
The Universal Villain[Old]

(This Fan-Fic has been rewritten. While still enjoyable to some this one has a lot of plot holes and other bullshit. So if you want a more complete version check out the rewrite.) Shen had obtained a strange system that gave him the chance to get abilities ranging across multiple fictional universes. The system only requires him to make it a better version of its former self by defeating or killing anyone or thing that is more powerful than an average human. At the same time, Shen personally doesn't care what he has to do as long as he gets stronger abilities. This is a story about a boy who does not care about the damage he causes or the people around him. What kind of chaos is he going to cause ripping through universes for fun and with the sole goal of becoming stronger, and what kind of impression will he make on the original characters involved?

Aizen_Dleitch · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
130 Chs

The End Of The World (1)

"I can't believe we can't find them anywhere." After Shen took Orihime, the Vizards had been looking for them everywhere. However, over the past eighty days, they were still missing. Sighing, the Vizards were at a loss of what to do as Shinji spoke up. "Plus, after that day, Ichigo has been training non stop the point it's getting dangerous."

Hearing Shinji, everyone nodded, agreeing with him. "Well, it should be fine. As long as we get Orihime back, she can heal Chad and Uryu back to full health." Rojuro said, looking towards the area they were keeping Chad. Following up, Lisa spoke, looking towards Shinji. "Hey, didn't you say the captains from the Gotei 13 are here? Where are they right now?"

Mentioning the captains, Mashiro agreed as she spoke. "Ya, the medical division captain is one of them, right? If we get her here, she should be able to heal Chad and Uryu without any problem, right?" Hearing everyone, Shinji scrunched up his hand as he replied to them.

"I had the same idea, but by the time I went to go meet them, they had already left. They had spoken about gathering all the remaining Soul Reapers in the human world."

"So that means we're screwed until that guy Shen decides to appear again, huh?" A look of stress appeared on Love's face as he thought about all the crap they had gone through over the past few months. Briefly looking over everyone, Shinji continued.

"In any case, I'll talk to Ichigo and try to get him to calm down. The moment the captains come back, we'll be able to track him down and put an end to this."

Despite trying to sound motivational, Shinji could only lament due to the feeling of the situation. Meanwhile, back in the Kamui Dimension, things were finally taking shape. Due to everyone working, not only was the overall exterior of the fortress done, but the interior only had a few last places that needed to be filled in.

Currently, Shen was taking a quick break to let his Chakra regen before creating more clones. "I know this was my plan, but dear god, this is dull." Lazily lying on the throne in the throne room, Shen had been bored out of his mind. "At Least when I was training, I could have some fun, but this dimension is just so boring."

Meanwhile, watching Shen from the sidelines was Rukia. She had been placed in charge of protecting Shen despite being the strongest person in the fortress. After lazing around for an hour, Shen could feel his power had mostly returned. "Welp time to get back at it, I guess. You know what to do."

With Shen gone from the room, Rukia made her way out of the throne room into the surrounding corridors. After only a couple of minutes of walking, she found herself standing outside of a room with double doors.

Entering without knocking, the first thing that came into vision was Orihime sitting on the bed in the middle of the room.

For the first few days, there were some problems with her trying to leave the fortress; however, after seeing there was really nothing but an empty void, she finally gave up. "Are you here again, Rukia?" Turning around, Orihime smiled half-heartedly in Rukia's direction.

"You come here every day, but you don't say anything." Orihime's room was close to the edge of the fortress near the top floor, so one of the walls here was simply a giant window overlooking the Kamui dimension. "You ever get that feeling of deja vu? Like you've been here before or in this type of situation?"

Getting up off the bed, Orihime walked to the window. "You know everything has been so crazy. And I know bad things are going to start happening soon and it's partially my fault but even so… I can't help but enjoy this moment of peace." Placing her hand on the glass, she gave off a solemn look.

"Sorry, I'm probably boring you with all this. In any case, how's your day been?" Giving off a warm smile, Orihime wasn't actually expecting a reply. Despite her talking to Rukia a lot whenever she came to this room, Rukia always remained stone cold silent. So after a brief pause, Orihime was about to speak again, but she stopped herself when she heard Rukai speak.

"It's been fine..." Replying, for the first time, Rukia turned her head slightly, hearing that Orihime's expression lit up as she ran up to Rukia. "Oh, really? Well, if you want to talk about it, let me know!" Seeing that Rukia did not respond for a moment before speaking. "Maybe… Next time." Turning around, she left the room and began to make her way back to the throne room, leaving Orihime with a smile on her face.

As Orihime looked forward to their next chat, the remaining days passed by smoothly with barely any hiccups. Urahara managed to finish everything on time, and Shen had created hundreds of clones literally. That, along with his proficiency increase when it came to creating clones, Shen was more than satisfied with the results.

