
The Unfortunate Master

Shi Jian was a Young Master and a notable cultivator. His life was paceful and easy, but everything turned upside down when he was accused of murder and started to be chased by all the Sects. But someone was behind the curtains and was planing to ruin his life even more...

SmilingMango · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


It was really difficult to be a cultivator.

The student had to wake up early to train, if they do something wrong they might be scolded in front of everyone, in addition the cultivator needed to go in missions to gain rewards. Such a shit position.

For Shi Jian, it was worse, he was the Young Master from Dragon Mountain and Chu Zhiwei's only disciple, a master known by his bad temper. But the thing that really get in Shi Jian's nerves was how people kept saying that he was blessed by god for beeing chosen by Chu Zhiwei and be the future head master, they just didn't know how much work he had to do because of his position.

And this day is an example, a normal rough one. It was already Hai time and just now he finished reading the documents from his Sect, and he was heading to his chamber. The darkness was so thick that Shi Jian could barely see his hands, or he was just really tired.

The exhaustion was starting to give him hallucinations, he could hear Mo Zhao greeting him and saying that he had got Shi Jian's bath ready and the food was on the table. Shi Jian's lips started curving in a smile just thinking about sleeping in a warm bed, but it was sadly interrupted by a scream.

"Wang Xun!"

He looked for the foint of the scream, because of the darkness it was difficult to see who was yelling, but after some seconds he saw that it was Pei Xu, a stupid cultivator that thinks that he can tease and mock other juniors. Shi Jian didn't know a lot about him, he never had interest in this guy, the only things he knows are what Yao Cheng, his friend, told him. Pei Xu was a Young Master from the Pei Family and had a weak gold core, in other words, he was a good for nothing.

Furthermore, his friends were just like him, and because they are always with Pei Xu, they were also with him this time.

But who is Wang Xun? Getting near, Shi Jian saw a small male body rounded by the other boys. He had a long dark hair and vibrant phoenix eyes, his skin was so pale and thin that it looked like he hasn't eaten for days, his clothes were dirty and tore. Wang Xun looked completely pitiful.

"Do you think you are this good just because master Yang complimented you? How dare you try to compete with me!" Pei Xu continued yelling, as if he didn't see Shi Jian.

The little boy opened his mounth, but he couldn't say anything, so he just looked at the ground, trying to hide his face.

Pei Xu turned even more angry because of the boy's silence. He thought that the junior didn't fear him that much. So he raised his hand to punch him. However, when he was nearly reaching Wang Xun's face, Shi Jian quickly acted.

"Oh if it isn't our dear Pei Xu, teasing juniors again" he gave a sarcastic smile and grabbed Pei Xu's shoulder "it is something miserable, you know? The need to punch little ones to feel worth of something."

The other boy bit his bottom lip with anger and surprise, daring not to say anything. He looked for his friends that were watching from far, afraid of the newcomer.

"How rude of you, won't you salute your senior?" Pei Xu murmured something but Shi jian pretended deaf. "Sorry, I didn't hear."

"Good evening, Young Master Shi Jian."

Shi Jian gave a delvish smile and freed his shoulder, pushing the boy to force him go to away. "Get your friends and go, and it is better to change your manners if you don't want to die."

Pei Xu bowed down and runned away, his friends followed him by behind. Shi Jian couldn't help but laugh, he was waiting days for an excuse to humiliate Pei Xu.

Suddenly, he heard a cough. Wang Xun! Shi Jian has completely forgot about the boy. He was still looking at the ground, but now his hands were impatiently grabbing the sleeves from his clothes. "Mn... hum..."

The senior chuckled and approximated Wang Xun. "You're Wang Xun, right? Did that jerk hurt you?"

"Hum... Not at all, you arrived at the right time."

Shi Jian gave a bright smile and grabbed the junior's shoulders, unconsciously forcing the boy to raise his face. "You look hungry, if you want I can give you food, only if you want."

Wang Xun's eyes shined, but he quickly disguised it and shook his head. "Thank you, but I am not hung..." the boy couldn't finish because of the growl from his belly. Wang Xu looked away to hide the blush from his cheeks, but Shi Jian could still see his red ears.

"Haha, you don't have to be worry."

The boy ignored him and blushed even more.

Shi Jian smiled, but he also thought about how strange it was. The kid was really hungry, but it wasn't like Dragon Mountain didn't offer free food for cultivators, so why Wang Xun is so hungry? Maybe it is because they refused food for him or he didn't want to eat at all... In his mind, Shi Jian made a note to discuss this with Shi Yun, the cooker.

"I'll go, if you want you can follow me, if not just stay here" Shi Jian said and started walking to his chamber. After some seconds he heard Wang Xun running to reach him.