
The unexpected results of raising a child

Daniel and Carter met for the first time at work, Daniel was his secretary and Carter was the CEO of a multi Generational company, both were workaholics and thus they spent a lot of time together and became best friends. Both had everything planned out for the future but not everything goes as you plan. One day Daniel wakes up to a baby's cries and he find a baby on his doorstep who turns out to be his niece, with the request of his sister he decides to raise her, and Carter being the good friend he is decides to help raise her. Neither of them knew what would happen when they take on the challenge of raising Daniels niece.

nita_mari25 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
57 Chs

Chapter 3

A cry echoed through the room, and a sleepy groan was heard shortly after.

"When did I fall asleep?" Daniel muttered to himself - the last thing he remembered was Unpacking the boxes once he arrived at Carter's house, and then putting Andrea to sleep after giving her a bottle.

He glanced around the room, it still felt quite surreal, living with his boss was the last thing he expected to happen... well actually suddenly becoming a parent was probably above that.

He stood up from the bed, walked over to the crib, picked up the crying baby, and soothed her while walking out of his room towards the kitchen to get her bottle made.

He had spent a lot of time at Carter's house for work-related things, but it all felt a little different living there now, he was sure his little apartment would fit in the living room of Carter's house, it was huge - he could still remember when he first started working with Carter, he got lost in the house and somehow ended up in the wine cellar in the basement.

Though the house was big, Daniel always felt that it felt a bit cold and impersonal but seeing how Carter prepared a whole room for him and Andrea with just a simple call he started to realize that Carter probably didn't decorate the house himself or really cared what went into it as long as it wasn't empty.

Daniel stood in the kitchen for a little while soothing Andrea while preparing her bottle, maybe he was deep in thought or maybe it was because Andrea had all his attention but he was caught off guard when he suddenly heard Carter speaking behind him.

"Good Morning," Carter said, causing Daniel to almost jump out of his skin, if he wasn't awake before he surely was now.

"Good Morning, slept well?" Daniel asked and Carter nodded while walking over to the kettle and switching it on.

"What about you? slept well? want some coffee?" Carter asked, Daniel shook his head a little and smiled.

"Slept well, though I woke up a few times for this little one, and coffee would be great" He answered Carter's string of questions.

Carter nodded a little then glanced over to Andrea who was being held by Daniel, all snuggled up in her blanket, he couldn't help but smile whenever he saw her little face, he only knew her a day but he felt an immense amount of love for her.

Carter finished up the coffee he was making and placed Daniel's coffee closer to him and then left his cup at the kettle stretching his hands out to Daniel who was trying to make the bottle for Andrea while holding her - at first Daniel was a little confused by Carter's actions but after a few seconds it clicked and he handed her over to Carter and hurriedly finished up the bottle.

"Did you sleep well little one?" Carter asked as he swayed her from side to side, she let out a small coo, almost as if she was replying to his question, he smiled a little, he had always been fond of children, and he could always imagine himself having a big family.

"So Danny any plans for the day?" Carter asked and Daniel shook his head a little.

"Not really, I have work to get caught up on and I need to care for Andrea, I also have to finish unpacking, so nothing else aside from that" Daniel listed, he missed work twice already and he just knew things were piling up, luckily one of his friends sent over his work by email so he can get caught up on everything.

"Such a busy day and you say you have no plans" Carter muses with a smile, "I actually have no plans for the day so I will take care of Andrea while you get some work done," Carter told Daniel who immediately shook his head.

"That's really nice of you Carter but she is my responsibility, I can't just leave her care to you, plus as your secretary, I do know that you in fact do have work to do"  Daniel retorted as he placed his coffee cup down and taking Andrea from Carter and picking up her bottle to feed her.

Carter rolled his eyes a little, he liked working, he was often labeled as a workaholic by his family and even his fiancée often called him one but he couldn't explain why on that specific day he didn't feel like working he just wanted to sit on the couch and relax a little.

"Fine~ but we can work tonight and I will help you unpack, I think that sounds like a better idea," Carter said in his most convincing voice, and Daniel didn't have much of a choice but to agree, he knew Carter had days like these, days were he was a little more childish than usual, it was somewhat refreshing but also mean they hardly got any work done on these days.

"Fine, but the moment we are done unpacking my things we are getting to work Mr. Abbot," Daniel said as he rolled his eyes, Carter pouted a little.

"Wow! What a formal tone," Carter said as he picked up his coffee cup.

"I'm going to go feed her in my room and get her diaper and clothes changed" Daniel said, not feeling like dealing with his friends' antics, he left the kitchen heading right back to his room. 

He finished feeding Andrea and then changed her diaper, he wasn't sure what to dress her in but after mulling over the clothes Carter brought the day before he took his pick and dressed her, he sat and snuggled with her on his bed as he read through some emails from work.

Once she fell asleep he placed her in her crib and took his laptop to the living room to continue on with his work without disturbing her. he took a seat on the floor and set his laptop up on the coffee table and it didn't take long for Carter to come waltzing into the living room with a smug look on his face and taking a seat right next to Daniel and starting his work as well.

The two started their work completely zoning out, only getting up to check on Andrea from time to time, and eventually their work atmosphere was interrupted by someone walking through the front door yelling.

"CARTER ABBOT, WHY WEREN'T YOU AT WORK? WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET FOR LUNCH." The woman's voice echoed, Daniel could only roll his eyes, and then once she stopped yelling Andrea's cries echoed throughout the house.

Both Carter and Daniel sighed in unison at the scene.

"I will take care of Angela and you go take care of Andrea" Carter said as he got up with a huff, Daniel just glared at Angela as he walked past her and went straight to his room.

"WHAT'S HE DOING HERE? WHY IS THERE A BABY CRYING? DO YOU HAVE A SECRET CHILD I DON'T KNOW OF ABBOT" she yelled again, Carter could feel his sanity slipping away with each word slipping from her mouth.

"Let's talk outsi-"

"TALK OUTSIDE? TALK OUTSIDE??" Angela asked as she evidently got more and more annoyed - Carter tried to keep calm, telling himself he was with her for his mother's sake, she wanted him to get into a relationship - she wanted it since his 30th birthday saying something along the lines of he was getting too old to be single.

"Angela - I think you should head home for the day" Carter said sternly, Angela scoffed and glanced behind Carter spotting Daniel with Andrea in his arms.

"HA!! A BABY? HE HAS A BABY? WHAT DID HE ROPE YOU INTO RAISING HER NOW?" Angela yelled, causing Andrea to get more and more upset as well and Carter.

"LEAVE NOW!!" Carter yelled sternly pointing at the door, Angela looked at him a little shocked, no matter what she did he never reacted like that to her, she scoffed at his reaction and stomped out of the house slamming the door behind her.

"Sorry about that Dan" Carter said and Daniel just shook his head.

"It's fine, I'm going to be in my room" Daniel said in a shortened tone and left for his room.

Carter stood in the entry to his living room and just sighed, he wasn't sure what to do...