

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evening sun is the last remaining glow of mankind."

"No, Sister Huang Ying will lead us to re-establish human civilization, won't she?"

"But now the animals are so strong, and the wolves are becoming unlike wolves, if the people in the future are also like this ...."

I knocked Cheng Yi's head again.

"This is not the problem we should think about now, you think too much, the problem now is that we should grow up safely ah."

This time I took the initiative to put my hand on Cheng Yi's head, and the temperature passed from Cheng Yi's head to my hand.

It was the temperature of life.

"Cheng Yi, do you know what love is?"

"Eh!!! Mengru brother you will not want to confess to me, right, afraid you are sad I first said in advance, we are still young, and you are a good man, I am not enough ..."

"Haha, not la, I've heard a saying that the reason people are called people is because people have love, or something like that."

I was silent for a while and continued to explain.

"For example, between parents and children, between brothers and sisters, between friends, between partners, between comrades ...."

This time it was Cheng Yi's turn to be silent, I realized that talking about these topics for us is an extremely cruel problem and stopped talking about it, leading Cheng Yi to the direction of "home".

Signs, I'm sorry, for what is love, this issue, I think I can not tell you now, you can attribute to my incompetence, can also say that the current environment so that we do not have the ability to think about what is love.

In short, I am not able to fulfill the promise of the trace now.

I returned home with Cheng Yi, only Huang Ying sister in the living room, Zixin should probably already be asleep, Hong Weida brother should be in his room fitness, as for Lan Gray sister, I do not dare to think more, Luying is probably also to read a book strike.

If you think about it, it's normal for Sister Huang Ying to be waiting for us in the living room.

"How about it, little Cheng Yi, go to the amusement park with Mengru."

"Sister Huang Ying!"

Cheng Yi jumped on Sister Huang Ying at once ... Usually it is like this, but today's Cheng Yi has been in a state of silence from the road until now.

"Sister Huang Ying, I'm a little tired, first go upstairs to rest."

"Have you eaten, after playing all day should also take a bath!"

"I'm not hungry, take a shower tomorrow if you want, I'm too tired."

Cheng Yi is very fond of bathing, once a day, her body always has a smell of body wash.

"Mengru, explain."

This time it was Sister Huang Ying's turn to stare at me.


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