
The Universe Conspired For Us To Meet

For him, She was a mystery... She was like an ocean with secrets hidden in the deepest corners of her heart. But he wanted to take a chance to unravel the mystery, dive deep into the bottom of her soul. He was ready to fight against the world to have her by his side. After all love cannot be one of the monotonous things of life.. 'Though this is the first ever time I'm meeting her, why do I feel like I've known her for ages? It feels like I was incomplete all these years even though I've the world at my command. Why do I feel like my soul is ripping apart to see her suffering in pain?' He had innumerable questions in his mind on looking at the girl in his arms. He hugged her close to him and felt like it wasn't just her body that he was hugging the very first time...it was that lost piece of his own soul that he hugged after ages.... He finally concluded, "But for now all I know is, if we both have met at such unexpected circumstances and I've the urge to protect her no matter what, it only means that we were fated to be here together. The universe has surely conspired for us to meet.." But what about the mystery girl? Will she wake up? What about her life? Does she have the same feelings for him as he does? Or does she have a past love too? -------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: All characters and incidents used in the novel are purely fictitious. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. The story basically revolves around romance. It's an emotional roller-coaster and an easy going plot. PS: This is the first ever time I'm trying my hand at writing something. Please support me and I'll try to give in my best. Image Credits: I don't own this cover, I found it on Pinterest images.

PisceanDream · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
209 Chs

Till death do us apart...

"But, all that's ruled out Virat! We're in London and not India! We're mountains and oceans apart Virat! Get back to your senses." She almost shouted at him.

Taking his silence as an agreement, Sanvi hugged Virat. "It's alright Virat! Everything's going to be okay! We'll find Maya...Let's go back home..." She comforted him.

Sanvi sneered inwardly while hugging Virat, 'Maya! Maya! Maya! What kind of a 'maya' has she done to trap you to these levels Virat? It's me who's with you day and night. Its me who's being with you during your tough times. Yet, you still keep chanting her name! Can't you see my love for you? She hissed.

'Maya! Even if you are here, get away from our world. Don't ever come back. I know we were best friends. But right now, I can't even think of giving back Virat to you. I've given him my everything, physically and emotionally. He's only mine...till death do us apart....I know, I'm being very selfish here. But I can't part with Virat, Maya! I beg you not to come back.' She begged inwardly hugging Virat tighter.

At that moment it began raining.

To her surprise, Virat hugged her back even more tighter like as if he was reassuring her not to worry. Sanvi suddenly wished that this moment would freeze forever.

They lost track of how long they stood there like that in the rain.


Jayne felt everything was sorted after she came back from the pastry shop. The lady behind the counter informed her that, she could come and bake a cake of her choice at their kitchen for her husband and that they'd guide her in the preparation process.

Jayne decided to come back on Sunday morning since Ronnie would be coming back by Sunday evening. The pastry shop would deliver her cake by evening.

Jayne's mood lightened on remembering that she'd be getting to meet her husband in two days. She began humming a song. She walked on the streets happily. Just then a curtain of rain drew down from heaven.

Raincoat clad men were running around hurriedly to get back home cursing the rain while some older folks instantly opened their umbrellas trying to wade through the rainy streets.

Jayne didn't run away unlike the others around her. She took time to let the rain soak her completely. With every drop of rain kissing her body, she felt great. She remembered Ronnie and smiled.

Soon the streets cleared. Jayne enjoyed wandering around the rainy, deserted streets.  She had long removed her trench coat and stilettos. She was only in her knee-length shift dress now.

After ambling around for a while, she encountered a small connecting bridge over a lake. She walked up to the middle of the bridge and spread her arms looking heavenward, "Being in love is like getting wet in this rain...I want nothing else, just my husband to be my side... forever... till death do us apart." Jayne silently wished in the rain.


Back in India, Ronnie was driving his car. His days were full of work. So, he used the limousine with the chauffeur for only official works. For his personal works, another car was arranged for him.

It was already past midnight but he hadn't reached his hotel yet. The wind was sighing and thrashing in the tree tops. A bolt of lighting tore across the sky followed by a huge thunder. Soon, it began raining as well.

Ronnie was driving. He was lost in thinking about the day his wife and he had got drenched in the rain and everything that followed. "Ah! I miss you wifey!" He muttered.

Suddenly, he pulled his car to a stop. He felt like he saw a beautiful piece of art before him. 'Maya dancing in the rain' like a child. She was wearing the same red, long fleeting skirt, the one in which he'd seen her the first time he had rescued her at the foothills of the Mt. Everest.

And then, he saw himself get down his car and march forward to her with an umbrella. The Maya in this piece of art pulled him into dancing with her while throwing away the umbrella. They both danced carefree in each others arms.

Ronnie was smiling all by himself. He got down his car and surrendered to the falling showers of rain. He spread his arms wide and said, "I want nothing else but Maya by my side.. forever.. till death do us apart!"

Thank you so much for reading peeps!❤❤❤

Have a great weekend! ❤

~Much love!

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