
The Unemployed Daredevil

Aki_tu · perkotaan
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 A Lunch Date

Ji-Soo had been thinking about the chance encounter with Min-Jae's father and her own father for days. She couldn't shake off the feeling that it was a sign of some sort. And so, she decided to take a chance and ask Min-Jae out for lunch.

She texted him nervously, her heart beating fast as she waited for his reply. To her relief, he agreed to meet her the next day. She spent the rest of the day trying to figure out what to wear and what to say.

The next day, Ji-Soo arrived at the restaurant early. She wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. She had even prepared a small speech in her mind, in case things got awkward.

But as soon as Min-Jae walked in, she realized that she had nothing to worry about. He smiled at her warmly, and she felt her nerves dissipating. They sat down and ordered their food, and soon they were chatting like old friends.

Ji-Soo felt a sense of ease with Min-Jae that she didn't feel with anyone else. They talked about their jobs and their families, and Min-Jae even shared some funny stories from his childhood.

As they finished their lunch, Ji-Soo felt a pang of disappointment. She didn't want the date to end. But as they got up to leave, Min-Jae surprised her by taking her hand.

"Ji-Soo," he said softly. "I had a really great time today. Can we do this again sometime?"

Ji-Soo felt her heart soar at his words. She nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of hope for the first time in a long time.

As they walked out of the restaurant, Ji-Soo couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter with their fathers. If it weren't for that, she might never have worked up the courage to ask Min-Jae out.

But as happy as she was, she knew that there were still obstacles to overcome. She didn't know if Min-Jae felt the same way about her, and she didn't want to risk their friendship by confessing too soon. But for now, she was content to enjoy the moment and see where things went.