
The unexpected results of raising a child

Daniel and Carter met for the first time at work, Daniel was his secretary and Carter was the CEO of a multi Generational company, both were workaholics and thus they spent a lot of time together and became best friends. Both had everything planned out for the future but not everything goes as you plan. One day Daniel wakes up to a baby's cries and he find a baby on his doorstep who turns out to be his niece, with the request of his sister he decides to raise her, and Carter being the good friend he is decides to help raise her. Neither of them knew what would happen when they take on the challenge of raising Daniels niece.

nita_mari25 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
57 Chs

Chapter 13

It was still quite early in the morning, Daniel's alarm had just woken him up, he really didn't feel like getting up, but he had a busy day ahead, he finally had an appointment with the doctor for Andrea planned, and he still had to get to work once he was finished with the appointment.

As Daniel headed towards the kitchen he heard a bit of noise coming from inside, he already knew it was probably Carter, so he just shrugged it off and headed in.

"Good morning" Daniel greeted once he saw Carter, Carter just looked up from his cup and nodded in acknowledgement, Daniel sighed a little and continued on his way.

Daniel had a lot of regrets telling Carter about Angela's cheating, since that day he revealed the truth Carter had become quite distant, and he was once again only focused on work, and Daniel could tell just by looking at the man that he was getting probably little to no sleep, and Daniel couldn't help but worry about him, but he knew Carter needed space and time to process things.

Daniel made a bottle for Andrea and then proceeded towards the door of the kitchen again, but as he went past Carter he stopped a little.

"I know you have a lot going on, so you probably forgot, I will be late to work today since I'm taking Andy to the pediatrician" Daniel said and then kept walking not even waiting for a response from Carter.

Daniel didn't mind if Carter pushed him to the side to work through his thoughts, but he wasn't fond of the idea that Carter constantly stayed at work and hardly came home to spend time with Andy, who didn't understand why he suddenly didn't seem to care for her.

Carter looked up from the counter and watched as Daniel's figure retreated out of the kitchen. He felt a pain in his chest but suppressed it and finished off his coffee before heading back to his room to get dressed.

When he got out of his room he headed to the living room, he saw Daniel place Andrea in her rocker as he walked into the living room, he couldn't help but smile a little, Daniel had a lot of love her Andrea and Carter could tell, he could also pick up that Daniel was getting angry at him for being distant towards them, but he wasn't sure what to do with his thoughts.

He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to everything, sure he was already thinking of leaving her but still, when they first started dating he really did have feelings for her and engagement automatically felt like the next step in their relationship after so many years together but still knowing she was cheating on him, and she still felt entitled to use him... he wasn't sure how to deal with the betrayal he felt from that.

"I am heading to work, I'll see you later... Call me if anything happens" Carter said as he stood next to Daniel, he couldn't get himself to meet Daniel's eyes. He felt horrible for pushing him aside to deal with his own feelings, especially because he knew it was a lot for Daniel to take in as well.

Daniel watched as Carter walked out the front door, he let out a small sigh and then continued checking Andrea's diaper bag, and then got himself ready as well.

Once Daniel was ready to go, he collected Andrea's diaper bag and placed it in the bottom of her stroller and then took her out of her rocker and placed her in as well, strapping her in and then heading out.

The doctor's office wasn't that far away from Carter's house, it was one of the main reasons Lisa recommended the doctor to them, since it was closer than most doctors.

He walked a little, he wasn't in a hurry since even if he took his time he would still be in time for his appointment. He was really enjoying the sun and the light breeze.

"Hmm the breeze seems to be cooling down quite a bit, seems autumn is getting closer" Daniel mumbled under his breath, he glanced at the stroller a little, and smiled. 'I guess I will have to go shopping for clothes for Andy' Daniel thought to himself with a small smile.

He couldn't help but notice the clothes that they bought for her were slowly becoming smaller, they've only had her for a little while but still she seemed to be growing up faster than Daniel expected, but he was happy with it even though he was a bit sad, but her growing meant he was doing something right.

When he got to the doctor's office, Daniel headed right in, he reported to the front desk.

"Good Morning, I have an appointment with Dr. Flynn" Daniel said warmly and the receptionist nodded.

"Good morning, are you Mr. Haven?" She asked as she checked the doctor's schedule, and Daniel nodded with a small 'yes' escaping his lips.

"Great, I received the needed information from you via email, so I went ahead and opened a file for your daughter, for the time being you can go take a seat over there and Dr. Flynn will be with you soon" She told Daniel with a warm smile, and he nodded a little, turning the stroller and heading to the waiting area.

It only took a few minutes for them to be called into the office, Daniel made sure to bring Andrea's hospital records from when she was born, so once he took a seat in the doctor's office he took out the file and handed it over to the doctor.

"I am just bringing her in to get a check-up, she is my sister's daughter, but she has been placed in my care, so I just wanted to learn as much possible about her, and her daycare requested an allergy test to be done" Daniel explained to the doctor.

"Great, then let me quickly check these, and then I will do a check-up on Andrea for you and give you the needed things to get her tested for allergies" The doctor said with a warm smile.

She read over the records and smiled a little, "Okay, so it seems that the little one is heading into 3 months old, she will need to be caught up on vaccinations, so it is a good thing you brought her in" she said as she read over the records.

Once she was done with the records she got up and headed over to Andrea's stroller, Daniel quickly unbuckled her and handed her over to the doctor.

"She sure is a calm baby" The doctor told Daniel with a smile.

"She really is, she hardly cries and is usually just happy whenever she is close to people" Daniel told her with a small smile as he thought back to the first few days of having Andrea.

Growing up with his younger siblings he was used to hearing baby's crying quite a lot, but instead he found that Andrea was on the quiet side, and she wasn't really one to get upset, she would whine for a bottle or for a diaper change sometimes for attention, but her attention came in abundance, so she was hardly upset because of that.

The doctor took some time and checked her over and then handed her back to Daniel.

"Everything seems to be going quite well, she is a good weight for her age, and she has grown quite a bit since she was born, overall everything seems to be going well, so there is nothing to be concerned about, I will do her vaccinations, and then we will get to allergy tests" She told Daniel with a big smile after making some notes in her file.

Daniel held Andrea as she got her shots, she cried quite a bit, which was a surprise, but Daniel was quick to comfort her and calm her once again.

Once the vaccines were done, she handed him a paper telling him where to go with her for her allergy tests, and then they were done.

"And that's it for today, please remember to make a follow-up appointment for Andrea at the front desk and if you think there is anything concerning please come in immediately" She told Daniel who nodded with a big smile.

"I will, thank you very much Doctor" Daniel said as he headed out of her office, he stopped at the front desk and made another appointment, and once they were done Daniel left the building and headed over to a park that was close by, he took out his phone and got ready to call for a taxi, but his phone started ringing which stopped him.