Inside of the fortress, Shen let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, we're done!" Walking down the throne room hall, Shen couldn't be happier now that he could move on to the exciting part of his plan. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs that lead up the throne, Shen still couldn't believe how much work Urahara put into the design of everything.

In truth, Urahara wanted to also make Shen a crown, but Shen immediately refused. Despite everything, he was a man of culture first and a villain second being a wannabe king on top of that felt like it would be stupid.

"Is everything prepared?"

Looking towards Urahara and Rukia, the two of them immediately bowed before replying in sync. "Yes, as soon as you are ready, Master Shen." Hearing that, Shen closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. "Alright, then let us begin." Saying that Shen activated, Kamui created a massive portal over the entire fortress, causing it to twist in on itself.

Shen had waited until he had all his power available before doing this. Mostly thanks to the sheer size of the fortress alone. After a few seconds, the fort finally disappeared from the Kamui dimension, and only seconds later appeared in the human world. A giant looming shadow cast itself on the mountains below as the fortress's sudden presence caused hundreds of trees to be blown over, flattening the ground below.

Immediately after arriving, Urahara began to run checks making sure that everything was in working order. "I believe we have arrived in one piece Master Shen." Saying that with glee, Urahara was probably the only other person who was genuinely excited about this. "Urahara gets us above the cloudline, and Rukia brings me Orihime after all I did promise to give her a gift."

Giving out those two orders the both of them began to act on them immediately.

Walking through the halls, Urahara made his way to a more secluded area of the fortress. Finally, Urahara reached an area where he considered his personal lab and the core of the fort. Opening the doors to the room, there were all kinds of papers scattered around that Urahara used to do research.

"I must thank Master Shen for lending me such perfect power sources." On the other side of the room hooked into the walls were the remaining captains of the Gotei 13. To power such a place, Shen ended up lending Urahara the captains since he wouldn't really need them anymore.

"Ugh… Urahara, have you really fallen so low."

Seeing Urahara enter the room, Soi Fon gave him a death stare, but he simply ignored it.

"I don't understand why you're so angry at me? Thanks to me, Master Shen did not destroy your Zanpakuto, and in return, all you have to do is power the fortress with your Reiatsu."

Explaining himself to Soi Fon, this room was completely different from the rest of the fortress, which had a type of ecstatic to it which this room was instead full of technology that Urahara either moved from his shop or created.

"Now, then, let's turn up the output shall we." Moving towards the core's controller, Urahara increased the output of Reiatsu being absorbed from the captains, which immediately caused them to scream. "Aah!" The Reiatsu from the captains worked like heat in a hot air balloon. Just enough Reiatsu and you can keep the fortress stable, and extra can quickly cause it to rise.

Meanwhile, back at the throne room, Rukia entered with Orihime following behind her. Looking around, Orihime spotted Shen standing outside across the open-air bridge as they continued to rise higher into the sky. As they made their way to him, Orihime noticed the increased number of Void Warriors around the fortress.

"What is happening?" Turning to Rukai, Orihime looked worried when Rukia did not respond, mainly since they talked more even though it was slight. Sensing Rukia and Orihime Shen did not around before speaking. "I have to admit I have grown pretty attached to this world. Despite all of the issues and battles, I had fun."

Talking in this tone, Orihime couldn't help but ask as well as feel frightened at the same time. "What… What are you about to do?" Listening to that, Shen spoke in an eerie tone. "Don't you remember? I promised you a gift." Turning around slowly, Orihime felt her heart stop the moment she met Shen's eyes. Before Shen's Sharingan gave off a sense of natural oppression; however, this time, it was different.

To Orihime and any other average person, Shen's eyes, his Rinnegan was the most oppressive thing in the world. This sight immediately caused Orihime to fall to the ground as Shen turned his sights back to the earth as they rose above the clouds.

Not soon after, the sound of movement could be heard as Urahara arrived just in time to witness the spectacle.

Deep within the fortress walls, the room full of Shen's clones could be seen. And all at once, over half of them opened their eyes, knowing precisely what would happen next. With no warning, a massive puffing sound erupted and echoed through the fortress to the point it could be heard from outside as ninety percent of all clones stored away in the fortress disappeared all at once.

Suddenly the sound of rumbling began to erupt from Shen's body as it seemed the sky was turning bluer by the second. And that's when it hit him. An immeasurable amount of Chakra rushing into Shen's body to the point it's visible and even cracked the bridge below him despite its reinforcements.

The clouds below them parted as all that power was being contained in a single person. "Geh…" Taking a slight step back even with all of Shen's defense, this much power was painful to take in all at once.

Directing his view upwards, Shen began to concentrate, manipulating his Observation Haki and his other senses Shen used these in place of a Susanoo.

Weaving three hand signs in an instant, Shen spoke two words.

"Tengai Shinsei."